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From the wotmania FAQ (in Weaves and Talents)

To make Cuendillar, a close net of Earth, Fire and Air is woven to surround an iron object and then a second weave of Earth and Fire penetrated through the net to touch the object (Crossroads of Twilight, Secrets).
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In fact it is both.  Like delving, healing, and working with weather.  Some of the forsaken are betterwith compulsion than others as well.  Each channeler has talents that appear to correspond to their strengths and weaknesses in the OP.  Egwene, is by far the fastest at making cuennillar in part because of her strength in weaving Earth.  So while the knowledge of the weave was lost, so was the talent.

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Actually, they're not quite as well defined as that bcxanth.  Several times, things that require learning a weave are referred to as Talents, only one of which is Healing.  There are Talents that do not require channeling (like Dreamwalking, Fortelling, seeing ta'veren), but many times the two terms overlap.  The ability to make cuendillar is not, apparently, something that every sister can do.  So, it is rightly considered a Talent, and it is also a Weave.

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