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The Gwampy Thread

loki redfern

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That, o most ignorant Booger, meant that I had surpassed SinisterDeath and twinflower on the member rankings, and next had Luckers to get ahead of. Of course, if it weren't for the small matter of 3462 of my posts going uncounted last year because they shut off the post count in Fiddles, I'd be way ahead of the lot of them and by now probably ahead of Cleo and closing in on 10,000.

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Since I post for QUALITY instead of QUANTITY, I decided long ago to totally ignore that silly post count crap...that, and the fact that I didn't have a snowballs chance in hell of ever catching up with ANYONE let alone passing them!!!  >:(


When you waste as many lines posting as I do, you don't really tend to gain much ground very fast on the four or five word posters...the bad part is that often times their posts are far more entertaining and meaningful than my long-winded, properly spelled and punctuated ones...just ask anybody who has been around long enough to really gain insight into the posts of her majesty queen reyler and his royal highness king Red...not to mention his emperishness DS!!!  Now THAT trio knows how to sling the SPAM!!!  :)





Are you guys putting me on?

Or, is there REALLY someplace to view your post count outside of Fiddlesticks?

I haven't seen my post count in OH, SUCH A LONG, LONG TIME!!!

And, so, if I really DO still have one, even though it doesn't include my favorite spamming place in the whole wide world of fantasy, please...PLEASE...somebody... anybody... please let me know where I can go to look at it and admire it and cherish it... PLEASE!!!


If there isn't such a place, then, you're just NOT funny at all...messing with an old Fool's mind like that!!!  :'(

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* feels like one of the Mummy creatures *

* hoping the reshaping magic works for Fools *


Ah, yes.


Compared to some of her...dealings...with me, this is indeed mild.


She doesn't realize that I accept her tortures willingly and as tokens of our long-standing relationship...she has her way with me, and I take it...then, I recover...even if I have to grow ten little Gwampy clones for spare parts!!!  That's the way it is.  I occasionally respond with some maniacal act of respect and fondness.  But, Fiddlesticks would surely decay, deform, and dissolve if we were to go against the natural laws governing our beautiful world and act in any other way.  She is my queen.  I am her loyal subject...and Fool.  As it should be.  For all time.  Or, until one or the other of us gets bored with it and decides to change our behavior in which case all will be good...this is FIDDLESTICKS!!!  Where rules suck!!!  And chaos is good.  Where fried-brains and geniuses can intermingle with uninhibited feelings of bliss, anytime, day or night, until the power goes out or the spouse gets pissed.  Call me crazy.  I truly do love it here.  Even if I am but a lowly pile of dust.  ;D

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* feels the magic working *

* gradually regains his Gwampy appearance *

* bows deeply, earnestly, regretfully, respectfully *



Gotta git.

"Real world" crap to do.

On the road tomorrow...long trip...home late...no spamming.  >:(

Taking grandkids to the beach Sunday.  :)

No spamming Sunday.  >:(




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