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The Gwampy Thread

loki redfern

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I was supposed to be laid off all summer.


Haven't had a full summer off since I was ten or eleven years old.


That's been quite a while since I'm 55 now.


Something happened with GM and Chrysler.


I know it was on the news.


I don't watch the news.


Now I gotta go back to work.


5:00 a.m.  Monday.


Four ten hour days won't be bad.


Three day weekends will be OK.


"Sunshine of your love"...haven't heard that for a while...playing in the "Wax Museum" on the radio...Cream???...yeah...I think that's who the band was...not sure...but I think so.


Wife has the summer off.


She's a lunch lady..."Sloppy Joe" is NOT her favorite song.


Good job when you have kids in school.


We don't have kids in school anymore.


Why does SHE get the summer off and I don't?  :'(


Unemployment would have put food on the table.


Might have had to use old news papers to wipe with.


Don't matter now.









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