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Old Disciplines

Guest Arie Ronshor

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Guest Arie Ronshor


I've noticed that some are looking to old disciplines for training for RP value (instead of just WS training which is what it was formerly used for.)


If you guys are looking for descriptions I have them here : http://sapphiresanctuary.com/RolePlay/?page_id=131  (Please remember some of these are old enough to not even be used at all. I believe Shadow & CDS is not used even from the past.. but i'm not entirely sure.)


I also teach Ren'Shai to anyone willing with my Grandmaster, Cairma.


Just thought I would throw that out there.

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Almost all of them are not usable...And you are missing at least one:


    *  Chameleon’s Shadow - dead no one can use it

    * Cold Death Sings - dead no one can use it

    * Cuen’d'eren

    * Daisho al’Dracon

    * Me’Arearth

    * Notes

    * Path of Water

    * Ren’Shai

    * Scales of Power - combined into Thunder on the Ocean no one can use it

    * Thunder on the Ocean

    * Way of the Wind - combined into Me'Arearth no one can use it


You are missing Mo'Kai'La at the very least.  I will have to check my old records I'm sure I have all the old information somewhere but it'll take a while to find since I'm sure it's on a CD or zip disc somewehre.


And a bit of trivia here if you can tell me who actually created the disciplines or which one were of the original 5 I'll give you a cookie!  I think there were five.  BTW I do know the answer :P




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Ooohhhh, a challenge!


Lesse here.


The original five were:


Ren'Shai - Ben T Gaidin

Scales Of Power - Souvan? Wait, no, he made CDS, I believe...

Thunder On The Ocean - Segurant?

Way Of The Wind

Path Of Water


I have no idea on the last two... I know you were of one, Mata...


As for who made the rest...


Chameleon's Shadow - Uuuuuummmmmm... This one is so dead I can hardly remember it...

Cold Death Sings - Souvan. I THINK

Cuen'd'eren - Another Mata one, I think

Daisho al'Dracon - THIS one I know. It was me. :D

Notes - No flippin' idea! :P

Me'Areath - Radzynne

Mo'Kai'La - Again, I can't remember... I SHOULD have copies of all the original Disciplines at home


How'd I do Mat? XD

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Way of Wind was actually combined with Path of Water from memory in order to form the Path of Elements from memory, I seem to remember Mercury having to combine with Zbynek's warder whose name escapes me.


I have to agree with Steve.  The only significant aspect of Mo'kai'la was that they were vegetarians and Ren'shai was about 'powering up' from being stabbed :)  Thunder on the Ocean is where its at.


Though this does raise a point.  The use of the old disciplines is problematic because they were meant to be merged into the paths?  Yet only some people are using the paths, so what are we doing?  Are we fine to use the old disciplines?  Or are they still locked down technically?

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I think it fits with the whole tone of the 'change' the Warders Yards went through. The whole out with the old in with the new thing, the old Disciplines are now gone and the Paths have replaced them. OFFICIALLY they're not being taught or recognised as valid (Both OOC or IC) but it would be a shame to write out all of the oldbies work in their chosen Disciplines, like Shoar's Daisho training...


Maybe just have the crusty oldbies who still have knowledge of the old Disciplines, but make no formal training available for them. Just stuff for 'fluff' RP's. For example I plan on giving a couple of Trainees the ol' Daisho Staming Workout on the Yards boards. *l* But the actual Disciplines and Methodologies behind it he won't teach, not unless it gets opened up to that.


It could make for an interesting line of RP's too. The GM of the Old Discipline vs the GM of the New Path.


Shoar Gaidin

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Guest Arie Ronshor



I think they are good for storyline and RP value. *shrugs* And I do not plan to change whether told otherwise. Its part of my character past, present and future. I have no intention to write it out.

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  I think that the old Disciplines are actually very usable. I do not see what the problem with them is. Even if they are not used for WS advancement most of them make perfect RPs! Not to mention that some of the current advancement ways are based on classes from the old Disciplines. The first example that comes to mine is the "It's brusing time" elective, which is basicly the same as the old Ren'Shai Spar.


  Oh and James, from your talk I can see that you either do not have any combat expirience, or you have very little of it. Let me tell you something that I have personally checked and know it is true. In a fight, especially with knives, very few things can motivate you to do better ( and thus provide the power up effect ) as being stabbed or cut by your opponent.

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And you're making assumptions :)


Every single fighting style I have ever come across has emphasised not being hit in the first place, every fight I've been in I'm pretty sure I haven't wanted to be hit or stabbed without needing the additional motivation, and I've yet to come across any real fighting style that emphasises getting hurt in the first place in order to get said motivation.  Maybe I'm just ignorant :)

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  Yes, every single style teaches that you must avoid getting hit, but what every good instructor will tell you is that you WILL get hit. Sooner or later it will happen, and when it happens, it is good to know how to use that to your advantage, that was the point of the Ren'Shai training.

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Chameleon's Shadow was written by Souvan

Cold Death Sings was written by Darkseid (one of Lannie's first warders)

Cuen'deren was written by Pale Rider

Me'Arearth was written by Radzynne

Ren'Shai was written by Ben T Gaidin

Daisho'al'Dracoran was written by Shoar


Scales of Power

Thunder on the Ocean

The Way of the Wind

The Path of Water



were the beginning 5 created by Souvan when we started our ranking structure.


And no James, The Way of the Wind was combinded into Me'Arearth because they were the same basic fighting style both were the idea used by the Dread Piarate Roberts with his fight with Iningo Montoya.  They were the same.  Why do I know this?  Because Matalina started out as Way of the Wind and she is now Me'Arearth :P


Each of the people who wrote disciplines were once Sword Captains and it was one of their privledges for becoming staff.



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I beleive the structure went:



Sword Commander

Sword Captain

Sword LT





But it was a long time ago.  But I beleive it was initially the captains that got to create them there were only a few commanders if I remember correctly but my memory is fuzzy.



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Just a thought from some one who is old as the others.


Why not use both old and new, have the Paths be required and the older styles be optional depending on the Char's personality. It would add to the RPs for every one and give more options for specialization if so desired. It would be hard to remove them completely since there are alot of older chars who still use the titles, could always make them add in the path to the title.


*grins* I would love to see a few of the new younsters try and get though Pain Endurance from Ren Shai.  * impish grin*  I always loved teaching that one.


And James.... Stop taking the piss of Ren Shai. Not every one who wanted to learn the style was insane.... just Akira


*grins* and here is a challange


Any one know what Book BenT created Ren'Shai from?




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and just an FYI, these disciplines are not taught officially by the Warders.  You are free to use them for char dev. 


But they are not taught as disciplines any more.  In other words you can't use them for the discipline area of any requirement.  You can use them as their cooresponding paths though because that is basically where they went.


And you don't have to be part of any such discipline or path to learn the abilties of the old disciplines... ie:  anyone can weild two swords with out being path of the dual swords or daisho... same goes for the pain and endurance of Ren'Shai.



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Guest Arie Ronshor

*grins* I would love to see a few of the new younsters try and get though Pain Endurance from Ren Shai.  * impish grin*  I always loved teaching that one.


I put my trainie Coren through pain endurance... but we only got so far... .


And James.... Stop taking the piss of Ren Shai. Not every one who wanted to learn the style was insane.... just Akira


....And Cairma...  :D

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oh so the new path based on ren'shai or old ren'shai isnt for the nutcases...dangit and here i thougth i placed Cy just where she wouldnt stand out if i but can do her justice :P


and on that note would love to do some rp in relevance to the disc the new path is based upon...likely not all of it but sime (aint in love with the technical spar thingies...but all char development challenges is fun thoug :p)

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Hmmmmmm... My memory is fuzzy on that too Mata... All of those you named were Sword Commander rank or higher, I believe... I CAN remember that I didn't make Daisho while I was Master Of Initiates, I was the RP Co-ordinator before I made it... Which was me being Captain while MoI and Commander while being RP guy.


God, this is bringing back memories. *laughs*

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Guest Arie Ronshor

Old fogies... :P



again, if people are interested in the difference with the old dis and the new ones for RP value only, i do have a project i was working on a few (8) months ago and if you are interested in tackling it with me PM me.

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