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groups of female channelers ..how will Egwene unite them?


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Egwene goes one about how she wants all women who can channel tied to the white tower - some how work together peacefully and respect each other.


We know her plan for the Kin but what about the others?

Will they work together "under" Egwene - or as equals with an own leader? And what will be their contribution to the community of female channelers?


We have:

Aes Sedai - who think they know it all and need to teach the others, but might be up for some surprises.

The Kin: know a lot about healing and will come "under" the tower as a pension scheme

The windfinder: know more then they lt on, get the tower into the bargain of teaching (even things they already know (see shielding discussion)They know more then anyone else about weather.

The Aiel wise ones:

not all channelers- know a lot about dream walking, they always knew the travelling weave - what else do they know?

Damane and Sul'dam: well here is a real challenge :-)

know about warfare, finding minerals, :-? Anything else?


So how will Ewgene unite all these proud and skilled woman


I don't see all the women channelers being united behind Egwene, only all the Aes Sedai.


Rand is pretty much your only hope for uniting all the channellers. Male and Female.


Aes Sedai have managed to make most ppl who don't really know them untrustful of them, and most ppl that DO know them even less trustful.


Aeil Wise One's follow no one.(except the stupid Shaido one's)


sorry no - they knew at least Sorilea did - she shows the wave to Cadusane in TPoD,Ch12


Also Avi knew it somehow by instinct - so the knowledge was there somewhere even before she was trained to use it.

  \ said:
sorry no - they knew at least Sorilea did - she shows the wave to Cadusane in TPoD' date='Ch12


Also Avi knew it somehow by instinct - so the knowledge was there somewhere even before she was trained to use it.[/quote']


Egwene teaches the wise ones in the dream world as a gesture of thanks for what she's learned about TAR, and sorilea teaches cads as a gesture of trust. It is really there, check it out.


Also, I reccomend reading the part where Avi is leaving Elayne in KoD, and the wise one taking her (forget her name) reflects on how they can travel leagues in a step, and what strange things they learned in the wetlands.


Also, by that nature, since Rand figured out all sorts of things on his own, are you going to say the Two Rivers folk knew those things?


The pattern is bringing stuff out is all.



ok you have convinced me :-) but it was just a side point to say that all groups have some special knowledge that others don't have


I also can't see them really united under or behind Egwene - just wanted to hear some other ideas first.


What I CAN imagine, (even so I don't think we will see it happen in the books :-( with just one more to go)


is a kind of exchange programme between a partners with maybe council of leaders.

So an Aes Sedai wants to learn more about the weather - she goes and joins the windfinders for a year, some one wants to learn healing joins the kin or the yellow for a while etc... any other ideas?


The problem is that Aes Sedai could never be anything other then the undisputed leaders... like, in their own minds. The Windfinders have a sort of selfish 'me, me, me' mentality. And the Wise Ones are content as they are. Remember Aviendha saying that the wise ones would never make an alliance with the Black Tower, because they wouldn't compromise their integrity, or whatever. And i doubt even the Kin are going to be as easy to convince, what with the backbone they are growing.


Some possibilities:


1) (probable) Eg re-unites the WT by exposing/finding Mesaana and defeating her somehow. It will come to be known that the AS civil war has been architected by Mesaana all along.


2) (somewhat likely) The Seanchan will attack the WT, but somehow Tuon will be involved in saving Eg, perhaps creating a Seanchan/WT alliance.


3) (maybe) The last battle will involve LOTS of powerful channelers in big linked circles. Eg will call upon all of the channelling cultures to get involved, since she is by far the most likely to make that sort of call because she has walked among all the cultures. Nothing like the end of the world to bring people together.



Also, there is the fact that Eg is really young to be Amyrlin. She has not been indoctrinated into the "we pull the strings of all the thrones in Randland" stuff for decades. So maybe she could bring about a nicer, gentler (no pun intended) White tower.


4) She might declare something similar to Rand's amnesty, where all women who can channel can come into the tower for training, or to teach skills particular to their cultures. So perhaps the re-unified White tower will not be just for Aes Sedai, but for all women who can channel. (Won't the sitters just LOVE that).


i like the last idea you have there


personally, it think that WT novices could do with a year or so as a wiseones aprentice, or working on a ship.

what if women who can channel are traind by a combination of the channneling powers (ie, wiseones, windfinders and aes sedai) and possibly even the kin. and then can choose where they would like to live and 'work'. like a new system of ajahs in a broader sense.

the kin could even then go and live in villages in retirement and work as wisdoms and recruiters for the 'new' tower.

i mean the WT is a very politically motivated place, it might not be for everybody...like medical residents choosing a specialisation after doing their various rotations.


I always thought Egwene's idea of uniting all the chanellers was really just about knowing what was happening with all of them. I don't figure she'll ever really unite them. I think they are all too set in their own ways to allow full integration with one another... however I do believe that the White Tower is the one place where each of these individual groups would be willing to send their people for training or to train others.


Think about it this way. Egwene is in a unique place. She is the Amyrlin of the rebels (and I think we all know she's going to find a way to reunite the Tower and make it whole again), she has trained as a Wise One's apprentice, she has knowledge of the Windfinders, has Nynaeve's in with the Kin and Mat's in with the Seanchan. What other ruler would be better placed to make the White Tower a place of learning? With Rand setting up his Universities, Egwene will be thinking along the same lines. Save the knowledge that we can. What better place than in the White Tower? She makes alliances with each group, but say the Wise Ones that want to learn more about working the weather... they come to the White Tower to learn it instead of going directly to a WIndfinder. It gives Tar Valon it's prestige back, without hampering each individual group which, to be honest, have all done better without White Tower infulence. The White Tower has lost knowledge and it's ability to learn new things, whereas the other groups have steadily grown through time. I think that is how Egwene will unite them all.

  \ said:
I always thought Egwene's idea of uniting all the chanellers was really just about knowing what was happening with all of them. I don't figure she'll ever really unite them. I think they are all too set in their own ways to allow full integration with one another... however I do believe that the White Tower is the one place where each of these individual groups would be willing to send their people for training or to train others.


Think about it this way. Egwene is in a unique place. She is the Amyrlin of the rebels (and I think we all know she's going to find a way to reunite the Tower and make it whole again)' date=' she has trained as a Wise One's apprentice, she has knowledge of the Windfinders, has Nynaeve's in with the Kin and Mat's in with the Seanchan. What other ruler would be better placed to make the White Tower a place of learning? With Rand setting up his Universities, Egwene will be thinking along the same lines. Save the knowledge that we can. What better place than in the White Tower? She makes alliances with each group, but say the Wise Ones that want to learn more about working the weather... they come to the White Tower to learn it instead of going directly to a WIndfinder. It gives Tar Valon it's prestige back, without hampering each individual group which, to be honest, have all done better without White Tower infulence. The White Tower has lost knowledge and it's ability to learn new things, whereas the other groups have steadily grown through time. I think that is how Egwene will unite them all.[/quote']


I think what she's looking for is more of a loose confederacy based on trade to mutual benefit. All non AS have something to offer, and the AS know things they don't. Send a few of yours to the tower in return for info coming the other way, and you have the basis for a pretty good deal.


Of course, the last battle is coming, and I wonder if anything will be stable enough for these deals to still have any meaning.


The time after the last battle is supposed to be rough for humanity, isn't it?


i like the last idea you have there


personally, it think that WT novices could do with a year or so as a wiseones aprentice, or working on a ship.

what if women who can channel are traind by a combination of the channneling powers (ie, wiseones, windfinders and aes sedai) and possibly even the kin. and then can choose where they would like to live and 'work'. like a new system of ajahs in a broader sense.


Hi I like that - is like a programme we have at our Uni - people can take courses all around Europe you choose and pick your own focus - so the girls coming to learn will have a core course in their own culture and then can take different "modules" - I guess in the end there would have to be some kind of ritual, test - do we know anything about the tests in other cultures? I think the wise ones used to go through the glass things, as the clan chiefs have to do. What about the windfinder?


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