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Yes, they will be finished. Before he died, RJ told the entire story to Harriet and Wilson, and a third person whose name I can't recall right now, but she took notes of eeverything said during that session.


There's also loads of notes, as well as audiorecordings done by RJ, not to mention a good chunk of the book already been written by himself.


So, all material needed to finish the story is out there, it's just the matter of who and when it will be done. To me, Harriet would be the logical choice, but even if she does not want to do it, I think she wants to be involved in the process, and I think and hope she will take her time mourning before starting with the work.

  • 4 weeks later...


I'm new to the WoT series, i heard of it from some random person.

luckily enough i found the english versions of part 2 and 7 in the bookstore nearby.

I live in The Netherlands.

Now my question is is it nescessary to read book 1 first?

Cause if so, i will try to get my hands on that one first. :p

Thanks ahead for your answer.




Let me show you what order I read the books in...

The Shadow Rising

The Dragon Reborn

New Spring

A Crown of Swords

The Eye of The World

The Great Hunt

Lord of Chaos

after that I went with the normal way (meaning Fires of Heaven, then others in order)


RJ is one of those authors where they reintroduce all the characters as well as the plot multiple times even in the same story. It's very interesting to watch the development of the characters, then watch him reintroduce that character in a new book along with that new development...


So for new readers... It would be nice if you could read the series in order, but it's not required...


The WT was founded and built after the Breaking.  According to the BWB (the Big White Book with the long name if you're not familiar with the acronym) the construction of Tar Valon and the Tower began in 98 AB and was completed around 202 AB.


That is correct, the WT was built after the Breaking...


But before the Breaking there existed the Hall of Servants, which was a combination of both male and female Aes Sedai...


didnt he get the sword from tam? and then got trained to perfection by lan?


He did indeed get his sword from Tam, who was a Blademaster with an Aes Sedai made sword. However, he was not trained to perfection by Lan, as evidenced in The Great Hunt when Lan said something like "You learn very fast, I can make you worthy of the that heron mark in a couple of years, but you don't have a couple of years." (I'm probably wrong off the words, but that's the general message he conveys.)


Indeed, Rand goes about his own training mostly after that; I remember scenes with him practicing the sword in the Waste and later in Caemlyn when he fights 5 of the best he can find and Bashere tosses a knife at him. Although I'm not sure where the question came from since I cant see it on any of the more recent pages, but nevermind ;)





As far as finishing Memory Of Light... I know all the notes are there.   



We just need a professional writer to wrap things up and tie a pretty bow on it.


So, co-author nominations ?


R.A. Salvatore and Brian Daley leap to mind.  They both have experience in the genre.



If you haven't read Brian Daley's "A Man of his Word" series, go to the library now. 


I know, the library's closed right now, and it may be winter where you live, but trust me, it's worth standing out in the cold waiting... although you might get arrested for trespassing.



What other authors could finish Memory ?





I'd like to throw George R. R. Martin's name in the hat. Their styles are fairly similar, IMO.


As for Salvatore, I like his Drizzt books, but I don't know if he could handle a plot of this scope.


The problem with Martin or any other good author is that it will take 6 month to a year to complete AMOL-- will any of them be willing to take this much tome off their own writing. Also, most of these writers are under contract with other publishers, they may not be legally able to write a book that TOR will publish


Well doesn't TOR have some money? They could just pay off the other publishers, and since the return will be so large, the demand for the last book is increasing as we speak, that it wouldn't matter if they paid off the other publishers.


But until then, I don't think we'll see the next book anytime soon...






They could just pay off the other publishers


And pay the writer and pay RJ's estate a royalty.  Its possible but TOR (like any business is looking to maximize profits). The price that another publisher might demand might be quite high. Thus I suspect that either Harriot or another author now in TOR's stable will finish the book.(God anybody but Goodkind!).


And since AMOL was not due out until 2009 I will not start worrying until 2010.


No offense to anyone, but hope it's not Modesitt, all of his books have the exact same structure to me... If anyone knows what I'm talking about... NICE... If you don't, go look up L.E. Modesitt on Wiki and look at the critique he has despite him being commercially successful...

  • 2 weeks later...

Here's a question on an entirely diffeent tangent: in the cycle of head shots in the upper left corner of this site (which are awesome, by the way), who is the girl with the hat?  I think I've identified all of the other pictures, but this one stumps me.


I apologize if this question has been answered elsewhere, but I could not find it.


As for the topic of the most recent posts in this thread: I love Salvatore, but I agree with Baldar, AMOL may be beyond him.  I have not read Martin, so I cannot comment on his ability.  No matter what happens, I think we are looking at a LONG delay.  RJ was, in my view, a one-of-a-kind author, and it will be an enormous task to complete his work.



The WT was founded and built after the Breaking.  According to the BWB (the Big White Book with the long name if you're not familiar with the acronym) the construction of Tar Valon and the Tower began in 98 AB and was completed around 202 AB.


That is correct, the WT was built after the Breaking...


But before the Breaking there existed the Hall of Servants, which was a combination of both male and female Aes Sedai...



I havn't finished reading all 11 books so forgive me if this is stupid.


A friend of mine who has finished all the published books, Has said to me he is sure that the Hall Of The Servents still stands. He said he thought that it was burried under the mountain near the pit of doom. If this is wrong could someone please straighten me out. Thanks, Oh Also was Parin Desin where Dragon Mount stands now or near the Pit of Doom? He seems to think that when LTT offed himself in the prolog of Eye of The World thats where he was.










I'm pretty sure the hall of servants got blasted; when we see through the eyes of Rand's ancestors in TSR, one of the Aes Sedai there reports that two of the crazy men are headed towards Paaren Disen and everyone had fled.


Lews Therin Traveled before he zapped himself and made Dragonmount, and he wasn't in the hall of servants before that, I believe he was in his home or something.


We dunno where Paaren Disen was (and with it the hall of servants), in relation to the bore / Shoyal Ghul IIRC.

A friend of mine who has finished all the published books, Has said to me he is sure that the Hall Of The Servents still stands. He said he thought that it was burried under the mountain near the pit of doom. If this is wrong could someone please straighten me out. Thanks, Oh Also was Parin Desin where Dragon Mount stands now or near the Pit of Doom? He seems to think that when LTT offed himself in the prolog of Eye of The World thats where he was.


I think your friend is trying to trick you. Before the Breaking, SG was an island, so it is extremely Paran Disen where anywhere near it.


In the prologue of tEOTW, LTT is in his home. He is sane enough to travel to an area he knows to be isolated before ODing the OP.



i suggested someone remake the asmodean thread so that all main aspects were addressed in the first post, and ideas were less likely to be repeated.


I'm probably going to regret this, but here goes anyway.


they probably closed it so that the updater didn't have to bother with continous increasing amounts of info to sort through




Basic information for all serious suspects are to be found in the first few posts.


Thing is, new posters rarely bothers to read even page 1, they just skip ahead to the last page and posts whatever bright idea they think they have come up with.




This is a popular opinion I have noticed. Quite a few people think that because they were not personally quoted in another person's post that obviously that person has not read the entire thread. I admit that this may very well be the case in some threads, especially if they happen to be 188 pages long.


But I think we are missing the point. I believe that most of the people who post on threads, especially the Asmodean ones, are doing so, for the most part, so that they can have a record somewhere of their opinion on a topic before it is proved or disproved conclusively. So even though your post may have been more coherent or well organized or first in a thread should not really matter since it's only just your opinion. Frankly, I don't like having my opinions ridiculed no matter when in a thread I post them. Or whether or not I agree with the majority on "basic information" or "serious Suspects" It's not even like this is the first Who killed Asmo thread, or the third or whatever.


But here's where I have a problem. This particular thread is for Frequently Asked Questions made mostly by "new posters" for whom this is probably the first thread they will read. Especially since it's the first thread on the first page of the Discussion Forum. So maybe we should let the new guys have their "bright ideas" and let them wait until they actually post something you don't agree with to jump all over them.


I guess I should temper this by saying I just wanted to let the new guys know there are lots of people here who really do want to know who you think killed Asmodean. :)




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