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The Gwampy Thread

loki redfern

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* forgets what game we're playing *

* scratches gray hair *

* yearns for an audience for a "First Fool" performance *

* notices a 3 year old story teller peering in from a nearby thread *

* nods *

Close enough.

* sheds the CoL tunic that he was wearing last night *

* would just as soon forget THAT performance *

* Court Bard work is much more demanding than First Fool or Gleeman work *

* checks out his remaining bib and tucker *

Bright yellow boots to the knee...check.

Fluorescent orange pants...check.

Brilliant blue belt...check.

Lime green shirt with glowing red polka dots...check.

Pink scarf...check.

* makes a mental note that this outfit could also work nicely over at the Tinker camp *

Dark green First Fool's cap with bells hanging from the ends of five octopus arms (eight would be too many and might give the impression of an arachnid...don't want to scare the audience)...check.



* looks around *

* reminds him of the auditorium stage in the old middle school *


But it will have to do.

Hope I don't get any slivers.

Hardwood hasn't been varnished in years.  >:(

I guess...check.



* moves to the left *

* a single white spotlight follows *

* moves to the right *

* same result *

* jumps high into the air *

* spotlight hesitates as if caught by surprise, then reacts *

Stay on your toes up there, OK?

* spotlight voice answers *

Saw right.


* considers something *

You wouldn't happen to have any colored filters, would you?

* notices a blue smoke rising in front of the light beam *

* hears a coughing sound *

* raspy voice answers *

No...no filters, sen your.

* shakes his head *




* as if by magic, the room is filled with "flight of the bumble bee" *

* the old timer grins *  ;D




Where's my little dancing partner.

* looks off stage *

* a second spotlight with a green filter appears where he's looking *

* the First Fool glares toward the spotlight guy *

You didn't ask if there were any more lights, sen your!!!

* the performer shakes his head and looks back toward the green light *

* the Bar Mackerel's former avatar buddy struts confidently toward center stage *

* his toenails are all painted a shiny red that reflects the green light beautifully *

* top hat is cocked to one side in a most debonair fashion *

* white shirt, black tie, tux with tails *

* gold necklace to match his ear ring *

* he's a hot Chihuahua *

* the twinkle in his eye says he knows it, too *



* the First Fool produces a hula hoop from behind his back *

* he holds it just above floor level pointed so the little guy can jump through it easily *

* on glance from his partner says that THAT will never happen *

* "I don't jump through hoops for ANY reason" is easily understood from his expression *

* not wanting to admit his mistake, the First Fool tosses the hula hoop away from himself with a backward spinning motion *

* the hula hoop skips, jumps, then spins back to the thrower *

* the 3 year old giggles *

* the little dog grimaces then grabs the hula hoop from the First Fool's grasp and shakes it wildly in the air *

* he finally throws it into the third row of empty seats *

* the one kid audience laughs loudly *

* the hot Chihuahua grins toward the First Fool challengingly *  ;D


* not wanting to be out done by the hot Chihuahua, the First Fool produces seven shiny balls and starts juggling *

* the kid is not impressed...he's seen this routine before *

* the juggler "accidentally" lets a couple of the balls fall out of their loop *

* he quickly recovers by using his foot to toss the arrant balls back into rotation *

* the kid smiles slightly *

* this time, he lets the balls drop behind him then uses his heel to send them skyward perfectly back into position *

* the kid chuckles *

* the juggler is obviously frustrated *

* the hot Chihuahua is amused *  :D

* in frustration, the juggler faces the kid *

What do I have to do to make you laugh?

* one-by-one the balls thump the juggler on the noggin *

* the kid laughs and so does the hot Chihuahua *

* the First Fool shrugs *


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