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Guest Egwene

Kathana, I can't see where on that link the option to post is.


Help :(

  • Moderator

Good question. Apparently its not turned on yet. Email Books@dragonmount.com with your questions and Bob will get to them.

Guest Egwene

thanks....and while there is a chance you might read this....there is no way of knowing if when you have send someone (in this case you :) ) a PM whether they have actually received/opened it, is there?

Guest Egwene

I did actually wonder if there was any way of having that line under the forum options flashing when a message has arrived....I suppose people that use PMs a lot check out of habit.....but if not....it's quite easily overlooked...


edit: just noted the postscript fader...ok, will do.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
Guest Thom Merrilin

I have a question of my own.


What exactly are "sticky" topics. Are they just permanent ones?


Sticky topics are ones that are "stuck" to the top of the forum, instead of falling down on the page, and then into old pages, as people stop posting on them and make new topics. It's an easy way to make sure new people see important topics the first time the read a forum, or for regulars to see when something important has a new reply on it.

Guest Thom Merrilin

Alright then, thank you!

  • 5 weeks later...

who did the vingnettes of the characters that appear on the top lefthand side? they are quite good and would be a cool screen saver if i could DL them. :lol:

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • Moderator

Book 12 is tenatively titled "A Memory of Light" and will be released as soon as Jordan finishes writing it.

  • 2 weeks later...

So I can't get the FAQ to accept my question, but that could be cause I'm new here and am not sure how it works.


Anyway does anyone know when Robert will be bringing this cash cow to an end?


And if he ever plans on signing in New Zealand or Edmonton, Alberta.

  • Community Administrator
So I can't get the FAQ to accept my question, but that could be cause I'm new here and am not sure how it works.


Anyway does anyone know when Robert will be bringing this cash cow to an end?


And if he ever plans on signing in New Zealand or Edmonton, Alberta.


Wot is one of the few fantasy series out there that isn't a 'cash cow'

Cash cow says 'they make lots of books just to make money'

If that were true, rj would write 20 page books for $50.

So you think books 4,5,6,7,8 were absolutely necessary to the story line and couldn't be condensed?


I thought they were fine the way they were. BTW, how can you have an opinion if you think Rand MIGHT knock someone up.... did you even read the books?

  • Community Administrator
So you think books 4' date='5,6,7,8 were absolutely necessary to the story line and couldn't be condensed?[/quote']


Milking a cash cow implies the author writes short little stories pumping out like 30 books a year for $40. Not taking 3 years to write 1 1200 page novel for $30. IF he was a cash cow, he would split every book up into about 6 books.

He writes the book how he wants to. If he wants to write 300 pages all about how women fiddle with there dresses so be it. That doesn't make him a cash cow.

As for the 4,5,6,7,8

There are more to books then just 'action' and 'whos gonna die next' Which most often times is what people complain about the books being to long. IN another words, when it comes to books your A.D.D if it doesnt contain 'action violence ect' you get bored of it. The thing about wot books is they are VERY in depth its not just about wars on massive scales. Its also about Internal battles with your self. Its about things from the past kicking your ass in the future. Its about Change. ITs about political intrigue, and houndreds of minor characters that evolve the story a little bit more in depth then your traditional Black and White fantasy novels. These books truelly blur the lines between good and evil, making this a bit more shaded.


Ie, that Shienarin darkfriend we knew and loved who repented.. You almost hated the fact that he died, yet for some of those darkfriends, you truelly know why they did join and 'sympathize' to it. Others you begin to loathe there reasonings and cowardice. They would rather kill there first born child then they them selves get killed. And of course there is Faine who is Rand's 'mr. smith'.


A cash cow is just that, a huge cash making machine. If this wasn't a huge cash making machine we should be able to get inexpensive paperbacks at the same time we get the hardcovers. Instead they release the hardcover so you can pay $40-50 a pop then put out the softcover months later so that the cheapskates can buy it.


A cash cow doesn't imply something is bad either, superman and x-men turned into cash cows and I liked both of those.


No one in their right mind could possible ignore the huge amounts of money an author makes by stringing along millions of fans for decades.


I'd say the argument now is whether this is a cash cow or the golden goose. Is there anything a barn yard animal can't fix?


Is he going to remain true to his word and finish up with book number 12? I find it unlikely he can finish up in one book which means we will now be subjected to book 12A, followed a year later by book 12B and so on. (Oh I can't wait to get book 12D!)

  • Community Administrator

Everything regarding publication has to do with ToR not RJ. If he had it his way he'd probably sell them all for about $1 more then it costs to produce them.


Huge ammounts of money? The producers of the book 'tor' take most of the cut. And unlike most people who do 'cash cows' the only thing he's really 'spent' uber fancy stuff was his porsche. And damnit he deserves one!


Tell me Cpak, is your entire purpose here to say how much wot sucks, how much rj sucks ect?

Guest Egwene

*throws cold water over SD and Cpak*


ok.. time to cool it, me thinks.


RJ is an author by trade. That means he earns a living by writing books. Noone on their right mind is going to expect him to do it for charity. And if he happens to be really good at it and earn a better living than a lot of other authors... well done, I say.


From everything I have read, I believe that the story to be told was there from the beginning. Unlike some other authors, RJ seems to put in as much effort and detail into the latest book as into the first. A 'cash cow' would by now be cutting out the details, deal with things in three chapters and still charge the same price. In my opinion RJ is exactely the opposite. I certainly do not feel short changed when I buy a WoT book.


Cpak...a good book isn't written overnight. If you are after a story of epic proportion, you won't get it written in two years. I remember the last J.M.Auel book we had to wait ten years in between!! So RJ is doing great compared to that.


Half of me wishes that it wasn't over with the next book... though looking at the pace of KoD, I believe he will do it. I'd like to think though that RJ is going to finish it just as he intends it... rather than listening to either the impatient faction, nor those that want it to go on forever.



I never said RJ sucked, but he sure knows how to ramble like an old woman.


He's got one book to find the rest of the black ajah, bring back Moirainne, deal with the foresaken and the dark lord, bring the tower back together through a seanchan attack.


If he manages to do all this I will admit I was wrong but since its going to take at least 2 more books, you should just agree with me now.


I thought Rand was only knocking up 2 of his 3 woman. Where does it say Min is getting knocked up?


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