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What do YOU want to happen?

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We know that the Seanchan will almost certainly attack the White Tower because of Egwene's Dream in CoT ch 20.  She saw a white plinth on top of a mountain with a glass oil lantern on top, and two ravens flew by and set the lamp tottering.  She woke knowing that the interpretation was that the Seanchan would attack the Tower.  Now, since Dreaming is not 100 percent certain like Min's viewings seem to be, it is not 100 percent certain ... but I'm not laying money against it.  Its a safe bet that the Seanchan will attack the White Tower.  In fact, that may be the opening scene in AMoL.


A touch more , in the way of corroborating evidence, when the Seeker Almurat Mor first approaches Furyk Karede in CoT ch 4, he glances at Karede's table and sees a map.  He says, "You are involved in Lord Yulan's plans, Banner-General Karede?  I would not have expected the Deathwatch Guards to be part of that."


Now ... for some background on the signifigance of that, remember that Abaldar Yulan is the Captain of the Air, supervising the raken and to'raken for the Corenne.


When Mor says this, Karede reaches over to the table and rolls up the map.  To quote:


Karede moved two bronxe map weights shaped like lions and let the map of Tar Valon roll up on itself.


(Cot ch 4, emphasis mine)


So, a well informed Seeker sees a map of Tar Valon, and immediately associates it with "plans" led by the Captain of the Air for the Seanchan ... the man in charge of all the raken and to'raken ... hmmm ... I wonder where they are going?    ;D


There are several things that I want to happen in the last book. Here are some that I can think of:


1) I would really love for Rand to meet up with Tam again. It may be unlikely, but I really want to have Rand regain at least a bit of his former self, and I think that having a long talk with his father might be a great way for him to break down some walls.


2) As action-packed as the book is going to be, I would love to see some great character scenes. I really want to have a scene where after Moiraine returns, she and Rand and most of the "old crew" have some good conversation and interactions. I mean, a scene where most of the main characters are all together again that isn't completely focused on TG. Ok, so maybe not likely either, but it would be nice.


3) It would be great for everyone that doesn't know something that is known to the reader that we just want to slap them about would learn it (if that makes sense). I mean, like Gawyn learning about Morgase being alive, Morgase and crew revealing themselves, everyone learning about Mat's marriage, etc.


4) This is probably my favorite idea for a scene: A massive "War Council". This could go well with #2. I would love to have a HUGE scene where pretty much every main character gets together and they all plan out how to go about TG. Not only would it be good for them to get ready and plan strategy, etc., but I really want to see it so that everyone can really see how far everyone else has come.


I mean, picture Rand calling this council, and everyone showing up to it. We'd have Perrin's group, which not only would reveal Morgase and co., but we'd have reactions from Nynaeve ("LORD of the Two Rivers??!?!?") and everyone else. Then, Egwene (after establishing order in the tower. I have no clue how this will play out, just pretend that it does and that she arrives) with some Aes Sedai, Gareth Bryne, Uno and everyone, etc. Next would be Mat's party (more reactions... "PRINCE?!?!?! YOU?!?!?"). Somewhere in there Moiraine would arrive, and not everyone would know that she wasn't dead yet (I'd love to see Suian's reaction).


Anyway, the list goes on. The point is that we as readers could get a great meet-up and chat scene, and then it would progress soon into a serious war council. I don't know if it's remotely possible, but it would be cool.


I would really like some of the main characters to learn how to communicate.


I am looking forward to some shocked people when Matt is introduced to the main characters as the Dragon Reborn's general.  It would be nice to see the reactions from Tuon, Elayne, Egwene, Moraine, Perrin and especially Nynaeve.


Am anticipating Perrin meeting up with the Whitecloaks and Child Byar and Daine Bornhald.  Tam and Moraine seeing Rand,  Elayne, Galad and Gawayn meeting Morgase.


Rand meeting up with Avienda, now that Avi will not feel guilty, talk about fireworks!


Rand meeding Tam and especially Moraine.


Matt sounding the horn again, and Toun's reaction to seeing her long dead ancestor and how he responds to Matt and Rand.


I want Perrin to find out that Padan Fain killed his entire family and that Dain Borhhold and Jared Byar were both part present, and therefore of the coverup.


He then confronts Galad as the leader of the Whitecloaks who, since he will always do what is right, has them both hanged for murder. 


It's certainly not essential to the plot but it'll make me chuckle.

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Dreadlord

I want to see somebody significant go over to the Shadow in book 12.

  • 3 weeks later...

while reading another post about single combat between logain and taim. i would also like to see this but i want logain to kill taim with a sword since taim thought it was useless and would never see it coming.


I would like to see happy endings for the main characters.  OK, people who like literature are supposed to want some sadness etc., but I figure after 12 books, including AMoL, we might as well get reasonably happy endings for the main characters.  I think the previous books provide us with some clues.  Mat seems to be ushering an age where technology comes back to the forefront, but I thought I read somewhere in the "quotes" Jordan has at the beginning of his books, you know the quotes from the prophecies and so on, that one was from a 4th Age Aes Sedai.  I'm not sure I remember this correctly. 


I would NOT like to see the power lost, although that probably happens in at least one of the seven ages.  Magic and such being lost and the world becoming mundane has been done to death in fantasy novels and series and I won't bore anyone here with the long list.  Who wants a mundane world anyway?  If I want that, I'll go to work and pay my bills...wait, I do that now.  The Age of Legends had both the One Power and technology coexisting so I want that to be restored.


I believe it is book six where Nicola has a foretelling in which the battle, I assume TG, is won but the world still hangs in the balance.  This seems to be some sort of clue.  Where Rand is concerned, I would like to see LTT die because that's what he wants and this fulfills the prophecy but Rand remain whole and himself.  You could say that both Rand and LTT are alive and if LTT dies and Rand is still around, then you could say the Dragon Reborn dies in the last battle.  Olivia probably helps him separate the two thus killing off LTT.


mat also has a sort of vision in which he sees he future.  People use the technology he develops to rain destruction on thousands of people with the Dark One laughing.  So I believe the next age will still feature the Dark One somehow unless that was just a straight nightmare. 


And lastly, I would like to see telephones and the internet developed so people communicate with one another.  The way it is now, Rand has no idea why the weather suddenly changes while just about everyone else has no idea Rand cleanses the taint and on, and on.  This is part of the beauty of the series, but I think this should be one of the first problems addressed once TG is done with.  :)


I want the DO and Rand to decide to be friends, the DO is very sorry for the 3000 yrs+ of mischief he has caused, promises not to do it again, and Him and Rand skip happily through a field of flowers into the sunset. Not gonna happen, but funny if it did :P


What i do want is the same as everyone else i guess, the heroes get their deserved long, happy lives, the villains get their long, unhappy deaths, and a lot of action and violence before it happens.


Chapter 112 A Memory of Light


Rand and Egwene wake up in a farmhouse on the edge of the Westwood.  Leaning on his unmarked left arm, Rand studies her sleeping face until her eyes open and he says "Honey, I just had the strangest dream"


Sorry, aevogt, this isn't Dallas and Rand are not Bobby and Sue Ellen Ewing.




I want Berelain captivated by Galad.


I want Child Byar, confronted with Perin, who is backed by Galad, to have to either accept to not harm Perin or admit he was wrong.  But having him hanged as above would be a good alternative.


Tam meeting Rand and telling hem di has done well.


Moraine's rescue and meeting with Rand.


Tam's reaction when he meets Rand's harem.


Morgaise's reunion with Elayne and brothers.


Seeing what remnant of the aiel are left.  Are the Ones in the wqaise including the Shaido all that are left as most of the fighters are wiped out, or do the shadow forces storm through the waste and wipe out the Aeil homeland.


Confirmation Grendal or at least telling who killed Asmo.


Finding our where the forsaken ar.e hiding...Demandred?  Which sisters and main characters are black?  Seeing some surprises like possibly Bashere, Leane, etc


MAtt help broker a truce between the Seanchan and rand.


Matt blowing the horn again.  Hawkwing greeting himi in front of Tuon. We meet again hornsounder, and MAtt answering him in the old tongue! Tuon thinks MAt is more than he seems...good general, knows the Dragon...but hornsounder and Rand's main man or at least #2 behind Bashere?!?!


Matt taking over and saving the day when Bashere is killed (So Perrin can get teh broken crown) or reveals himself as a dark friend.


I could go on and on... I think theis bood will be great.




Lets see, things I would love to happen but never will…


Rand: Seriously needs to kick it big time, preferably by the D.O. who shows up at T.G. in drag and Rand gets all “I can’t harm a woman ever, ever, ever, even if she’s the D.O. and she’s gonna torture all of humanity forever, unleash the forsaken, kill millions and enslave their souls in evil; tried to kill my girlfriends, friends, family, me, my dog Spot, and drank all the bloody milk then put the carton back in the fridge…Noooooooooooo mustn’t hurt the Precious!” then as he gaps his last and his blood runs, the D.O. takes off his wig cackling madly, which makes the D.O. slip on Rand’s blood, and fall back into the pit <i><b>FROM WHENCE HE CAME</b></i>. Yeah, that would be good.


Egwene: Has her bottom spanked so hard and so repeatedly that it becomes her new super power, er, super bottom! One flash of it’s redness and heat banishes all Black Ajah from the Tower, while Elaida kneels before Egwene in submission to her obvious superiority at taking uncomfortably S&M-ish plot lines and turning them to the light. The Seanchan show up and are impervious to Egwene’s super-bottom because of course, they spank their women <i> after</i> they put them on <b>leashes</b>! The tower falls and every, harridan A.S. is leashed, then dressed in a French Maid’s outfit and spanked on the hour every hour.


It’s Moiraine to the Rescue! Coming back from wherever she was, battling with her powers of reason, and the ability to think with her mind and not her ego, and the great purge turns out to be the immediate stilling of every overbearing, ignorant, incompetent, battle axe, in the Tower or out of it. Which pretty much leaves just her and maybe Verin.


All the sea folk vessels sink, taking their windfinders with them to the bottom of the sea. No one notices. The one and only time the Creator acts, remedying an annoyance so potent even he couldn’t stand aside. They are burned out of the pattern for all time.


Perrin: Discovers his scrotum in Faile’s purse (which she stupidly left lying about), realizes that it’s insanity to stay with a woman who’s so bi-polar that she wants you to alternately abuse, then obey, and can never really decide which at any given time. Figures out that irrational jealousy usually means your partner can’t be trusted; finally sees that women who try to change you into something you’re not, aren’t dating you to begin with. Faile meets a grisly fate, torn apart by wol….. er, <i>wild animals</i>. Perrin finds a tinker wife, then finds the way of the leaf, his mind finally at peace.


Nynaeve finds a miraculous cure for balding – after she yanks all her hair out.


Min is forced to wear a huge lead hand around her neck at all times, to remind her that noncombatants in a fight are a huge <i>liability</i>, not plucky and courageous.


Hmmmmm… who else…


Ah Yes, Elayne.


First off Brigitte demands to be let out of her bond, because obviously Elayne is going to get her killed in some incredibly stupid and easily avoidable way. Andor rises up and puts Dylin on the throne - Elayne is allowed to remain in the Palace, working for Mistress Hafor. <i>(step lively wash girl, who do you think you are, the bloody Daughter Heri)</i>. Having been stilled in the great purge, she loses any shred of usefulness, which Avi, who gets one whine too many from her soon realizes. The body is never found.



elaida needs to meet rand and have her "arsh" kicked



when you read the parts with the people being stupid, dont you ever wish that rand or somebody would appear and knock some sense into them???? i want that to happen to EVERYBODY!!!!


I think that’s the most frustrating thing about the series. It wouldn’t be so bad, if it didn’t get progressively worse. In the beginning you had Moiraine, and a couple of other characters who were pretty kick ass. But as the books continue, each new group, especially of women, gets increasingly ridiculous. The crowning glory has to be the Windfinders. I mean, really, why on earth would a sitting Monarch (Elayne) put up with <i>that</i>, in her own palace, can you say deportation, and conversely, what kind of envoy goes into a foreign diplomatic mission as a screaming harpy? The Windfinders are pretty much just annoying caricature who really don’t further either the plot, or the premise. There are already several other groups of women who are screaming harpies, did the series really need another?


I don’t know why Jordan conceived that in his universe “strong women” means harrying, irrational egomaniacs, with no sense of perspective and little intelligence - and stop it with the spanking already.


I’ve heard all the arguments about what Jordan wanted with the whole matriarchy thing, but I ask you, did he succeed in portraying women who are confidently in charge, providing good leadership, and making competent decisions? Confident people generally don’t need to step all over everyone else to prove how important they are. Strong people act, good leaders are not pushy bullies, they make good decisions and have the knack of getting people to follow voluntarily.


I’d love to see the Asha’man take the tower, and either bond everyone in it, or force them to swear to Rand. Then when Egwene gets all hissy over the “prerogatives” of Aes Sedai, have the Asha’man lock her in a chest and beat her every day, until she understands his position. Is it so hard to understand that people who torture the Dragon Reborn can’t be trusted?


When Mat rescues the Wonder Girls from the dungeon in the Stone, and they get all snippy, I would have loved to have seen him herd them back into the cell and lock the door, then go find a dice game somewhere. Plus every time one of them needs saving from whatever, as soon as they go into their shtick, have the guy (or Brigitte) leave them to their own devices.


Let Elayne deal with Rhavin, maybe she’ll appreciate Rand more, if she survives.


Have Taim instruct Cadsuanne in manners, let Lan yank on Nynaeve’s hair 24/7 until she gets over her damn self – and for god’s sake, tie up Min so she doesn’t cost anyone else body parts.


I’m a huge Dune fan, and I really wanted the Aes Sedai to be kick ass like the B.G. – so maybe I’m just disappointed that they’re so inept and asinine.


Oh and Rand’s List and whiny baby moaning, that’s so incredibly obtuse and annoying it ranks up there with the Windfinders. He can’t kill a Forsaken, who’s about to kill his friends, because she’s a woman?!? She’s killed millions, she sold herself to the dark side, she's going to kill who knows how many more, she’s not a helpless kitten, she’s going to KILL your friends, and you won’t stop it because she has ovaries? That made me want to toss the book across the room. Be a Man, off the bitch, save your friends from the FORSAKEN, cry about it later.



The Seanchan are attacking the Tower with all their available strength. 

Sitting on the Lion Throne and her duties in Camelyn seen to, Elayne opens a gateway to a Tower sub-basement with the intention of rescuing Egwene, in defiance of her orders.


Se finds Egwene, now in a cell (thanks Luckers) and bustles her back to the escape route, already in the hands of the Seanchan.


Fighting their way through, they reach the gateway and escape to the Palace in Camelyn.  Refusing, once again, to allow the secret of Traveling to fall into the hands of the Sul'Dam, Elayne picks apart the gateway weave causing an enormous explosion that destroys the palace in Camelyn whilst the White Tower undermined in truth, crumbles to the ground brick by brick in accordance with Perrin's Wolf Dream.


An cloud of dust shrouds the entire city if Tar Valon for a week past TG.


Guest Dreadlord

Demandred, Moridin and Shaidar Haran need to make some big appearances in the next book. Shaidar needs to confront someone of the Light. Rand needs to encounter him!

  • 2 weeks later...


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