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She comes. The Watcher of the Seals. The Flame of Tar Valon.

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Guest Arie Ronshor



Thank you again to all Applicants. This has been a very top notch run and the decision was very hard. But in the end there was only one.


Without Further Ado.. The New White Tower Amyrlin Seat is:





Played By Arette/Reetta. Her Bio can be found HERE.  Our Keeper of Chronicles is Aramina Sedai.



Congrats to Both of You.


Thank you Andrea :) I will do my best to fill the big boots of the position.


I will be gone most of the day today and early tomorrow so if I don't have time to post before I leave, wait for the celebratory thread Open to everyone (my) tomorrow afternoon at latest.


First the Keeper, then the Amrylin... then the WORLD!




But seriously sweetie - congrats, you will do well, the whole nine yards <3


Congratulations Reetta!!!


Or rather, Mother! :D


I do not have access to any of the WT boards, that we could sign up for but I gather there is some idea of what is expected of the Sitters in your Raising RP?


For Phaedra it will be easy, she will be heart warmed and supportive of this Gray Amyrlin! But I would really like to hear more if there is some idea of what's going to happen?

Guest Arie Ronshor

Celes - We are working on the RP Developement for this. unfortunatly with just me runing around and trying to keep up with what I'm doing and keep an eye on Jaydena's and Taea's jobs I've gotten a little behind. :) A more conclusive RP structure will be available soon, Promise. If you have any idea's or suggestions they will be very much welcome.


(And you should have access to the WT Boards now. :))


There is no grand plan for the Raising RP, Aurelie.


It goes simply like this, if even one Sitter refuses to stand right away, Annais will be washing feet ;) If any of you Sitter players feel like making her sweat, be my guests. The names and faces will be remembered though and Annais knows where you live *grins*


But in the end everyone will stand.


It would be great if everyone would post their stance OOCly so we knew a bit what to expect. And if there are NSW Sitters who are not played, the Ajah Heads could speak for them.


But first everyone need Hall board access.


Thank you so much you both! :)


I can speak for my Ajah and say that we'd be too proud to have our feet washed by one of our own. I read back in the Big White Book and found that it's been quite some RJ time since a Gray was Amrylin. I think Phaedra will actually be one of the first to stand. Well she would like that, but she will await another Ajah to do so, considering politics and seeing what Ajahs truly favor the new Ammy. But in her heart she stands first. ;)


And Andrea, no rush I was just curious if I had missed a planning thread. It all looks great here! :)

Guest Arie Ronshor

You know... I think Mae might not stand for the sake of having her feet washed. :P

Guest nephitess

Hey congrats hun!!! *huggles* you'll do amazing.


I have a question or two....I write a charater, Sada Kuchium, a sitter for the Browns. Am I still a sitter? who is the brown ajah head?


I'm sorry about all the questions....

Guest Arie Ronshor


Shaneevae is the Brown Ajah Head. You will have to contact her for both Usergroup Access and any sitterly updates. ^_^

Guest nephitess

OK so i post on the raising thread. Sada Kuchim is the sitter I write for. She is in favor of the new Ammy but has chosen to remain seated for the moment.


I also hope it was not a problem...but Sada is only about 90 year old so i wrote her as the youngest sitter. If there are any probems with my post let me know and i'll adjust it.


:D :D ;D ;D 

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