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WoT-related Dream??

Jagen Sedai

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I had an interesting WoT-related dream last night. I was a Red Sister, I think my character Jagen, and we (me and other AS) were about to elect a new Amyrlin. Except instead of one nominee there weer seven; one from each Ajah, and sisters we giving speeches as to why a Sister from one Ajah should be chosen over a Sister from another Ajah. I remember talking to these other two AS, oen was a new White, I don't remember the other, but I was trying to nominate one of them. It was weird..


Anyway, anyone else have WoT-related dreams? ^_^ I think that was my first in all these years. At least that I can actually recall.

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Not WoT related, but in the past week I've started dreaming about people I've met online. :D


"I am Jaydena. I don't want to get out of bed. Soldier, get out of bed and shower for me while I go back to sleep." ;D ;D


*is a very strange person* ;D ;D

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Guest Arie Ronshor

I've had many.. Some of Cairma, some of Arie.. oddly none of Mae (Yet.. ).


Can't seem to remember many off the top of my head, but i know a few of you have made cameo appearances with your characters. O_O

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I'll have to remember to ask you about those cameos, Andrea ;) I am sure that there are some good stories there.


I rarely remember my dreams the next morning so I haven't had any WoT dreams that I recall but I do day dream alot and visualize future RP scenes in my head if that counts.

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