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I want to join the White Tower

Master Lu

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Last time I wrote something like that was... urgh... well, nevermind that.


What happened is I wanted to see the Blue Ajah boards, so people told me go join the usergroup. And I'm like huh?!? Fastforward an hour and a half of looking for 'usergroups' everywhere and anywhere on this site, searching the FAQs, forums and even a pretty little google search on the dragonmount domain, in an obscure 'welcome newbie xxy' post I find out these new boards need moderators and admins to manualy assign users. So...


I'd like to join the White Tower. Again. :P


And someone should really go through the FAQs and mention that there is no friggin usergroups link. I actually thought I was going mad.  :'(


Oh, and I want a hug for my effort! *pouts*


*hugs Master Lu*


The ability to join usergroups by a click went away when we moved.  Whoever told you that was crazy hehe.


Nice to meet you by the way and welcome back?


Sorry Lu... I thought this was setup the same way as the other boards.  So I'm the "crazy person."  :P  And if they have welcome posts that say you need to join a Usergroup, then yeah, that needs to be changed, pronto.


Do you need a new Mentor?  Hahahahaa...  (Lor, give him to me!  *grins*)  No, wait, bad idea, since I don't even know how to join the boards... haha.


*takes Lu to the Closet® to make up for it*


You don't have to join as a novice and work your way up again; you can come back as a Blue AS like you were.  Of course, if you really want the torture, then you are free to be a novice.  ;)


Oh, god, no!  :o Anything but being a Novice again!!


Mesa likey getting hugs! Mesa likey giving hugs! *returns the hugs*


*is whisked to the Closet®*


*time passes*

*some more time passes*


*is let out*


Wow... Very introverted Jhae. Very introverted...  ;D :P :-*


P.S. What's the firggin code for the registered trademark. I never could remember it...  :-\

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PM Loraine, she should remember you.  She'll add you to the group. Then Nia can add you to the Blue stuff.


It's funny when the n00bs think it's cute to suggest going back through as a Novice... ::shudders:: ;)


::snuggles Eggy and preens::


I still can't understand why anyone would want to be a Novice ever again anywhere; I think I still hold the record for second-fastest raising in the  history of the Tower... only beaten by Jules by like... a week or two... if that... I think I was Jan 19, 2001-April 1, 2001 (72 days?)... and only that long 'cause DM broke right towards the end of my training and SOME one ::coughprobablyKathanacough:: thought it would be up quickly.. HA!... 'cause I hated it that that much and wanted it over with!


::shudders more::


I miss Jules and Sabine :'(  Make them come back Eggy... YOU HAVE THE POWER!












I didn't think it was cute to suggest it, Rae!  :P  I just know that there are some crazies (like General Mat) who actually like going through that phase again.  ::)


I do tease too strenuously, Dwynwen :)


And yesssh... they are a bit on the silly side if they want to redo it!  Part of the reason I've not joined up any sites that aren't here - I honestly can't bear the thought of doing it from scratch!


Jules was the head of the Black Ajah when I joined; he was quite surprised when I jumped on the idea of joining him.  It actually worked out perfectly with storyline justification for it, as well as an in-story reason why I was going to be gone for some time to match the fact I had no internet during basic training :D  Sabine was just...  Sabine, and she just ruled.  I was so very happy that I was able to take over the White Tower Tags site from her... not that I remember where the $#%^ing hell I have it up now :/  I do still have most of the actual tags floating around on my hard drive though, so I might be able to reset it up in say - a photobucket account or something for nabbage :)




Eh, you're not ::that:: new... you've still got, what.. 3, 4 years under your belt? :)  Long enough to be an Ajah Head in truth and in your own right and to garner the respect that comes with it! :D


Thanks, Rae.  :)  Yep, my three-year DMversary is coming up in October.  I'm not quite a newbie and not quite an oldbie.  I guess you could say I'm a middlebie!


A lovely way of putting it :)


And we all have moments of feeling the n00b; I know that some of the people that have even that year on me make me feel completely and utterly baby-faced  ;D


3 year old isn't an oldbie?!  ??? *counts*  :o Holly shit!!!!!!!! It's 2007. aahhh... ummmm... I'm speachless. I didn't actually count it up till now. I sorta assumed it was around 3-4 years for me. And it's soooo not. That would be more like the 7 years. Well, more...




Muuuuuuummmmmmyyyyy. Make it better!!!


Where did the friggin time go?!!?!


Sooo, I couldn't believe it, and went to check. And yes, my first BT RPs were written in the beggining of 2000.


OK, I need to process this...  :-\


P.S. Juls and Sabine sooo rocked my world. A bunch of other people as well...


Sebaaaastian *wails* do I get the huggle, too? I miss you, darnit! You were like.. my first Blue Head! Though I do remember Julesy as well. Rumor has it he lives in London now, though I have no idea how I'm going to contact him.


And I'm going on seven years now, too. Scary stuff, that is.


Omfg, I would kill to give Jules a snuggle too - he is made of pure awesome!  I remember his spanish class back in DM 5.0 - I passed 'cause I said mean things about Britney Spears en espanol <3


Back when this site was better before the RP/Comm split (here we are, years later... and I still think it blows...sorry!), you could take both OOC and IC classes for your raising requirements, and it actually generally worked out that you had to have a mix of them!  I don't remember if I took Jules' spanish class to fill one of my required elective spots or just for the fun of it, but it was a blast :)


Also, your name confused me for a few seconds, as I thought you might've been an old White Sister returned.


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