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Geek Test


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ok as i had a brain fart the other night and forgot what SCA was i had to retake the test and my results have changed drasticly as i am able to read them better since i have slept for the first time in several days


86.39053% - Dysfunctional Geek



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Guest Seryanne

Woo HOo!


37.27811% - Major Geek


I am geektastic. That's hot :D


My geeky secrets are that I founded a Lego Society while in my final year at University..


And I collect spoons. (i currently own two)

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Guest Footman

Haven't been here in a bit and feel bad about that (that should give me a point or two!), but this is my score


36.09467% - Major Geek

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20.9073% - Geek


well, considerring i didn't have a life until 2000, i'm pretty happy with that. who else can say they knew so much geek material by the time they were 5 and a half?


seriously, i remember exactly 7 months worth of anything since i was born up until i saw the Matrix. after that i woke up, but most of my childhood is suppressed....



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Guest Cadsuane

It's funny how certain events or experiences can "awaken" you... I woke up, so to speak, during a conversation with someone the summer before I started high school. Changed my life completely.

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i retook the test. before i was completely honest, and didn't check a box if i wasn't really positive i even knew what they were talking about or didn't know if it applied to me or i didn't remember. anyway, my new score is:


100% - Liar!


which is true, because i marked the boxes that said i was a geekette. (so technically no guy can EVER be the geekiest, truthfully)


but seriously, not fair that you can't answer about a quarter of those questions if you're younger than 30 or so.


but i try not to dwell on the past. it gets you depressed, and that's not good for you. instead i look forward to expanding the geek horizon, as soon as i move out.

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