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The Gwampy Thread

loki redfern

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Life was a lot more fun 20 years ago.


Never took so much as an aspirin back then.


Would have craved sex over soup any time, any place.


But, I did my time and paid my dues.


I have no desire to go back and relive those times.


I've earned my old age and I intend to enjoy it for what it is for as long as I am allowed to...and then I'll die.


* shrugs *


How did I get up onto THAT soap box?


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* checks his left pants pocket *

* lingers for a while as he searches his right pants pocket *

* shakes his gleeman's cloak because he doesn't want to go through all of the hidden pockets *

* balls of all sizes and colors bounce in all directions *

* throwing knives clang on the floor *

* a pair of girl's undies drift to a halt atop of the knives *


How did THOSE get in there?


* goes over to the locker where he stores his Court Bard garb *

* a thorough search produces nothing *

* a little idea light bulb pops up above his First Fool's hat *

* he forms a weave for a gateway and opens it then steps through *

* over beside the tequilla lake he bends down to stare along the shore *




I thought I might have lost it while taking a dip...guess not.

* some Wolfkin pups sneak up on him and tackle him *

* they get more gentle when they notice the wounds from his recent ticker rebuild *

* their licks make the wounds feel better *

Have you little tikes seen my Google?

* the pups look puzzled *

I need to find out what a lemon party is but I seem to have misplaced my Google.

* the male pup lifts his leg and pees on Gwampy's boot *

* his buddy gets the other boot *

* the females watch with wolfish grins *

Very funny, boys.  >:(

* the pups just grin devilishly * >:D

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"A bad day in fantasy is better than a good day in reality."

-- GrandpaG original saying.



I like to pretend.

It's much easier and far more fun than being serious.

Serious minds belong over in the Structured world.

Mine doesn't fit there for long.

I like to pretend.


* hears an echoing sound *

Must be my hollow head acting up again.


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So true.

I just don't fit in with the serious folk.

Much better with those who understand fun and fantasy.


Hi, sweetie!


I'd love to stay and spam a while, but I've already been here too long.

Gotta git up and move around.

Don't want no blood clots messing up the new improved ticker, ya see.


Wifey is gone to Walmart with the oldest grandson, so maybe I can sneak back in later?

Bye for now.


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