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[Video Game] Quote Game...


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Just a spin off of the movie quote game, give us 'gamers' something to pin our knowledge at each other. :P

Same rules, no lookieupthequotie, Unless no one figures it out within an adequate time slot. (figure, 9 hours after post?) Just to keep the game moving.


Someone posts Quote, if you guess right, or know it is right, you get to come up with a quote of your own. Or you can pass it to someone else... Simple, right?  ;)


Here goes.


"Vae Victus -- suffering to the conquered. Ironic that now I was the one suffering. Not anything as pedestrian as physical pain. Rather the cruel jab of impotent anger -- the hunger for revenge. I didn't care if I was in Heaven or Hell -- all I wanted was to kill my assassins. Sometimes you get what you wish for. The Necromancer Mortanius offered me a chance for vengeance. And like a fool, I jumped at his offer without considering the cost. Nothing is free, not even revenge."

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umm, I'm going to guess Max Payne


Errr wrong.



It was released in 96', 2 years shy of a launch title. I has 5 games in the series, this is the first. a direct sequal, 2 'offshoot' sequals, and a 5th title, comibining the plot lines of the two, together to complete it. It takes place in the land called Nosgoth.


If I say to much more, I'll have spoiled it. I didn't put the 'character' name in the quote, because his 'name' is in the title, and it is his legacy.  ;)

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One of the games in the Legacy of Kain series. Dunno which one though. =/


Well, you got the series right, but I did tell you it was released in 96', 2 years after the psx was released, so you know its a psx title. You also know it is at least 11 years old. :P


But I'll say you got it close enough, so feel free to post a quote of your own. (After all, mine was an OBSCURE video game.) ;D

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Well, i was only a wee toddler back then, so don't fault me. Either Blood Omen or Soul Reaver if it was on the psx. None of the sequels undoubtedly.


"Didn't we have some fun, though? Remember when the platform was sliding into the fire pit and I said 'goodbye', and you were like 'no way'? And then I was all 'we pretended we were going to murder you'. That was great."



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Well, i was only a wee toddler back then, so don't fault me. Either Blood Omen or Soul Reaver if it was on the psx. None of the sequels undoubtedly.


"Didn't we have some fun, though? Remember when the platform was sliding into the fire pit and I said 'goodbye', and you were like 'no way'? And then I was all 'we pretended we were going to murder you'. That was great."




heh, I should know this quote, the quote I used came from Legacy of Kain: Blood Omen 1. :P

I want to say that quote is from some RPG, its not Disgaea is it? Or Chrono Trigger?

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Oh, no. It's a very recent game. A spin-off from a currently very successful series. Think Orange...


Doh, portal. DUH lol

If I read that with the 'computerized chicks voice' I woulda had that. :P



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"Then they must love the smell of Bulgari. Yeah that's right I'm doing a little bit of product placement, I gotta make a living too you know?"


If Empy doesn't get this, I'm ashamed of you, You hear that? Ashamed! :P

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"Oh, great ______, why didn't you just exterminate the human race 400 years ago?"


I should have known this quote, given my love for this game and other rpgs, After all it is one of the best RPGs ever made...

But alas, The last time I played it, I was like 10ish, on the super nintendo, rented it for 3 solid months, and didn't even come close to beating it. (plus my mother kept jacking it to get further then me) We had a huge 'late fee' that I think still exists today... But I never did get to beat it, and finding a PSX version is nigh impossible...


Hence, why I had to look up that quote, cause it was pure awesomeness.

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Chrono Trigger!  ;D Although maybe I should be a little ashamed that I *didn't* have to look that one up to know. I can even recall, it was Ozzie's blue-skinned descendant in Medina Village who said that, now that's some dorkhood right there.

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well that's the point of this thread, you're suppose to know what game it's from


and there's nothing wrong with remembering game quotes, especially with such a rocking game as Chrono Trigger


oh, and you're not suppose to look it up or anything :P

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  • Community Administrator

well that's the point of this thread, you're suppose to know what game it's from


and there's nothing wrong with remembering game quotes, especially with such a rocking game as Chrono Trigger


oh, and you're not suppose to look it up or anything :P


If I don't know it, I look it up, but don't tell. Mostly cause it'll drive me nuts if I know that quote from somewhere. :P


Also remember, on the first page, I said if the quote doesn't get answered within a reasonable time, looking it up is fine, to keep the game moving. :P

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That's the original Final Fantasy, I don't know the name of the town but I can tell you that that was a joke on Dragon Quest (Dragon Warrior in America).  Some versions say May Link rest in Peace a poke at Zelda.

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Good call on the recognition! The town was Elfland, which made me think of LotR, and how awesome it would have been if Square had done a LotR RPG.


I had to look up your quote. Haven't played it yet. I haven't bought a new console since the SNES, though I picked up an N64 off eBay a while back. *laugh*

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Final Fantasy 10.  ;D


Navigator: Heeeey, it's a girl... She might me cute, you know. Heh, heh...

Captain: Heh, heh my ass, you sicko. Who the hell cares how she looks? She's dead.

Pilot: Exactly. Besides, she's facing the other way. It's a shame we can't meet face to face...

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Oh God, one of those annoying Japanese games my housemate used to play all the time and go on about how fantastic they were when most of them were, in fact, rubbish. Can't remember which one it was. They all blended into one.


Since this seems to be a console-oriented thread, people may not have come across this one, which is a crime:


"When a mind does not *know* itself, it is flawed. When a mind is flawed, the man is flawed. When a man is flawed, that which he touches is flawed. It is said that what a flawed man sees, his hands make broken."


From the greatest roleplaying computer game ever made, bar none. And probably the best-written dialogue in any computer game of any genre, ever (IMO, obviously ;) ).

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