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I've yet to see that one, but it's on my list *nod*


Anyhoo, saw Unbreakable last night, a film I found to be quite entertaining and intriguing. Sure, shyamalan's lost it nowadays, but he sure as heck had it at some point in time. The characters were interesting, and sam jackson's was quite impressive (They called my mr. Glass!) and the story was just far-out enough for it to be somewhat believable and thrilling! Woo! 8/10!

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I've yet to see that one, but it's on my list *nod*


Anyhoo, saw Unbreakable last night, a film I found to be quite entertaining and intriguing. Sure, shyamalan's lost it nowadays, but he sure as heck had it at some point in time. The characters were interesting, and sam jackson's was quite impressive (They called my mr. Glass!) and the story was just far-out enough for it to be somewhat believable and thrilling! Woo! 8/10!


I concur.  This and 6th Sense made me fall in love with the guy and why I keep paying to see his movies now.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay I guess I'll get this out of the way first.




Please note I am reviewing this here instead of giving it it's own thread in the hopes that noone else will make the same mistake of sitting through this horrible, horrible movie. 










I just got done watching an abysmal movie, "Funny Games".  It appears to be a remake of an 1997 Austrian movie.  It stars Tim Roth(Lie to Me) and is a rather bizarre twisted movie(normally a good thing) done with the most horrid type of errors.  Basically the setting is a vacation village on a lake.  Roth and his wife are introduced to Paul by a neighbor.  Paul and his friend come by later to borrow eggs.  They proceed to make a small scene of dropping the eggs/asking for more/dropping them because of the dog/asking for more/refusing to leave.  When Roth gets irate he slaps Paul and the friend breaks Roth's leg with a golf club(First point....the human knee is far more resilient that the thin shaft of a golf club).  With daddy immobilized the friends keep the family hostage while tormenting them about it being their fault. 


Paul uses this opportunity to be introduced to the next set of neighbors.  Then they play mental/physical torture games with the family until the child escapes.  The child runs to the first neighbors house(Guess what they are dead) and is recaptured.  They then kill the child by shotgun to the head.  Paul and friend leave and Roth and wife try try and escape/reach help(Second point....Only phone is cell "accidentally knocked in sink water earlier, now works in every way except connecting a call).  The doors are locked so wife has to climb out window to run for help.  Wife is caught in the streets of community(sudden ghost town). 


During the next round of mental games, wife grabs shotgun and kills friend.  Paul searches frantically for the TV remote(Third Point.....and worst of all.....He actually rewinds the movie to before her move then stops her from grabbing the gun).  He then shoots Roth, then the two take her out to the middle of the lake(bound hand and foot) and casually push her overboard.  They then sail to the second neighbors house(Fourth Point.....There is an odd banter between them about reality and alternate reality, that I can only guess is supposed to intrigue the veiwer about the rewind thing) and casually say that wife sent them to borrow some eggs. 

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Saw Happy-Go-Lucky yesterday, which was a pretty good movie, yeah. 8/10. The main character was incredibly positive, which did NOT, as I expected, get on my nerves, but was actually rather cheering. What DID however get on my nerves was her laugh : p. But yeah, it starts off somewhat slowly, but it gets a lot better as it goes. Go see it!

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Funny Games is a love-hate movie.

You HATE it because you expect the normal from that type of movie! You expect everything to end bright and cheery with no one dieing except maybe the housband and the wife and child skipping away down the road to safety. Its not that kind of movie. Infact, the fact that the villians are in complete control over not just the actual show, but over you the viewer, by taking away that one little piece of YES moment you get, and completely rob you of it, is something rather unique. You (its general not pointed at one person but rather us all, even me) expect it to follow a certain set of rules. And they blatantly dismiss them, they shuv it in your face, and punch ya with it. Pie tin and all. I hate the movie because of all these various points, but I love it because it goes otu side the norm, and the directors escentially do what they do to piss you off. ;)

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I don't need the good guys to win.  There is that feeling of victory when they do, but in reality...you can't always win.  ;)


But this, this just went beyond reason.  I read a review on IMDB where it was likened to a pair of kids playing a video game.  *Shrug*  Still didn't help it's appraisal for me.  :-\

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Bug - What possessed me to watch this movie?  It was weird.  If you like watching people going crazy then check this one out.  There really isn't much else to this movie.  2.5/5


Frost/Nixon - The best picture winner will either be this movie or Slumdog.  I am still betting on Slumdog to win, but I can see it Frost sneaking in.  The movie was a bit dry but the acting was great.  I could also see Langoria winning best actor.  4/5

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The Dutchess - Kiera Knightly acted well but it felt like a movie I have seen 100 times.  Here is the plot.  Woman marries noble, is unhappy, has affair, swallows pride and comes back to noble for the good of the family.  3/5


Burn After Reading - Whoa.... what was this movie about?  You can definetly see the Coen Brothers touch here.  It was cute, funny in some parts, but all in all not a movie that will go down in history as great.  3/5

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Oh yes... Milk was a good film, but not one I felt is best picture worthy against Slumdog or Frost/Nixon.  The wife even feels Frost/Nixon was a better movie than Slumdog.


I could see Penn winning best actor as well. Very tough between those three. 

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  • 2 weeks later...



What an excellent movie.  I left thinking the movie was good but not great.  The more I mused about it, the more I liked it... I appreciate the genius that of what this movie accomplished.  Doubt has many layers like an onion that I keep discovering.  I give it a 4 out of 5 rating.


Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist:


High schoolers are not this cool.  Who lets their kids go to the big city and stay out for all hours of the night?  Not mine.  The movie was nice though.  It is a step above other teen movies that get mass produced each year.  I give it a solid 3 out of 5.



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Saw Pi the other day

Excellent directorial debut from Darren Aronofsky, nicely shot in black and white with a quite energetic score. Solid acting and an intriguing story about a mathematician on the verge of insanity, sprayed with scores of crazy metaphors and madness based somewhat on maths, make this a good movie.



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Saw two movies, I will start with the worst first


Daredevil: I know everyone is shuddering from the memory and I see why. It starts out as you would expect to set up the back story, no problem there.

However next it get's bad, they should fire the casting crew and wire teams the jobs are just so shonky in this, oh and much of the camera shots were really bad, either making no sense or not being important to the actually movie, or they were just so clumsy and slow to change in a fight scene.


So my two big gripes about it:Casting- Seriously I know Ben and Jen end up getting together in real life, but on screen in this movie it had no chemistry and both seemed to be wooden in the role not really being able to convey their emotion that well, considering that these are main focus characters it was really dissappointing.


Action/fighting scene's- Sorry but I've seen better fight scenes in Power Rangers, instead of being jump and hit the ground fairly quickly the wire crew seems to make them float along for several noticeable seconds before they land, I could have played a game of freecell by the time they landed and it would have been more interesting then the actual fight scene (elektra sucks big time, must be a girl thing).


The story isn't much to cough at either.

On the upside there are some things I liked about it, one was colin Farell as Bullseye, a fantastic vilian up there with the best and fairly well played by Farell he wasn't great but he didn't suck and he managed to produce a decent fight scene on occasion e.g. the thousand shards of glass he throws at daredevil was visually impressive, and the king pin(awesome marvel villain) by played by Micheal Clarke Duncan (despite the fact he is black) is another good performance. There is something wrong with a film when you feel more for supporting cast then the main, Murdock's law partner and secretary(played by Ellen Pompei I think) did fantastic performances. And the last thing I really did enjoy was how they shot Daredevils sonar powers, it would be on par with the scene in night watch on the train where the person's head becomes transparent and you can see the blood vessels.


Now for something much better:The squid and the whale


This was a good film, even with handycam feel about it and an intersting study on the stress put on a family when parents seperate, superb casting and performance expecially the yougest son who seems to sum up the worst possible scenario that can happen.


It's also interesting to see all the politics that occur and how when humans get into nasty situations they turn nasty. funny it always seems like you can talk more about the bad film because of it's flaws but the squid and the whale, very good american indie film from 2005 also being oscar nominated

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