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The Gwampy Thread

loki redfern

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I thought I already responded to this last year but it must not have taken... something naughty, as I remember... maybe it was an omen that I should not submit naughty replies!



Well, I finished AMoL.  I know.  Nobody really cares what my opinion of it was any more than I really care what anybody else thought about it.  But, this is Gwampy we're dealing with.


In all fairness to Brandon Sanderson, the book was not what RJ would have given us.  As should be expected.  I can't imagine trying to write a book based on the notes of a man who is dead.  "Uhm... what did you mean here?".  Silence.  Brandon's style is different from what we got used to before RJ died.  The book was OK but not as good as I would have expected from RJ.  I think I completely beat THAT horse to death, didn't I?


I liked the story for the most part.  It wasn't hard to follow and I don't feel that I need to reread it for clarification.  The Last Battle was long... as it should be.  I didn't feel the loss of the main characters who were killed off... they were there one moment and gone the next.  I almost put some spoilers in just now... thank god for the backspace key.  I almost felt how sickening it must have been to be involved in all that carnage.  Almost.


I could have used a little more RJ fluff at the end.  It left me feeling... incomplete.  "Here.  Read all of these books.  The end.".  I don't know WHAT i was expecting but I didn't get it.  I probably shouldn't be poisoning anyone's point of view who might not have read the book yet.  Sorry if I did.  You very well might disagree with my viewpoint so there would be no harm done.


They left out the part where the Tinkers and Aiel get together in the glass columns and become Jenn Aiel.  Maybe that will be in the books that follow AMoL that they haven't announced yet (encore after the final curtain).


I came to DM several years ago when I first got started with the series.  It has been a long enjoyable ride.  It's time to move on.  Just like many of the other chapters in my life that have come to a close, it's time for me to say goodbye to DM.  I appreciate the friendship that many of you have shown to me over the years.  Since I don't participate in any other social activity this has been a good escape for me.  I sometimes miss the daily RP entries in the Tinker thread.  I've enjoyed putting on performances in the First Fool thread.  When I first joined DM I enjoyed the General Discussion forum.  All good things must pass.  I will probably pop in now and again but I don't plan to spam regularly.


Thank you all.






Hi.  I'm still alive so far.



Hi again.

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best case scenario, yes


so I've got no idea where I am but I found this and thought you might like.


~A Sonnet in Lolspeak~


Dey sez we kittehs iz not gud wif speach,

Dat we spellz bad, dun yuse teh grammerz well,

An even sumtiems dey get madz and yell

Dat we shud tawk liek normulz, tryna preech

Dere "propur" ingleesh in dere kommentz on 

Teh YooToobs and such playses on teh net

Cuz dey (tho we did nothinz) wanna get

Us off teh webz. Dey's mean an want us gawn.

But kittehs dun so eesly get deterrd,

O noes, an so dey griypes and griypes and griypes

But stilz we stays and stilz we can has tipez,

An tipez in lolspeek, yoosinz ar weerd wurds.

So tho dey will complayns, try as dey mey

We iz not leevinz, we iz heer to stay.



*vanishes back to the BT*

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