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November 2nd, PS3 Price Cut.


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  • Community Administrator

Yeah, but they only run at 30fps on the PS3.  Xbox has them at 60fps AND at 1080p. 


lies and you know it! Her legs aren't developped by EA. They are obviously Square Enix, and aren't even avaiable to the fratboy xsuxors. :P


Cads legs are anything but square!  You're just jealous because us Joxbox Rockers, get better Legs than you PunySaps.  ;D ;D ;D


I think its something I drank, I'm on a roll tonight.

  • Community Administrator

Cads legs are anything but square!  You're just jealous because us Joxbox Rockers, get better Legs than you PunySaps.  ;D ;D ;D


I think its something I drank, I'm on a roll tonight.


You can't deny the awesomeness that is Square Enix! Whats the greatest CG Xbox has to offer? Halo 3?

FF13 ingame > halo 3 cg. :P

Its a compliment to say cads legs are rendered by square enix, over Bungie.. I mean, you think her legs are long and elastic?


The best CG I've seen is Bioshock.  Though I don't want to have Cad's legs genetically or surgically altered, since they're quite simply, perfect.  Its called Wooing the lady, SD, its something your Precious$ony, is only just learning to do with customers as of November 2. ;) Microsoft knows just how to do it.  :D  Provide an easier to use and 'better' product until there is no competition and therefore no alternatives, then make crap.  But until that crap comes we get Cads' Legs in all their digital spendor.


I would LOVE to step in and participate in this amusing banter, but I'm afraid my lack of gaming knowledge would render me unfunny. So I'll just sit here and look pretty. ^_^


Just say "I'm a sexbox 360 but if you try to turn me on I will throw the red ring of death at you." and we will both laugh our heads off and giggle like school girls.  ;D :D ;)

  • Community Administrator

Just say "I'm a sexbox 360 but if you try to turn me on I will throw the red ring of death at you." and we will both laugh our heads off and giggle like school girls.  ;D :D ;)


Bioshock has no CG, just cut scenes.



Look at it like this

*note, resolution is not in full 1080p*



width=640 height=360http://www.final-fantasy-13.com/wp-content/uploads/2006/05/ff13_image_3.jpg[/img]

width=640 height=360http://www.final-fantasy-13.com/wp-content/uploads/2006/05/ff13_image_6.jpg[/img]

width=640 height=360http://www.final-fantasy-13.com/wp-content/uploads/2006/09/versus13_image_tgs_1.jpg[/img]


Rumor is, the one of the chick are INGAME.

and um... the chick is the blonde, not the dark haired guy. :P


Whoops, I just remembered thinking good lord, but this game is beautiful.


SD, I'm gonna have to not hold my breath until they actually sell the game on that.  It seems a little too good to be true.

  • Community Administrator

Especially since they've been so well known for pre-rendered cutscenes starting from the moment technology was able to support it. *laugh*



Actually, the one of the blonde chick, IS gameplay footage. The one of the black haired girly man is probably pre-rendered, but made by the team who created ADVENT children.



anyways, that contains a few CG and a few ingame shots.


Considering that the trailer there was about 95% cutscene, the in-game action we could see looked very high quality.


Based solely on what I saw, I really couldn't see obvious indications of whether the cutscenes were pre-rendered or real-time 3D generated. The technology is really at the point where the line is being blurred.


Some close-up cutscene portions appeared to use particularly high polygon meshes, distant high-polygon geometry, and reflection processing that would doubtless be wasteful if rendered in-game, so my opinion is still leaning heavily towards pre-rendered cutscenes, but the too-few, too-quick, too-short in-game real-time rendered portions still looked pretty good!


i've never actually played all the way through a FF game :P is it all 1 continuing story line?


nope, every single game (with the exception of 10,11,12, and the offshoots of 7, are all completely differnet universes. Different stories, everything.


See, I never understood that. How can you have game sequels that have nothing to do with the game before it? I mean, you might as well make a whole new title for it.


Brand recognition and loyalty. For everyone that enjoyed a previous FF, seeing another one will give the company an advantage that a completely separate name would not have.

  • Community Administrator

i've never actually played all the way through a FF game :P is it all 1 continuing story line?


nope, every single game (with the exception of 10,11,12, and the offshoots of 7, are all completely differnet universes. Different stories, everything.


See, I never understood that. How can you have game sequels that have nothing to do with the game before it? I mean, you might as well make a whole new title for it.


Becaus each game is a story, it has a beginning, a middle, and an End. And each story is different. Some may be love stories, others may be some sorta pandering about how industrilization is killing the planet.


If Final Fantasy had direct sequals, do you really think it would have maintained this fandom after 12 games?

It would have died off, fast. but since every game is new, a new story, a new world, a new universe, you can expect a great game each time. Instead of the same old story, the same old gameplay ect...


that said, FF13 is slightly different.

There is

Final Fantasy 13.

Final Fantasy Versus 13. (made by the guys who maded advent children)

Final Fatnasy Agito 13. (Some other thing not much known, possibly psp or cell game.


What do these have in common?

It isn't the same story, nor is it the same game. Its not even a continuation.

But they are related in that they share the same history, the same universe, the same myths/legends ect. (most other ff's have different backgrounds, sharing a few themes)

Its basically thought that FFVersus 13, is FF13, from the 'other guys' side.


You're missing some key bits of information. As a bit of a Square fanboy i spent too much time fapping to this.


FFXIII and Versus are not in the same universe. Indeed it is far from being so. The only true connection between the games is that they've further developed the idea of crystals being entities. Both games revolve around this.



Two locations have been revealed to the public so far; Pulse and Cocoon. The world of Final Fantasy XIII is called Pulse. The overworld is plagued by monsters, though little else is known about it.


Cocoon was created by a Crystal as the ideal environment for humans to live in. It is a haven for humankind against Pulse. Cocoon is a beautiful city, floating in the sky. It is defended by the Crystal which created it (Cocoon's Crystal), and has many advanced technologies protecting it. The Crystal creates many things for the city and its inhabitants, such as machines for the people to use. It also produces living beings and raises them. The Crystal closely looks after its people.





As with every Final Fantasy, the style of this world is unique, appearing to blend both modern and medieval aesthetics. The main character's country appears to be very advanced and modern, as one example, while neighboring countries appear to have remained in an era similar to the Middle Ages. The main power in the world are the Crystals. All the countries (aside from the protagonist's) have had them at one time, only to lose them in continual warfare. They had pooled their resources into weapons, granting them advanced rifles rather than swords and magic. Now, only the main character's country has a Crystal, triggering debate over its use as it is beneficial to the military. Recently, a peace treaty was discussed (Mentioned in the radio in the JF trailer). However, marauders with guns invade the city as the main character battles them, disrupting the peace.


Don't credit me on those, i took them from wiki. And Versus is being produced alongside the AC team with the KH team. It should be interesting. But basically. Cocoon seems to be a long and well established city. Protection from the outisde world so that they can thrive and actually live out their days without the constant threat from roaming monsters. It also seems as if the crystal is not focused on being a tool used for the military or a tool they can control themselves, it has it's own will and will protect its people how it sees fit.


In Versus, however, it seems as if the crystals can be controlled by mankind itself. And that if this were based on Pulse, well, the cities outside that no longer have crystals would not even be able to survive. The marauding monsters would have long since disposed of them if the overworld were plagued by them. And no, without crystals the cities would not be able to float. It also does not seem as if Pulse were in constant warfare, whereas the unnamed world of Versus is.

  • Community Administrator

Well, I could have been wrong, I really don't know. There is sooo little info about the games right now, its hard to seperate rumor and fact.

But I think we can agree on, that the FFXIII games, are based upon the same 'mythology'. Like FFXII was based on the zodiac brave story? (or something like that...)


That was probably the funniest part of the entire video.


That moment made me laugh out loud and clap at the office, and I'm surprised nobody peeked in to see what was up!


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