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Death whispers....Part 2 (Att: Ammy, White Wolf and Ata)

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Guest nephitess

Continued from here http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php?topic=12303.new;topicseen#new


OOC: Here we go....*is excited*


IC: “We can set out whenever you are ready Phinn; we decided last night that we would be better served accompanying you to Tar Valon rather than chasing after what appears to be a phantom. We have had no news about this mysterious Lord Camlyn for sometime now and it would not be wise to allow you to continue on your way unaccompanied, not after the ordeal you have been through.” Phinn nodded gratefully and with as much grace as she could. She was not used to this “correctness”.


“We can be back in Tar Valon in a few hours Phinn, would you like me to handle the weaves or would you prefer to?”


It was a strain for Phinn to keep her face and eyes steady. Only a few hours…how was this possible? Weaves…was their a new weave discovered? Phinn and many thoughts go through her mind in a micro-second.


“I would be honored sister if you would take the reins. I know I’ll be in good hands with you and your Warder.” Well she could not let Cara know that she had not idea what weave the woman was talking about.


Finishing up packing and dousing the fire, Phinn started to feel a little nervous. She would be in the tower in a matter of hours, much sooner than she was expecting. It was going to be a hard thing finally meeting the Ammy. The woman who set her up….The woman who tried to take her life. Anger gripped her as she thought about the terror and humiliation she endured. Turning to her companions she said calmly…


“I will go wash my teeth by the stream. I’ll only be a few minutes then we can be on our way.”


Walking into the brush and finding the stream she bent to scrub her teeth.  AS she looked into the water she saw her reflection again for the only the second time.  The scars where a terrible reminder of the time she tried to escape…..


The cold wind bit Phinn's bones as she ran along the deer trail. Rain dripped down her shirt making her clothes itch.  Looking around she heard nothing.  Trembling and shivering with cold Phinn stopped behind a large tree. She was out of breath and tired. Folding her legs up to her chest she started to rock back and forth. Tears flowed as loneliness consumed her. The pain of her warder’s deaths was still fresh. Witnessing their deaths was what gave her the courage to attempt escape.


Hours later she was miles away from her memories. The wind and rain had not calmed and Phinn was starting to cough. In the darkness she could not see very far though she could hear running water close by. Wandering closer to the noise she stumbled into the water. Slipping on the stones she fell face first onto the water. Yelping with shock she sat up in the middle of the stream and fought to catch her breath.


Sopping in water she let her head fall between her shoulders. It was useless…she was lost and hungry and weak. With out her knowing it a shadow turned into a solid figure. The Tall blonde haired man looked on her with disgust. Shaking his head he said…


“Well, I see you’ve had a bath.” Laughing her continued “You know you were very easy to follow. I only let you think you were making progress in this fruitless attempt to flee.”


With out looking up Phinn screamed. She knew the voice….the voice of a man who had done unspeakable things to her. His voice sent trembles along her spine.  She was not going to let him take her with out a fight. …….


It was then that she attacked him but was bound with the power. He was a dreadlord and loved to play with his quarry. The consequences for her running and attack were the scares she now bore. She could still see the perverse joy on his face as he worked her face with a knife and used her body for his pleasure.


Hearing her name called…..Phinn came back to the present. Shaking her head to clear her thoughts she stood up and wiped her mouth. She needed to look and feel in control of her self. Finally she looked at her self in the water again….on the outside she looked serene but the inside she wanted to fight scream and claw her was to sanity. Only a few day s and she would have her satisfaction.


Moving back to Cara and Liitha she smiled at the two.


“I am sorry I took so long. Shall we go?”


Cara looked at her with a curios eye but nodded and suggested they move to a more open area. After riding for a few minutes they found a place that satisfied the Sister. Phinn watched close as the woman wove the threads to make this mysterious weave. Keeping her face smooth Phinn was surprised to see a sliver line form in the air. It sort of spun and then grew. Was it a way to travel? Travel…..that was it….an old way of travel was discovered!!! How exciting! Looking through the gateway Phinn saw a site that took her breath away. She was speechless as she looked at the pearly spires of the White Tower.


“Please forgive me sister….I have no words for how I feel at this moment. I did not realize how seeing the Tower again would affect me.”



Cara only half heard Phinn’s explanation for her expression, Cara felt the exact opposite to what Phinn was feeling. Not exactly dread, but she certainly did not feel the same rapture at the sight of the Shining Walls that her companion did. “There is nothing to forgiver Sister, you have been away from our home for some time now and so I can understand how you would feel seeing it again. For me though, it is more akin to going back to somewhere that has less than fond memories, maybe it is because I grew up there. All of my days, and nights have been spent behind the walls of that city and I am not exactly thrilled to be going back there this soon.”


Cara had reasons other than that to dislike the Tower. Her time as a Novice had been made unbearable by the attitude of the majority of the other Novices. It was not Cara’s fault that her mother was an Aes Sedai, but once a certain group of the Novices found out they made sure she suffered for it. Suddenly Cara became aware of Liitha’s feelings for her, the feelings of her love improving Liitha’s mood greatly. “Well we will serve no purpose standing here so shall we go?”


Liitha did not wait for an Phinn to answer, she lead her horse straight through the gateway and was checking the other side out when Cara and Phinn appeared the gateway closing behind them without a trace.


“It will take an hour to get to the City from here, as you know we cannot open a gateway anywhere where there might be people, the consequences of that would be disastrous.” Cara did not know why she was explaining this to Phinn; it was almost like she felt she had to. Giving herself a mental shake Cara mounted her horse and gathering up the reins made her way over to where Liitha was, Phinn followed a moment later and then the three of them made their way towards the city. After an hour or so’s ride they came to one of the bridges that linked the inner city to the outer city and crossed over the river Erinin, even here Liitha did not relax her guard, which made Cara smile, but inwardly Liitha’s watchfulness added to her own wariness. As they made their way towards the Tower they passed the Blue Cat, one of the largest Inn’s in Tar Valon that had been built by the Ogier and resembled a large blue cat, of all things. It was one of Cara’s favourite places in Tar Valon and had happy memories for her, one of the very few places that did in Tar Valon. “Liitha you and I have to visit that Inn at some point, you will definitely have to wear a dress to get in there, but I know just the shop where we can get you one.” The scowl on Liitha’s face put a smile on Cara’s face, she was determined to see Liitha in a dress, and one day she would, it was her goal in life. “Do you not agree Phinn that Liitha would look divine in an off the shoulder dress?”


Cara Ramsey


I wasn’t born with enough middle fingers


Bonded to Liitha


Guest nephitess

IC: The fact that Cara saw through her did not bug Phinn. It worked for her ruse because it was truth, Phinn did not know this weave though she now did. It would come in handy for a quick get away once things came to light and the Ammy was dead. HUmmm that was a reminder she would have to put things together once she was settled in. Writing a report for the Ammy was going to be enjoyable…especially the surprise she was going to have in it.


AS the three traveled towards the Island, the tower became bigger and more splendid. The sound of a horse's hooves on the bridges brought back memories.


‘Laughing they crossed the bridge at a gallop and speed along the road. The wind in there hair have Phinn a sense of freedom. They were on there way to the blight; Protection of the borderlands was what she was born to do. Having her two warders with her made the trip even better. They were friends and truly cared about each other. Phinn had made sure she bonded two men that were or could become fast friends. ‘


That trip was supposed to be a bonding trip. Even though they wee on assignment it was in Phinn’s mind to have them all become better and closer as a unit. Her heart ached still for them. She felt empty at times when she thought of them.


Passing some inns Phinn remembered drinking in a few of them. Cara also remembered something because she got a wicked grin on her lips that made Phinn, smile inspite of her self. Looking at Liitha Cara pointed and said…


“Liitha you and I have to visit that Inn at some point, you will definitely have to wear a dress to get in there, but I know just the shop where we can get you one.” The scowl on Liitha’s face was priceless and made Phinn grin as well.


. “Do you not agree Phinn that Liitha would look divine in an off the shoulder dress?”


With a Nod and wink, Phinn agreed. Liitha was a stunning woman and would look great in a dress.


“I think a nice purple slashed with silver would suit her just fine.”  Phinn chuckled.


With a glare for both Cara and Phinn, Liitha lead them on towards the tower. Watching the people going on with their days bored Phinn, she wanted to be in her rooms and wash and begin on her plans. She was nervous and at the same time anxious to see the Ammy.  As they road along They came to the gates of the tower itself. The shining walls were wonderous.


The tower guards watched them as they passed through. Dismounting and leaving her horse with the stable boys, Phinn took her bags. Looking around she saw a familiar sight…novices running around doing a multitude of errands. With a smile Phinn said


“Thank you for being my guides. Once we are cleaned up, shall we go to the Ammy together? I know she’ll want to see me at least. Being gone for as long as I have been, she will want a report from me.”




Liitha let the stable hands take the reins of her horse as well, she knew she still had one clean shift, it would have to do. Her other things back in the barracs she could collect later on with the help of trainee's, like novices it didnt hurt them in her mind to help out a little, the carying up stairs would be good training.


She was quiet as she followed Cara inside the tower, and again feelings sunk over her, things had changed. She inwardly shook it off her knowing she had made the right choise thoug as they progressed to the brown quarters. The barracs  never fully felt a home anyway, and she had often enough camped out elsewhere, a smile played over her lips, sometime she would have to bring Cara there. The smile was gone by the time the  brown quarters was entered, and alert eyes took in the scenery to make sure she could easily find her way back.



Inwardly Cara pulled a face at Phinn’s suggestion that they visit the Amrylin this day she would have preferred to postpone until the following day, if not the day after that. “I think sister that it would be wise to wait at least one day, no doubt the heads of your Ajah would appreciate you informing her that you are back and where you have been, I know I will have to have a meeting with mine. I suggest we wait and see what the outcome of those meetings are before we go to the Amrylin.” Phinn reluctantly agreed to Cara’s reasoning and they arranged to meet the day after the morrow and then decide on when to visit the Amrylin.


After saying goodbye to Phinn, Liitha and Cara made their way to the Brown Ajah’s Quarters, they had talked about this not long after they had bonded and both had decided that they did not want o spend time apart, not even when they were in the Tower. Obviously they would have to be more circumspect about their relationship, but it would not seem that unusual for an Aes Sedai and her Warder to share quarters, even less so when the Warder was female. As Cara and Liitha walked through the corridors of the Tower and finally the hallways of the Brown Ajah’s private quarters, a slight shiver of pleasure and satisfaction went through Cara. Things were different now, she was no longer alone, no longer did she feel the odd one out, the one who was always left out of the gossip and invitations to have tea, or a meal. Now she had Liitha she knew she would always have someone who would be with her, who would, in public at least, back her up. This brought an immense sense of satisfaction to her and almost offset the negative feelings she got from being back in the Tower so soon.


Once in her rooms, Cara showed Liitha where she could keep her clothes and equipment, sharing the same closet that Cara used for her clothes, but Cara suggested to Liitha that she keep her equipment in a separate room, one that was empty except for a large oak cabinet that her mother had given to Cara when she had gained the Shawl. “I suppose for appearances sake we should bring a bed in here, otherwise my Sisters may become suspicious of us, and I think that would not do. What do you think Liitha, should we just say to the Dark One with their opinions or should we be more circumspect and not flaunt our love in their faces?”


Cara’s hand rose and gently stroked Liitha’s cheek, brushing some of her hair away from her face. Cara studied it, memorising for the countless time the shape and contours of Liitha’s face. “There are times Liitha when I just want to lose myself in your eyes and forget that there is a world out there, do you think that that would be possible?”


Cara Ramsey


I wasn’t born with enough middle fingers


Bonded to Liitha

  • 2 weeks later...

Liitha looked deeply into her lovers eyes, "and what about the world then, who would save it?" her voice was loving yet teasefull as she draged Cara into an embrace. "And I think a bed would be good, if nothing else then to toss things on, I figure I can use the room to practise in." she smiled, she had found her home with her Aes Sedai, and come to realise barracks, road, white tower, it didnt mather as long as she was with the woman she loved.


"So my love are you exhausted after the trip, or planing anything I should be around to oversee..." a grin played over her lips as she made a joke out of asking if the Aes Sedai had any imidiate plans to be moving around in dangeruos area's. "..if not I might go and see if I can find some young vipers, or trainees depending what one prefer to call them, to help carry my stuff over here where I need them. And then..." she looked down herself


"then I think I might need a bath and some new clothes.." smelling a flicker of her shirt, "definantly so less I get you a rumor my love of having the most untidy warder in the tower" she placed a quick kiss on Cara's lips and smiled.


The feel of her arms around Liitha seemed momentarily strange to Cara, she had not had many visitors in her quarters, not even from her own Ajah, and to now have her lover here gave her a strange feeling, almost as if she was doing something she should not have been, then Liitha kissed her and nothing else mattered. All too soon the kiss was broken and Liitha said she had to change and than make her way to the Yards to check up on the progress of her trainees. “I suppose I had better let those who need to know, know that I am back. But first I had better change as well.” With that Cara went over to her wardrobe and upon opening the doors sighed at the sight that greeted her. She had never been one for dresses and looking smart, a pair of breeches and a shirt and jacket were more her style, with some stout boots. When she was back in the Tower though, she tried to make the effort to wear a dress once in a while, but now she could not see anything that she wanted to wear.  Before she could decide, Liitha emerged from the other room, and after a quick “goodbye” disappeared out the door leaving Cara trying to decide what she was going to wear.


After dressing Cara left her quarters and went in search of the head of the Brown Ajah, Shaneevae Sedai. Cara did not know her well, but what she did know, and what she had heard, left her feeling slightly at ease about approaching her with the information she had about Phinn. Approaching Shaneevae’s rooms. Cara knocked on the door and waited for a response before entering.


Upon entering Shaneevae’s greeting was warm and friendly and Cara responded in kind. Shaneevae offered Cara a seat and enquired if she would like a hot drink; Cara thanked her for her kindness, but did not feel like a drink at that moment. “I have a tale to tell and I think it would be better for me to just tell it and let you make up your mind. I feel like I am doing something wrong here, suspecting one of our Sisters, but if I keep quiet on this matter and my fears are proved I could not live with the consequences.”


Cara started to recant the tale of her and Liitha and what had happened with Lord Camlon and why they had journeyed to the Borderlands in search of him. She then went on to explain about their meeting with Phinn and what had aroused Cara and Liitha’s suspicions about her. “As I said I do not like to speak ill of one of our Sisters, and I know she has reason to explain away her strangeness, but there is just something about her that has me worried, what do you think we should do?”

Cara Ramsey


I wasn’t born with enough middle fingers


Bonded to Liitha



The tome was old, older than she and Shaneevae had been feeling mighty old of late. The worn and tattered pages contained information that had been in existence long before she had even been a spark in her daddy’s eye. It was a bit overwhelming yet comforting to know that she was not as old as she’d been feeling of late. Her dreams had recently taken a very disturbing turn. The first chair had never been plagued by nightmares before or at least not more than a few here and there, which gave her no concern. Lately though, her dreams were more vivid, vibrant and yes, frightening.


A sudden knock upon her door thankfully, roused her from the unsettling memories. Rising, she dusted her skirts and headed toward the entrance. The appearance of the young Brown sister should have surprised her, Cara having been away from the Tower for so long, but she had a multitude of resources informing her of the comings and goings of her flock. Shaneevae would never dare attempt to manage the affairs of her fellow Brown sisters, but like a mother hen she felt a sense of responsibility to her flock.


Inviting the young sister in, Shaneevae offered her a cup of tea, but on her decline, the elder took a seat. After making pleasantries, Shaneevae smiled hoping to ease the tension evident in the younger woman’s eyes. “What is on your mind, sister?”


I have a tale to tell and I think it would be better for me to just tell it and let you make up your mind. I feel like I am doing something wrong here, suspecting one of our Sisters, but if I keep quiet on this matter and my fears are proved I could not live with the consequences.


Nodding, she beckoned for Cara to continue, hoping to lend an air of safety to her face.


As I said I do not like to speak ill of one of our Sisters, and I know she has reason to explain away her strangeness, but there is just something about her that has me worried, what do you think we should do?


Schooling her features, Shaneevae gave the story considerable consideration before nodding her agreement. “Yes, I think you have adequate reason to be suspicious and we are not having the best of luck keeping Amyrlins whole and safe of late.”  Standing, she motioned for Cara to do the same.  Straightening her shoulders and raising her chin a fraction, she spoke, “I believe it is time for us to visit the Amyrlin.  Shall we?”



Shaneevae el'Edware

First Chair


It was growing dim  by the time she finished her laundery, and though she wished for more time with her father, she also knew someone would be waiting for her. And she would have to hang up the wet clothes, making an agreement to meet and catch up more later she found herself walking back to the tower with a bundle of wet clothes in her hands, it didnt bother her thoug, not as much as the semi wet clothes she had on. Her own shift had gone into the water first, and been allowed to dry on her to not look to bad.


She wound her way up the stairs, ignoring any looks cast her way, and thanking the creator none tried to stop her. Entering the brown quarters, she could feel Cara beeing in another part, and moved on back to the room. Leaving the clothes on a clean spot by the wall she wrung out of the still damp clothes and shivered. There had been a frisky breeze outside and she hurried to dress into a new set of dry clothes, the shirt having some simple embroideries on the sleves.


Brushing her hair as well she smiled, oh well she knew Cara talked of seeing her in a dress, though that was a wish she had no intention to acomondate soon it wouldnt hurt to dress up a little for her love. Another smile crossed her lips as she felt her Aes Sedai move, whatever she was up to she must be done by now. But then she was moving away, Liitha frowned and wondered what was going on, it was geting late, and they had had a long day, surely Cara must feel the need for some rest as well. The tugg on the bond made her drop all thoughts thoug, droping her hairbrush and about to spin about before realising there was no sence of danger there.


The feeling of worry left her but she still took time to grab  her katana's and fasten them on her belt as she moved through the apartment. With quick steps she followed the direction the bond told her that Cara was moving, and soon was about to catch up, seeing her up ahead in the company of another Aes Sedai, one she realised she knew of when she came closer.


Yes she determid as she overtook them it was Shaneevae, the brown she a few years back had been reporting to about findings in the blight. She kept behind waiting to be acknowledged by the ladies, having made sure that she went into a normal less quiet walk as she caugth up, so as not to surprice the other brown.



Warder to Cara Sedai


It was such a wonderful day. Oh there was trouble with some of the Sitters as usual and the Eyes and Ears didn't seem to be sending anything but worrying or even outright bad news. But Annais Nevell, the Amyrlin Seat and Flame of Tar Valon and so on as her fancy titles went, had sent Sisters to deal with the most acute situations and scheduled appointments with the Sitters and with patience and alot of smoothing out everything would work well again - for a while until something new came up.


Despite it all she found it hard to keep her feet still and she kicked happily under the table humming a tune. She was going out for a dinner tonight. It wasn't a date, not officially at least but she had decided that they had known each others for long enough time that, if she felt like it, tonight she might share a pillow with him. It was of course completely idiotic because there were alot of reasons why it wouldn't work. She had been through this already with Milos and she wasn't even certain that she didn't still love him in some level. Nonetheless, the prospect of nookie had her excited. It had been so long from the last time and she was only a human after all.


Annais was entertaining hopeful dreams that nothing would change and they could just remain good friends until he Bonded like he eventually would and then anything else wouldn't be even possible anymore. But but... if they did this, they would need to have a serious discussion about the implications and rules of how it would work. Maybe the next morning after they had... Suddenly it became impossible to keep her bottom on the chair anymore and she discarded the reports she had been browsing through. Waltzing merrily around her office as if she was dancing with someone, she sung off the top of her lungs and varied the scale of her voice from high-pitched to low for her own amusement.


I feel pretty

Oh so pretty

I feel pretty and witty and gay

And I pity

Any girl who isn't me today

I feel charming

Oh so charming

It's alarming how charming I feel

And so pretty

That I hardly can believe I'm real

See the pretty girl in that mirror there?

Who can that attractive girl be?

Such a pretty face

Such a pretty dress

Such a pretty smile

Such a pretty me!

I feel stunning

And entrancing

Feel like running

And dancing for joy

For I'm loved

By a pretty wonderful boy


Knock knock. Slightly breathless Annais quickly tugged at her dress and smoothed out few invisible wrinkles until she was presentable. "Come in", she called sounding perfectly unperturbed. It was Aramina naturally and she had with her two Brown Sisters and a Warder. Annais smiled warmly at Shaneevae, one of her oldest friends, and some of it transfered over to the younger Brown who she knew only in passing. Cara Ramsey, the daughter of her fellow Gray Sister, Tania. Aramina looked calm like always but there was an amused twinkle in her eyes.


"Mother, I have to congratulate you again on your beautiful voice", her Keeper said wryly and Annais realized that she had forgotten her privacy Wards. The second time this week. Blast it, this was her office and she did here what ever she bloody pleased. Meh, but she had to be all dignified now so she would try to remember the next time. It could have been a pole-arsed Sitter like Adrai instead of these two after all. That also meant that she couldn't laugh out loud like she would have if it had been just Ara and Shan.


"Ahem. Erm... Daughters, what brings you to my office today? Sit, sit." She motioned toward the cozy arm chairs in front of her grand desk.


Annais Nevell

Amyrlin Seat


Blood and blood ashes the woman is as mad as a badger


Cara’s hand, rose, unbidden to her mouth but then she realised she had not spoken out aloud and instead made her hand smooth down an errant strand of hair. Quickly she calmed herself and tried to concentrate on the matter in hand. However her mind had other intentions and kept on repeating the over heard words to the song the Amyrlin had been singing, almost as if her mind wanted her to do, or say, something foolish in front of this woman. Just then though, Cara felt that small bundle of emotions that belonged to Liitha and she realised that at least one person here was on her side and would support her, come what may


Maybe she wouldn’t if she knew I was comparing the Amyrlin’s mental state to a badgers


Again Cara almost forgot herself and would have laughed out loud but she was spared this embarrassment by the Amyrlin’s offer of a chair.  Sitting in the chair Cara found herself looking up at the Amrylin and wondered if this was done on purpose to make it seem like she was above the Sisters on this side of the desk. Sighing at such irreverent thoughts Cara looked over to the next chair and was comforted by the small smile from Liitha, obviously she was not thinking about badgers, well Cara hoped she was not.


A cough from the Amrylin bought Cara back to the reason they were here and she was just about to speak when she realised that Shaneevae was sitting next to her and she thought it would be more politic if the head of her Ajah spoke first and then if they needed her to Cara could answer any questions they might have, and she hoped she could avoid any mention of badgers.


Cara Ramsey


I wasn’t born with enough middle fingers


Bonded to Liitha



The sound of the Amyrlin’s singing voice wafted from her quarters and Shaneevae worked diligently to control the grin threatening to erupt across her face. Then, even more embarrassingly, the First Chair had to keep the lively tune from cementing in her mind and grabbing hold of her dancing feet. Actually, it was this very thing that endeared Annais to Shaneevae.  They were both bound to lives of seriousness, but underneath they each wanted to burst out in song and were prone to, could she say it? Corniness, and sometimes a woman just had to throw propriety out the window in favor of corniness though it did tend to startle the children.


Curtseying, she took the seat opposite Annie still fighting the urge to giggle or worse yet jump to her feet and start waltzing across the Amyrlin’s office. Instead she focused on the task at hand.  “Mother, Sister Cara has come to me with an interesting tale of adventure and given the state of affairs here at the White Tower, I felt it was imminent that she informs you of her suspicions. I ask that you give her words the utmost of consideration.”


With that said, Shaneevae set back slightly giving way for Cara to take the matter further. She wasn’t exactly sure how Annie would handle the news that someone may be intent upon her death, but either way it needed to be told. The Brown sister wasn’t sure she would have been so forthcoming with the last Amyrlin.  There had never been any love loss between her and Sirayn Simeone. She would like to think she would have been as quick to inform Sirayn of a possible attempt on her life had she been privy to such information, but she wasn’t quite sure. Needless to say, the disappearance of the Green and the subsequent replacement by Annie had left Shaneevae feeling quite giddy of late.


Shaneevae el'Edware

First Chair

Guest nephitess

IC: Hiding a scowl Phinn nodded and accepted her things from a stable hand. Forcing her voice to be stable and polite Phinn said…


“Be well Sister, until we meet again.”


After Cara said goodbye, Phinn took her leave. She felt dirty but knew she had to work fast to get things in order. She may have only one chance. Heading to the Green Ajah halls she found her way to her rooms easily. It was surprising what she remembered. As she walked through the halls Phinn’s Ajah sisters looked questioningly at her. As she turned a corner she walked passed a sister who seemed to recognize her.


“Phinn! Is that you?” the sister glided towards her. A nervous tick took her hand and it started to twitch.


It came to her then…Josefena…her friend from novice and accepted days. They had been very close and each other confidantes. It was a dream for them to be raised together and join the same Ajah. Ajah sisters and Close friends what more could a White Tower woman ask for?


“Josefena? Light! It has been years” she responded to her old friend.


Now to ditch her, thought Phinn.


“My Sister…I wish to catch up with you, but I need some time to settle in. Please forgive me.”


Josefena nodded and said she understood. They would meet the next day for lunch. Phinn walked along the hallway to her doors and did not notice the dark haired sister whose eyes followed her. After cleaning up Phinn readied her self to go into the city. She looked in the mirror and grimaced at the scars on her face. She would have to get her face mended if possible.


Stepping out of her room she left the halls and made her way to the city.  It was an odd feeling to be walking around Tar Valon again. She still knew the streets and made her way quickly to the apothecary shop. It would have been easier to go to a yellow sister for this but she needed secrecy.  Getting a plethora of ingredience she left the shop. The people were bustling around and the street was busy. It almost overwhelmed Phinn. She wanted to make this trip as swiftly as possible, the crowds agitated her. Growling under her breath after a tall man bumped into her, she turned into a paper shop. She bought parchment quills, ink and sealing wax. With a bit if giddiness in her step she left the shop and went to an inn that was out of the way and unnoticeable. Slipping in she ordered a drink and water. After the waitress brought her the order she set to work. Hidden by the shadows she added a little water to the ink and then proceeded to add the powders she bought from the apothecary. Stirring it with a twig she finished making the mixture. Pulling out her quill she readied it and set out her parchment. Now she just had to make the letter believable…not that is matters as long as she touched the ink her plan would work. Maybe an Eyes and Ears report….no Phinn did not know what the Ammy was watching. A warning note….it would work….but dangerous. With a scratch of the quill she started to write on the tiny peice of paper...


A warning….your life is in danger. Be careful where you step or what you touch. Keep a look over you shoulder.


Phinn left it unsigned. Rolling it up she sealed one side of the roll then with a wicked grin she tapped a little of the power mixture into the tube and then sealed it.  Leaving the wax unmarked she cleaned up the table and gulped down her ale. With a bounce in her step she left the Inn and sought out a messenger bird. She found one in short order and tied the tube to the bird’s leg. Tossing a coin to the operator she set back towards the tower.


Once back she went to her rooms. Brushing out her hair she settled in for the night. Sitting in her night gown she pulled out an old book that was sitting on her shelf. It was entitled ‘The Affair” She read a few pages and then put the book down. Suddenly there was a knock at her door. Who could that be?


Getting up she put on her silk lavender house coat. She walked slowly to the door. Did they know about the note to the Amylerin?  Her nervous tick started up again and she gave her hand a scathing look. Placing her hand on the door knob she took a deep breath and smoothed her face. She opened the door and was surprised to see a dark haired Sister standing there…it was the same one that had watched her earlier with out her notice.


“Can I help you Sister?” Phinn Queried…



The stairs they walked now was unknown to her, an audience with the Amerlyn wasnt normal for someone of the yard. And she kept silent leting the Aes Sedai taking the lead, untill they had been submited to the office. An invite to sit and she took a chair to the side of Cara, smiling over at her love when she looked to her. She'd let them speek and only answer any questions posed directly to her, this way she figured she was on the safe side of custom. Though an Amerlyn singing on the top of her lung surely had her relaxed to some degree, for sure this could not be one of those stricter ones who kept to the form in details.


Her eyes wandered around the office, she was looking for a clue what ajah the Aes Sedai migth have been from, though trying to do so without drawing attention. As Shaneevae spoke she snaped back to attention, what had happened lately in the tower. Come to think on it she knew there had  been changes in Amerlyn twice now by what they heard, though she had not paid to close an ear to the rumors, they always exagerated and made drama out of nothing. Besides she had never occupied herself to much with the tower politics, but thinking now on it, maybe she had been to consumed by her newfound love, come to think of it an Amerlyn usualy did serve to death, and 2 dyening so soon after eachother of natural causes wouldnt be usual.


Liitha sudenly felt conserned, and cursed herself for even leaving that afternoon, not having thougth of this before and checked it out. She vow to herself to not leave Cara out of her sight till she knew what was going on. And from that moment on she paid full attention to the conversation while seeming to sit back relaxed, listening for any clue on what was ongoing, any clue of aditional danger to her love. She shouldnt have been so sure of herself now that they where back to the tower that any treath of phin being out of the window, for all known by this mayhaps something bigger was ongoing. And while listening to the conversation she was also broding over the subject along with maping out Cara's rooms in her head, knowing she likely must be overacting, there was no safer place then Tar Valon, yet the memory of their kidnaping and her underestimation of the situation fresh in mind.


No it went fine then, but it could have gone so much worse, and the thougth of loosing Cara could only be conected with a hopless despair, so she shoved the thougth out of her head before she lost focus to nightmares. She now but wished they could be done here, she'd get Cara safely back to their room and talk to her, mayhaps she had learned more this afternoon, if not she'd have bether resources to get hold of information.


She longed to hold Cara, to be alone with her now, and at the same time her practical mind wished for a talk with Corwin again, sudenly feeling out of her waters. Mayhaps she could ask to invite him up tomorow, that way she could introduce them and also get his take on things.


Well girl there is no going back now, you had better make sure you relater everything correctly with no embellishments and no mention of badgers


Cara managed to avoid grinning like some village fool when she thought of badgers, words had an inopportune way of appearing in her mind at the most unwanted of moments, such as this. She had come to realise that when things were at their most serious, such as a funeral, or during a speech being given by an important person, she often found herself wanting to laugh out loud, even though she knew it was most inappropriate. Now was such a time and it was only the steadfastness of Liitha’s presence in her mind that prevented this and gave her the fortitude to carry on.


“Mother, please forgive what I am about to tell you, I do not like speaking ill of people, especially not one of our Sisters, but there are times when no matter how absurd something maybe, that it is always best to voice ones fears.”


Cara kept her voice level, and her gaze locked on the shelf just above Annais’s head. She started to relate the reason why she had gone, with Liitha, to the Borderlands, leaving nothing out about the mysterious Lord Camlon or her reasons for following him. “It was while we were travelling eastwards through Shienar, that we came across our fellow Sister, a member of the Green Ajah by the name of Phinnavear Tabor. At first she seemed most put out by our presence and we made our mind up to go our own way. But then she had a change of heart and asked us to stay. She claims she was sent to Arefel to counsel a Lord there, and that you were the one who sent her.”


Cara stopped for a moment, but seeing the expression on Annais’s face she decided it was best to continue and finish this. “When I enquired why she was travelling alone she said her two Warders had been killed and she herself captured by some Darkfriends.” The casual way Cara relayed the information masked her true feelings. She could not bear to consider Liitha being injured never mind dead and to be captured as well by Darkfriends. Well she had had enough of being a captive after the short episode with Lord Camlon. “I know the reason for why Phinnavear was there is none of my business, but I do not think these mysterious Darkfriends would just release her, and her oddness, her intensity I believe is the result of her captivity. I hesitate to say she has been turned, but all is not as it should be, and I believe she blames you for this. Liitha can confirm my suspicions if you need her to?”


Cara Ramsey


I wasn’t born with enough middle fingers


Bonded to Liitha


Shan's plea that she would take Cara's words seriously made Annais purse her lips together in surprise. She always tried to listen and keep an open mind but this had to be something very serious to get her old friend to make such an remark. The younger Brown's start explained something. Aes Sedai always stepped warily around one another if there was potential for conflict of interests and in this Annais didn't have any idea who Cara might be speaking about. Therefore she simply waited for Cara to continue and enlighten her.


It was a fairly long story even though Cara tried to keep it brief. When she got to the part about the Green Sister, Annais nodded to acknowledge that she recognised the name. She had encountered the Green a few times over the years at the Borderlands and even though there had been mutual respect, their relationship had remained mainly professional. It definately gave her a start that Phinn had claimed her to have sent her on a mission. The Green had been gone from the Tower for the entirety of the short time she had held the Stole. Maybe she had just meant that one of the previous Amyrlins had send her and Cara had misinterpreted. Annais would have to dig the records and the private notes of her precedessors again to find out if the reason for sending Phinn had been written down.


Cara paused and Annais gave her a patient look that asked her to speak on. Her fists balled and nails dug into her palms when Cara mentioned Phinn getting captured. It meant Dreadlords for no one else could hold an Aes Sedai and she wondered if the Black Ajah had had a hand in it too. Or Light, even worse, was Phinn a Black Sister herself? The option of being turned was stomach twisting too although you would think that they would have sent the Green back more normal seeming to arose no suspicion. Her mien grimmed at the mention of Phinn blaming her - or just the Amyrlin?


"I take your word for it, Daughter." And likely the Warder's opinion wouldn't differ much from that of their Aes Sedai's anyway. "Thank you for this warning. Are you certain that Phinnavear said that exactly I had sent her? Or did she simply say that the Amyrlin Seat had sent her? You have spent more time with the Sister since her... captivity than anyone else. If you would have to, what would you guess are her intentions now? And did she tell you anything more of these darkfriends and how she got away?"


Annais Nevell

Amyrlin Seat


The Amyrlin’s question made Cara consider very carefully what she remembered from the conversations with Phinnavear, running over in her mind what had been said and when. Thankfully Cara had a well-ordered mind and could recall most, if not all, conversations of importance, and so Phinnavear’s exact words came to mind.


“She did not name you exactly Mother, she said the Mother sent her. So she could have been referring to you or your predecessor.” Cara paused for a moment, remembering something else as well, more of a feeling than anything else, but a feeling that had concerned her at the time. “I do recall that when we were preparing to travel back to the City, Phinnavear seemed surprised when I said we could be here in a matter of hours, she seemed surprised by the means of travel we used, almost as if she did not know the weave for skimming. Perhaps what ever had been done to her had affected her memory for certain weaves, or she just honestly did not know it. So it could be she has been gone a lot longer than even she realises, I cannot shed any further light on that for you Mother as I did not know her when she was in the city before she went to the Borderlands.” Cara paused, her tongue flicking out and licking lips suddenly devoid of moisture. She could not say if it was from talking without refreshment, or through something else, but at that moment her mouth suddenly resembled a desert. Dry as a badger’s den as my mother would say. Cara quickly banished thoughts of her mother, and her mothers more whimsical sayings and pronouncements and focused her mind back to the matter at hand.


“As to the Darkfriends and how Phinnavear got away she was most resistant  about the matter and sensing her unease we did not probe her too deeply. My suspicions were already aroused and I thought it would be better to get her back to the Tower without arousing her suspicions. I had the feeling that if she had thought we suspected her of some wrong doing, then I think she would have bolted at the first chance, rather like a skittish horse that has been shown the whip and does not want anything more to do with it.”


Again Cara paused, a sudden thought occurring to her. “Of course that is what this could be about. She was so scarred by her ordeal that she couldn’t face what happened to her. At the first sign of trouble she will run, not because she is necessarily evil but because she is scared, maybe I have got it all wrong here Mother.” Cara finished talking, hoping she had done the right thing by trying to add an explanation that was more reasonable than what she had been saying. “But then I do not think that is the truth, my instincts tell me she is hiding something and it is a secret that is not meant to be seen in the light.”

Cara Ramsey


I wasn’t born with enough middle fingers


Bonded to Liitha


Jaydena raised her head as a knock sounded at her office door, she glanced down at the letter she wrote and quickly wove a ward to conceal it from curious eyes. Things had gotten so bad in the Tower that you couldn't trust anyone and personally she thought half the women she came in contact with belonged to the Dark One. Of course any rumors of the Black Ajah were quickly squashed, but in her opinion, anyone with a half a brain knew they existed. After all, people of every profession went into his dark ways, so why not those with so much power, those who wanted more power. In fact she had almost found his temptation to much for her willpower. Those were the darkest days in her lives but she had gotten over it and preferred not to think about the strange dreams or the burns on her face. She reached up to touch the mask on her face, it's smooth and cold surface in contrast to the warm side of her face. Jade shook the thoughts off and stood up to answer her office door, as ajah head she had her own office and though she often used it, she had needed something from inside today. She opened the door and arched her eyebrow at one of her Sisters, they knew not to disturb her when her wards were in place around the office, so either this sister was very foolish or it was urgent.


The sister didn't waste anytime in speaking, "Jaydena Sedai, a sister has returned, she's been gone in the Borderlands some time. Her name is Phinn and her warders are missing, she left with two. I haven't heard a full story as to what happened to her, but I knew you would want to know right away." Jade nodded and spoke, "Thank you, you have done well. I appreciate your quickness with this issue, please don't talk to anyone about this while I talk to this sister." She closed the door and quickly sat down to finish her letter, she sealed it and then put it inside one of the rosewood boxs on her desk. A ward was placed on it, anyone that touched the boxes would be burned and the box would burn to a crisp with no damage to her desk. She glanced around the room and walked out of it, setting another weave as she went. Couldn't be to careful these days, really couldn't trust anyone, sad state of affairs, she thought. Heading down the Hall she tried to remember where this Phinn's room was. They hadn't had much contact, she remembered very little of the woman as she had been gone some time. When she located the door and knocked, no one answered. She glanced around the Halls and located one of the younger sisters talking to her gaidin. "Shanna, do you know if anyone came to this room or left it today?" The young sister answered that the sister had come into the room and then left again in a hurry. "Shanna, when you see this sister return, can you bring word to my quarters please?" Her sister replied and Jade headed off to get some more work done. This Phinn would deal with her for not showing up to talk to her right away. Where in the light had she left to in such a hurry, she wondered.


Honestly, Jade was getting a little worried, the woman was years away from the Tower, in the Borderlands, with no word. Suddenly, she shows up and then runs out of her rooms again with no word to her ajah head. Usually when a sister came back, her first stop was that of her ajah head or Amyrlin. This was highly unusual behavior and she was starting to wonder exactly what had happened to Phinn Sedai in the Borderlands. She entered her rooms instead of her office and sat down at her writing desk to finish her reports and any ajah work she needed to do. Time passed and eventually a knock came at her door, she followed the same process as earlier and then opened her door. Shanna let her know that Phinn had returned and she thanked the sister and exited her office. She knocked on Phinn's door moments later and waited for a answer from the long missing sister...


Jaydena Mckanthur


ooc- Hope I was supposed to post her right now, Neph asked me too.  ;D

Guest nephitess

OOC: your fine Jade....I'll respond soon. thanks for showing up!! ;D


Phinnavear's lack of knowledge Traveling helped to place the time when she had left. The miraculous rediscovery of a lost weave was quite recent event after all. Now when any place in the world was just one step away the old traveling times on horseback or by ship seemed Ages long. Annais would have to investigate a bit on the matter from the records and gather all possible information on this particular case. But first she would speak in person with the Green.


Cara's throat seemed to need some moistening and she doubted that it was a result of nervousnes. Quietly Annais embraced the Source and condensed water from the humidity of the air to one of the crystal brandy glasses on her desk. When it was full she floated it to Cara and settled to listen once again. It was good that Cara hadn't pressured Phinn as they really needed to get to the bottom of this. And an Aes Sedai with frayed sanity loose on the world was not something the Tower needed. And Phinn knew now how to Travel so with their luck she could go and get herself captured by the Seanchan. It was a constant nightmare of hers since her discussion with one of the Forsaken.


It definately was a possibility that Phinn was simply traumatized even if Cara in the end dismissed it. Annais was definately weary of anything that related to the Darkfriends and Light knew that she had cause to be paranoid. She couldn't know anymore who to trust in the Tower save for the handful of women she had tested herself. And even they could have been compromised since that.


"You have done well by making sure that Phinnavear returned to the Tower, Daughter. Now we just need to find out what happened to her and what are her intentions. As it is customary that a Sister reports to the Amyrlin when she returns to the Tower, I would ask you to retrieve Phinn to me, Daughter. I believe that she might be comforted slightly by seeing a familiar face."


Cara understood the dismissal but when Shaneevae stood also, Annais motioned her to sit down. "If you would wait with me until Phinn arrives, Daughter. It has been a while since we last talked." When the door closed behind the younger Brown, Annais let out the laughter that had been bubbling inside her despite the serious concern. "Oh Shan, that was just hilarious", she managed between hearty chuckles and walked over to hug her friend. "How have you been? Being a Sitter definately keeps one busy but have you had time for your own studies and more importantly, fun?" Annais winked. "You and I should really go to terrorize Tar Valon one of these days."


Annais Nevell

Amyrlin Seat


OOC: I thought that Annais and Shan could chat for a bit while Phinn and Jade have their conversation :)


Liitha took the lead once out of the office, her ears was on top of things listning for other aproaches in the hallways. Phin beeing green she tried as best she could to recal the way there though confered with her love a few times to not walk wrongly. Hopefully they wouldnt have to stay while the mother talked to her, she could sence that Cara must be as tired as she was.


They found Phin exciting the room of another Aes Sedai, one that Liitha recognised, and she was silent while Cara told Phin their reason for beeing there. Liitha stayed silent the way back to the amerlyns office and was happy when they where dismissed. She followed by Cara's side back to the brown quarters, and once the door was closed she draged her love into her arms for an embrace. "Its been a long journey, lets rest hon, tomorow is soon enough to think more on these mathers"



ooc just put it in as a timeloop, so when phin and jade is done talking phin can be collected by cara and taken to the amy.

Guest nephitess

OOC:  Sorry for this taking so long…..


IC: “Can I help you Sister?” Phinn Queried…


Holding her house coat she stepped back…


“please come in.”


Indicating a seat, Phinn, went to the fire place and put on some water to boil. Her hands almost gave her away because the threatened to shake. If memory servered her right this was the Ajah Head, Jaydena Sedai. This was not good, Phinn should have gone strat to her when she arrived. What would she saw when Her Ajah head ask why she did not visit her? Deep in thought she waited for the other woman to speak.



Turning her head, she watched as Cara exited the room.  As soon as the door shut soundly, Shaneevae turned to give her long time friend a smile.  The two giggled like novices as Shaneevae returned the hug wholeheartedly.


You and I should really go to terrorize Tar Valon one of these days.


A throaty laugh escaped the Brown’s lips as she returned to her seat recalling some misadventures or as others may call it, terrorism of Tar Valon.  Annais and herself had lived a little too freely at one time, not that those weren’t the good days.  “Indeed, Annie.  Indeed.  I could use a night to let down my hair and kick up my heels.  It’s been way too long.”


A more serious shadow fell across Shaneevae’s eyes as she prepared to speak, “How about you, Annie?  Does the stole lay heavy on your shoulders?  I pray you are content with this position and that you have staff surrounding you that you can trust because honestly, I don’t trust anyone anymore.”



Shaneevae el'Edware

First Chair


ooc- I aplogize for the lateness, life is hectic right now.


Jaydena waited for the woman to answer and when she finally did Jaydena noticed she wore a housecoat, she must not have planned on going out again today. She nodded at Phinn as the other woman spoke,  “Can I help you Sister?”  Jaydena arched her eyebrow, realizing the woman hadn’t yet realized who she was, maybe it was the mask, it hadn’t been on her face the last time this woman had been in the Tower. The other woman stepped back and motioned for her to come into the room, “Please come in.” Jaydena nodded and followed the woman into the room; the room was dusty and obviously hadn’t been touched while this woman was gone. Years and years she had been gone and Jaydena couldn’t help but worry about what had happened to her. Even an Aes Sedai could be broken in the borderlands and rumors were that that was exactly where Phinn has spent those missing years. Phinn motioned at one of the dusty seats and while the other woman went to put water on she knocked the dust from the seat. Phinn turned to toward her after putting the water on the fireplace and she saw by the new light in the woman’s eyes that she had realized who she was dealing with. At least she had that much sanity left and it saved her having to explain herself to her.


She stared hard at the other woman and waited for her to speak, finally it occurred to her that Phinn was unsure what to say and she might as well begin. Hoping she was dealing with a sane and rational person she begin to speak, all the while thinking about what might have happened to Phinn and secretly wishing she could have spent the last years in the Borderlands herself. That none of the things with Seia or Sirayn or the loss of so many warders would have touched her, but crying over spilt milk wouldn’t help, and she would only go insane in the end herself. “Phinn, my sister. Everyone wants to know where you have been and what you have been doing. I however want to know if you are ok, although I want to know those things as well, I worry more for your emotions and your ability to handle Tower life again. There is a big different between that wide world out there and this small closeted existence. Also Phinn you have been Aes Sedai long enough to know that when returning to the Tower, the first person you speak to is your Ajah head. In fact I have woman come to me in my office with the travel dust still on their clothes and clutching their baggage. The fact that you left the Tower again right after you arrived and went into the city of Tar Valon, and that you didn’t come to me is highly suspicious and I would like for you to state your reasons. In case you don’t know Phinn, though I suspect you do, my name is Jaydena Mckanthur and I am your Captain General.


Jaydena Mckanthur




Guest nephitess

IC: Phinn, my sister. Everyone wants to know where you have been and what you have been doing. I however want to know if you are ok, although I want to know those things as well, I worry more for your emotions and your ability to handle Tower life again. There is a big different between that wide world out there and this small closeted existence. Also Phinn you have been Aes Sedai long enough to know that when returning to the Tower, the first person you speak to is your Ajah head. In fact I have woman come to me in my office with the travel dust still on their clothes and clutching their baggage. The fact that you left the Tower again right after you arrived and went into the city of Tar Valon, and that you didn’t come to me is highly suspicious and I would like for you to state your reasons. In case you don’t know Phinn, though I suspect you do, my name is Jaydena Mckanthur and I am your Captain General.”


It was as Phinn suspected…though she hoped it wasn’t true. It was not that she didn’t know she needed to report to the Ajah head….It was best to stay away from as many as possible. Though Phinn knew she would have to be more social so as not to arouse any more suspicion. Sitting straighter in her chair Phinn spoke…


“My Captain, I am sorry for not coming to you first and fore most. I know my trip into Tar Valon looks strange but I have very little clothes. I went for enough time to have my self fitted for new dresses.


As to why I have locked myself up in my quarters…I have had no desire yet to see anyone.” Seeing the captain’s eyebrows raise Phinn added “though that does not excuse my rudeness towards you…I should have at least sent you a note to explain myself. I did intend to see you in the morning as I have much to tell you.”


The nod from Jaydena was one of permission to speak and report. So Phinn told her story. It was one of Serving and doing her duty. She told of going to the Borderlands under the orders of the Amyrlin. She took her Warders and was to help a High Lord in the defense of his lands and the border he protected. She spoke of the feeling there…it was one of deceit and intrigue. Phinn described how she could smell the lies floating around. She was on her guard as were he warders, then one day, disaster.


Battle and Blood was the order of that disastrous day. An unexpected trolloc attack came upon them. Fades lead the fists and the High Lord and his people met them, Phinn also fought in the battle. During this battle Phinn was overpowered and taken captive. Her captivity was one of torture and abuse in the most heinous sense. She was violated and her warders killed. After three years she was let go…sent on her way without a thing except what was on her back. After days of wandering Phinn described how she met Cara Sedai, a brown sister in the wilderness and how they traveled back together. Finishing her story Phinn said…


“I hope you can forgive me and understand my strangeness. I hope to recover in due time.”


Looking in her tea cup, Phinn hoped she had pacified the Captain General. It was the truth she spoke, though she did not mention her knowledge of the Amyrlin’s plot to have herself killed. 


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