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Indefinite LOA from Dragonmount.


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Hi everyone,


Due to unexpected events in RL, I'm not being able to find it in myself to take part in anything outside RL at the moment. This I'm afraid, includes Dragonmount. I apologise for the mess this might leave some of you in and hope that sometime in the future I'll be able to roleplay here again. Thank you.



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Guest Arie Ronshor


I'm extremely sad to see you leave (again).  :)  But with RL you need to do as you must. Tak care and If you need anything i'm just a PM/EMail or Skype away. *hugs*

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*huggles* Take care of yourself, Mrija. My deepest condolences. I really hope that you will one day be able to return to DM as you are an awesome RPer and valued Staff member and I will miss RPing with you dearly.


Don't be a stranger on Skype!

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