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Damane (contains Spoilers)


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Guest Froix

What's your idea of what will happen to the Seanchean and their damane?


Here are a few facts of the case:


After knowing that she herself can learn to weave saidar, Tuon has not shown any sign of letting the use of damane go.


Most damanes cling to their leashes even more than their masters do.


Egwene is determined to make all women who can channel be associated to and be under the White Tower. She herself has been under the collar once.


Rand is bent on uniting the world before Tarmon Gaidon. He has offered truce to the Seanchean.


Let's not forget Mat, the prince of the Ravens.


I don't have any idea how the Seanchan will bend to fit into the new world that is coming to be, but I do think the collars will be gone.


Assuming that the Seanchan do join in the fighting at TG, I think being in such close proximity to and working alongside free women who can channel, not only Aes Sedai, will have an effect on their view of collaring women who can channel. Plus it has been learned that Suldam are also potential channelers. I think Tuon denied that she could learn to channel, didn't she? I'll have to reread it. But if it is proved she can, I think she may have a hand in changing some of their rules.


I think it's going to be a big point when Rand and Tuon meet, and most likely I think the Damane will be freed. I don't think Rand's going to like having enslaved followers.

Guest Froix

I agree. Unless the damane are freed, the series will undoubtedly have a premature ending. Although given the damane's attitude, they'll have to be forcibly freed.


The suldams, I would think, would be easier to handle. I think it was Elayne who has ordered some suldams returned to the Seanchean. The kin also has had some success converting some the of the suldams.


* Tuon's attitude towards damane is a bit disappointing. I wonder how that relationship's gonna turn out. *


I think Rand is more realistic than that. He needs an alliance with the Seanchan, and i suspect that all he will ask for is that they stop leashing women for the time being.


That being said, i think this will be one of the things hinted at... as in, in fighting alongside the Aes Sedai, Wise Ones etc, along with the revelation that sul'dam can channel, the Seanchan will begin to change their view on it... like, insideously. The implication at the end is that the Seanchan will begin to free damane in time.

Guest Majsju

Well, the best solution would of course to kill every single Seanchan except for the damane. Not that simple death would be enough punishment for what they've done, but...


I've always liked to think that the Seanchan will begin to degrade when the knowledge of the sul'dam is made public. Much in the same way the Aiel split.


Just as an exercise in futility, lets say that Rand defeating the Dark One makes humans unable to touch the Source for the next few Ages.


How will the Seanchan fare?


They are still the strongest military force aside from maybe the united clans of the Aiel, so i would say they'd fare pretty well. But i dont think channeling will die.


i think that you're dreaming if you think the seanchan will overturn their entire way of thinking 'if rand so desires'

i agree that i find tuons attitude disapointing, but i dont think she would be in character if she suddenly changed something that is such a core to her life and beliefs.

that is what this is; a perverted verion of hawkwing's views on life the universe and chanellers. :wink:

i think there will hve to be a stalemate, some sort of treaty which forces each side to accep the others' views.


I don't think Tuon is utterly blinded by her socialization. She was capable of discussing the matters quite intellectually with Satelle Anan. For the short term, yes it wont change, but i think fighting alongside free channelers and everything else will begin a change.

  \ said:
I don't think Tuon is utterly blinded by her socialization. She was capable of discussing the matters quite intellectually with Satelle Anan. For the short term' date=' yes it wont change, but i think fighting alongside free channelers and everything else will begin a change.[/quote']


I agree with Luckers and some others on this board about this. I think that in the long run RJ won't be able to fully flesh out the changes to the Seanchan society, but there will be an undeniable implication by the end of AMoL that the change is coming.


With the fact that Rand won't be able to stand by with people in enslavement, Egwene having been in the collar before and being in the ultimate seat of power for the Aes Sedai, and Matt now being the (however reluctantly) Prince of Ravens there is inevitable change coming to the Seanchan way of life. The entire empire will be re-shaped just by Mat being married to Tuon alone. He can't stand the idea of the Damane being on leashes and controlled by Suldam.


Again...I don't think these changes will actually flesh out during the last book, but they will be implicated. It would be GREAT if RJ did a Prologue with some updates that are post TG.

  \ said:
I think Tuon denied that she could learn to channel' date=' didn't she? I'll have to reread it. But if it is proved she can, I think she may have a hand in changing some of their rules.[/quote']


KoD spoilers:





Actually she admitted to Mat that she might be able to learn to channel, but that doesn't mean that she would choose to. This was during the incident when she sneaked leashes on the 3 Aes Sedai (Joline, Teslyn and the other one ;) ) when they confronted her.


This doesn't look good on the part of channelers. Tuon definitely seems to effect a narrow minded view of the world, (check out her sticking to her superstitions but denying the existence of taveren and dark one's eyes...) but she isn't a fool. I doubt she'll change her views and let damane go just like that, but I think she might be more open minded in time when she considers the full implications of suldam being able to learn to channel.


She did accept going along with Mat rather than betraying him and having him flayed alive or turned into da'cavale (or whatever it's called). True she had a prophesy but even so it proves her open-mindedness.

I think a lot of people are taking what Rand would or wouldn't do for granted. Don't forget, he is completely capable of destroying all but the remnants of a renmant of an ENTIRE people. Why would he have qualms about leaving people in enslavement? Better a slave then all of creation destroyed. It is something that can be worked on AFTER the DO is defeated. Now I'm not saying he wouldn't be mad/upset about having to do it, but right now he is all about defeating the DO.

Don't forget that Rand had no problem sending captured Suldam and Da-Mane back to the Seanchan to give message of his desire to speak with Tuon.

Since he didn't mind sending them back into slavery, he has shown a willingness to compromise over that issue to achieve his greater goals.

  \ said:
Don't forget that Rand had no problem sending captured Suldam and Da-Mane back to the Seanchan to give message of his desire to speak with Tuon.

Since he didn't mind sending them back into slavery' date=' he has shown a willingness to compromise over that issue to achieve his greater goals.[/quote']


Rand is certainly not governed by what we consider morality. He is only concerned with getting to the last battle. He constanly laments using his friends and allies. He cares, but he won't show it, nor will he flinch from any action that he believes will take him down the road he needs to go.



I do hope he insists they stop leashing people though... i mean, after the way he just gave the aes sedai 50 asha'men, i worry that he might capitulate to anything to get the alliance and not ruffle feathers.

Guest Froix

I think Egwene feels responsible for all women who can channel, being Amyrlin and all, so she might have a big role in handling the damane. And I don't think she has forgotten being collared by the Seanchean.


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