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Announcement - Staff memebers and their job description


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I feel that the div has progressed a bit since I've taken up the reins and so I've decided to delegate a bit to make this place bloom even more. Three heads are better then one, right? :D


I've appointed Castle/Kuroshiro as a staff member, specifically in charge of the WS lessons. If you have any requests for specific WS lessons, he's the one to poke. You can contact him at: ig88uk[at]yahoo[dot]co[dot]uk  (with the title: CoL). Kuro is a 2nd Lieutenant and he belongs to the Army of the Light. Kuro has recently started a basic WS training thread on the Fortress of Light board. Please feel free to join.


I've also appointed CorenYi/Dononvan as a staff member, specifically in charge of the Rank related classes. So any class requests should be forwarded to him. He'll also be taking care of discipline. So if any of you naughty recruits plan some mischief, know that his hand will be the one spanking your butts. And he'll prolly be enjoying it too *g*. You can contact him on: kylindrp[at]gmail[dot]com

Donovan is a Captain and belongs to the Whisper of the Light.


And then there's me. I have a Child character named Zoe and my TPC Ezekiel, from the Hand of the Light. I also TPC both Roudal (Head Clerk) and Emanuela (Quarter Master) in enteries to the Fortress. I welcome newbies, RP enteries, approve bios, approve RPs and pranks (pranks can also be approved by CorenYi), keep your advancement updated and am generally here for whatever you need me for. You can PM me at any time or email me at: Nynaeve_n10@hotmail.com

Questions, suggestions, complaints. Anything. I'm quite appoachable and open to suggestions. ;)


So lets welcome both Donovan and Kuro to our midst and let us all cheer for a better CotL, cause lets face it! We're the coolest Division in DM  8)

Now all that's left is proving it!


Hear hear!  *cheers for Donovan and Kuro and downs a shot of Jameson*







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*bows* Thanks all. I'm Coren/Daniel/Fior(in chat) call me whatever you're comfortable with. I've been known to answer to everything from Thad to Slave. Of course, since I get to whip you louts into shape, you might want to be careful who you call slave. *winks*


In general I'm easy to get along with. My contact information is


Skype: thedreadpirateyi

MSN: kylin_drp[at]hotmail[dot]com(if you email me here you will not get a reply, I don't check it :p)

email: kylindrp[at]gmail[dot]com


I'm always open for talk, day or night, and if I'm not reading as online, chances are I'm invisible, so just send me a message anyway. Worst case scenario: I don't reply until later.


Also, I'm always up for RPs, so bring along the ideas. :)


I look forward to playing with all of you.



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Thank you very much Nyn. I feel quite privileged to be in this position.


If you do want to contact me about anything either PM me at this site or send me an email which MUST be titled CotL; (Otherwise it will be deleted), at:




and I will do my best to help you out. My aim is to make things enjoyable so if you have any ideas about lessons or just some fun things we can do as a group then get in touch and we will work something out.


I hope to hear from you all at some point, whether it be via lessons or OOC, but either way…Let the fun begin!!!!


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