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Rand and the Third Man *****(KoD spoilers)*****

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your are probely rigth about the eyes be windows to and not mirrors of the soul, but that dosn't realy change the argument, then you can se "the black" on the soul.  ;)


But I have abselutly no evedence from the book that this is the case. It is just a thougth ; :)


If the saa were a reflection of the black of the soul, then wouldn't the saa appear in a man driven mad by the taint? I mean, the taint has to be the power of the dark one (otherwise DO couldn't protect the male forsaken), so if someone filled themselves up with it to the point where they were driven mad, wouldn't it show in their eyes, too? And as I haven't seen any proof of that (and wouldn't we have heard about it during Egwene's trip into the ter'angreal, when she was married to rand and he was going insane?), I am inclined to think that the saa are not the black of the soul, but rather a physical manifestation of the addiction to the TP.


Not nesesary(sp), the TP is direct from the DO, while the taint i viel layer on the OP.


I don't think there is any connetion between the TP and the taint, as the DO has to portect the Forsaken from the taint.



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