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I was wanting to make a new novice, and I was wondering, since the WT site seems to be a little on the broken side at the moment, what the email address was that I needed to send the bio to? Oh, and what, exactly should I include in the bio? I know every Div likes to do things a little differently, so I figured I'd go ahead and check just to be certain. Any help would be appreaciated. ^-^

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Guest Estel

1) Wilders have to be pre-approved by WT staff


2) Max age for entering WT is 18


3) Novices may include their journey to TV in their bio or they can RP it out with a Sister


4) No Aiel, Sharan, Seanchan or non-human Novices


that's all I can remember right now

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Let's see

1. You must bow to Jade

2. You must think Jade is awesomeness incarnate

3. You must be Jade's slave!


This may help sweetie and welcome to the Tower!



Handle at DM/WT:


Physical Description:







Place of birth:


Character History:




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Tee hee hee... we gotcha we gotcha... :P  And don't fear the Green.  green is your friend... unless of course that Green is bonded to the Sister of your lover's ex.... (wow that sounded strange :P)  Then you might need to fear the Green.  Or her warder... yeah nevermind.. as long as you keep your skirt on over here we're all good :P


*Snuggles*  Welcome to the White Tower hon!  Let me know if you need anything!


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