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The Gwampy Thread

loki redfern

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* swats at something buzzing behind his ear *

Dad-gum skeeters!!!

* looks at palm *


Oh, my!!!

Sorry, Faerielin!



Maybe that's why most folks wouldn't touch this thread with a ten foot pole?


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* trying not to sound rude *

* remembers this is Fiddlesticks *

Faerielin is too hard for me to remember.

F is too short and might be misinterpreted.

Fa is a long, long, way to run.

Far is away.

Fae is...is...unique...not too hard to remember, maybe?


What do you think?


* remembers this is Fiddlesticks *

* juggles his balls in delight *

* three blue, two red *

* then four green *

* smiling, leaping, dancing around as he juggles *

Look, ma...no hands!!!

* balls crash to the floor *

* the First Fool scrambles to try to scoop them up *

* all the while thinking to himself aloud *

I'll just call her Fae.

If I can remember it.


That's what I'll do!

By jingle!

Come back here you dad-burned thing!!!  >:(

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hehe i whent for fey  coz it sound the same but faeries are creatures of the fey ^^


and its not that bad there are lots of other places i would sniff at going like liverpool or birmingham, and london sucks donkey. and then europe is full of forgien types. and even then theres places that are like bolton ..ok maybe peter kay came from there but well they talke funny and are probably imbread, and then there are even places in this bougher ..er however you spell that that you dont want to go .. aand south manchester ..anyway so basically heaton park is the only place you want to be :D

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Meh. *shrugs* Fae, fay, fey, faer, faerie...it all works...


And there are places in America which are worth the trip...there are also places that....just suck. But, whatever.


If you get the chance, I recommend visiting Seattle, many places in Colorado, Austin, many places in Maine, there are others, but those are the ones that stand out, and that I've been to.


*retrieves twelve foot pole and vaults out of thread*

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oh yes ..i want to go to austin, thats where the spam museum is


but if were recomendig places, whichi grant is less neagative, id say barbados, the lake district, heaton park (as i said before) wigan aint bad, cornwall and kent, but thats ones for um more the people for once :)

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Be it ever so humble...

* remembering what Dorothy said *



Ever wonder why people stuck living in a slum do not just move to the suburbs?  The slum, be it ever so repulsive to outsiders, is "HOME".  It took me a long time to realize that.


* hops down from the Gwampy soap box *

* dances around, waving his joker's hat causing the tails to swing *

* humming some meaningless tune *

* smiling as if he were almost in his right mind *

* enjoying being "HOME"...in Fidddlesticks *  ;D


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* swats forehead with open palm *

* fist would have hurt *





They're all filthy rich!!!  :o


Nice, fast computers...

High speed internet...

No job...other than spamming, of course...

Can afford to drink booze...

Then you throw in world travel...


They're all filthy rich!!!  :o


* wipes keyboard keys trying to remove cooties *

I've been spamming with flaming ARISTOCRATS!!!

* shudders *


Oh, no...


No, they just couldn't be...











* thinking aloud not caring if he's heard *

And I let them watch me playing with my balls...

Like some silly court jester...

Those rich folk probably REALLY thought me the fool!!!

* looks at sig *

That's beside the point.  >:(


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*sprays fey with Raid and calls her fey cause Faelene has dibs on Fae*




Sorry...didn't know.  :-[

* scratches head trying to remember Faelene *

* hangs head, giving up trying to remember *

I'm getting old.  :(


I'll just have to try to remember Fey.

* walks away muttering *








........ ::)

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* no longer able to resist the call of the wild *

* overwhelmed by the Catwoman avatar *

* grabs Rey by the tail and pulls her close *

* trying to avoid the claws *


* puckers up in anticipation *


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