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The Gwampy Thread

loki redfern

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Gawkers.  Peep show peepers.  Peeping Toms.  Silent observers.


For countless days I posted and they came to read my lines.  The Faithful Forty Fans.  Always eager to gaze upon the beauty of the day.  Anxious to see what could be seen.  But, when it came time to interact, they fled.  They remained silent.  They posted not a word (with one exception whom I thanked properly).


It made me feel violated.  All that time I thought that we were enjoying each other, it was them gawking at my words.  Craving more of me.  Giving nothing in return.  A faceless rape.  Being touched by unseen hands.  Performing on TV for an audience that you can never get an ovation or a boo from.  Sure, some people do that for a living.  I write for the attention.  No attention, no words.


Gawkers.  Word thieves.  No-pay Johns and Janes.  Old news.

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And unnecessary.


What harm would it have done for a few of them to say something like:


"GrandpaG, you're a crazy old fart!  But I look forward to reading your posts."




"Why didn't you just kill the bad guy and let Jon live?"




"That was a sick pun with Jackson and Datsun."




"You're concept of life after death is...unique."




"You suck."



Anything would have been better than silence.


I really didn't think that my request for feedback was out of line.

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ROFL to be fair I didn't gawk so much but I didn't know what to choose when you asked for replies. :(


I guess I wanted to see how the story turned out in your mind. :)


Which is probably never why I got into the whole Choose your own adventure novels.

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Guest BaLefireP

Thank you.


* writes a mental note to remove Anox from the Gawker list *  ;)

Why you good for  nothing, low down greasy haired skunk! remove me from that list as well!  ;)

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  • 6 months later...

By order of WHAT? :huh:









* hugs his long lost thread *


Thank you!

Thank you!

Thank you!



* hears wifey stirring about *

* senses danger *


"She thinks that I quit spamming! SSSHHHHHHHhhhhh!!!"


* tries to sneak over to the First Fool thread for a peek *

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