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The Gwampy Thread

loki redfern

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A former michigander who doesn't recognize the importance of opening day of firearm deer season?

November 15th is sacred to anyone who lives north of M-57!




WAY south of M-57.

That explains it.


Ted Nugent was from down that way and he REALLY gets into killing stuff.

I used to enjoy getting out into the woods.

Then, I got old.

Can't handle the cold.

Never saw any deer.

Now I stay inside under a blanket next to the fire.

(not really, but that's what I get accused of doing)

(won't tell you what names they call me)

Don't know why I bothered writing all of this for reyler...she don't read the long ones.  :'(


Sucks to get old.

Damn near flunked the stress test.

Terrible chest and back pains.

Catherization set up for Thursday.

Maybe a stint.

Sucks to get old.

Yes, I know I already said that.  :D

I know.

The alternative is to not get old.

I'd rather stay young until I'm of a ripe old age then die in my sleep.

Smoke when I want.

Drink when I want.

Have sex when I want.


Did I say that?


No such luck.

Gotta support the medical profession.

Sucks to get old.



Yes, girls, us Gwampys do have "that time of the month" when we are hard to be around...don't worry...it'll pass with time!

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I was twelve and a half when we moved out of the state. Up until that point my world revolved around television. And hunting never appealed to me anyway.


Also, Ted Nugent tortures animals. I just do harm to people. The difference being that people deserve it.

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Hi all,


This is GrandpaG's son...."DaddyG" I guess.....  He asked if I'd post on here for him.  I hope I'm doing it right. 


He ended up needing a triple bypass after they "scoped" his heart and found numerous blockages.  The surgery was yesterday (Friday) and so far, he's come through with flying colors.  We're not sure when he's going to be able to come back home, but the doctors said hopefully before Thanksgiving.


I know he spends a lot of time on these forums and I'm sure he feels that you are part of his extended online "family".  Please keep him in your prayers. 


It sounds like he'll have plenty of time to post when he gets back home (2 months off work!).  Nice vacation, but I'm sure it's not the kind he was hoping for.


I'll keep checking this thread until he gets back home, so if anyone wants to send get well wishes, I'll be sure he gets them.





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* lets out a fake groan as he reaches toward the keyboard *

* looking for fake sympathy or real sympathy...whatever he can get *

That's what sick folk do, right?  ::)



I'm home.

My slave driving wife is only allowing me to be on here for 45 minutes.

Nurse coming to check vitals in a while.


Last weekend I really wondered if I had done the right thing by having the operation...life really sucked for several days...I was not the kind of Gwampy that people wanted to be around...Grumpy Gwampy...to the extreme!!!  >:(

I didn't want to open my eyes.

Morphine dulled the pain.

One day I had terrible back spasms that felt like reyler was reaching in and grabbing my right kidney and squeezing it...then she'd relax for a few seconds...then squeeze again...that day totally sucked...even the morphine didn't do much.

By Tuesday I was taking small walks out into the hall and I even brushed by teeth and washed up in the bathroom sink...felt much better...they removed some of the drainage tubes...I opened my eyes now and then but didn't focus on anything.  They wanted to send me home but I wasn't ready.

By Wednesday I shaved off the 5 day growth of gray whiskers, walked the entire length of the hall with few stops to catch my wind, got cleaned up, had the last of the remaining IV tubes removed and headed north...was home by early afternoon.

Thursday, I had a REAL shower in my very own bathroom, flossed my teeth which I would never have thought that I would miss doing, got a nice clean shave with my very own razor, watched the wife get thanksgiving dinner ready without my assistance, and actually enjoyed eating (hadn't had much of an appetite before that).  Watched a little of the Lions massacre.  Watched a bit of the Dallas game (21-3 I think when I went for my nap).

Slept very good last night.  Only having to take one vicatin (sp?) every 12 hours.  Progressing much better than I expected or would have predicted last Saturday.  Each day is better than the day before.  I can do things that I couldn't, or I can do them faster or easier...like getting out of a chair or up from bed (with my wife helping).  My baby steps are getting bigger.  I'm able to walk for a longer time without stopping to rest.  My lung capacity seems to be improving.  I've been typing at this post for quite a while without having to stop and rest.


When I went for the scope last Thursday, I really had no idea that I would end up with open heart surgery.  At worst, I expect a stint or two because my symptoms were so minor and far apart.  Now that it's done and my recovery is progressing, I think I made the right choice.  One of the arteries is nicknamed the "widow maker".  Not only did it not kill me, the doctor said there was no real damage done to my heart...it's strong.  I was lucky.  I ignored my symptoms for a long time.  That could have been deadly.


The stove buzzer went off, so it's time to go for a short walk then suck on my breathing exerciser.  Never had to worry about ANY of that stuff while in Fiddlesticks...just keep the Gwampy clones close by for spare parts.  ;D  Don't know when "heir commandant" will allow me time to spam the other threads.  See ya'll then!


Hope you all had a good turkey day!



Gramps. :)

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My ancestry is German, but "neicht sperkenzie Deutsch" (I don't speak German...got that from the old WWII series called "Combat" starring Vic Marrow as the squad leader with the Thompson sub machine gun).


* waits for reyler to correct his misspelled German words *

* wonders if "reyler" is German for "hell cat" *



It's good to be back.  :)

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That's Gwampy mangling what little German the average Amerikan knows, "sprechen sie Deutsch", the literal English translation of which being "Do you speak German?", though nobody who has never actually taken a German class knows this and thusly you get people saying "Sorry Hans, I don't sprechen sie Deutsch" as a result of movies with Nazis as the bad guys.


According to Babelfish, hellcat in German would be Höllenkatze. Interesting!

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