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I've been completely removed!

Karana Majin

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Kathana honey - now might be the time to make Jimmy turn off Halo 3 for a few minutes and come help.  I am sure him living would make Joe & co happier than finishing whatever level they're doing at that exact second.  Whereas you accidentally blowing something up wouldn't be so good ::winks::

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I can barely get him to turn it off long enough to go to bed. Or his job.  He's not likely to help me in this.


Besides, I think I fixed it. 


Incidentally, has anyone seen Maria today?  I'm sure me fixing something and her absence are completely unrelated events.

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Jimmy's told me that making jokes like that is pointlessly cruel.


Um, but has anyone seen Mystica recently?  ;D

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"Shopping for women's clothing" is probably the best euphemism ever. I should really unlock that post. My mom's in London right now for business, so I'm pretty sure she's forgotten she ever had children.

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My mother is a strange woman.


Really, I think she just takes any excuse to not pay attention to any of us.


Heeee, London. It really does make the most calm, down to earth, sensible people into loud, singing and somewhat flaily people. I mean, EuroMeet, anyone?


So, did it get fixed?


Do we have Karana back or not?


Is anyone else out there? The halls look so empty. Mother what button did you push???


Avatars can be 100x100 now and Kathana set it to auto stretch to that so she doesn't have to keep track of people going over it, etc... sowwies...  :-\


I could try opening the file in Image Ready later and see if I can resize it bigger.  Not sure how it'll work.


We are stuck with 100 X 100 for the avatars.


*Pets monkey on the head.*


Good job, I knew they would find someone.


Karana wish I could help you hun. We can visit with you here in the meantime.


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