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(Moved from Tinker DG) [Ball] Poetry Contest


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Joined: 17 Feb 2007

Location: over in the Tinker Wagons

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 11:47 am    Post subject: [ball] Poetry Contest   




Please post your poems here for the Ball to be reviewed



Mentee to Dwynwen Sedai ~ Mentee-sis to Charis

Wolfkin Guide to Kara J, Chae, and Argetlam


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Joined: 20 Mar 2006

Location: Snoreway

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2007 3:03 am    Post subject:   




Not very 4th of Julyish.


Yellow Snow


Yellow snow

Why do you hate me so?

When I eat snow in the dark

I can't tell you and the regular stuff apart

So instead of that lovely refreshing snow cone

I get you, filling my mouth with kidney stones

So remember kids that even if it spells your name

Playing with yellow snow can be a dangerous game





Heh, the lines just got longer and longer and there's not really any rhythm.




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Joined: 04 Apr 2006


Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2007 10:04 am    Post subject:   









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Loreina al'Landragoran




Joined: 06 May 2007

Location: USA

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2007 10:08 am    Post subject:   




Broken Sonnet


I think to write a poem must be the worst

assignment I have ever had, a sonnet

yet! a brutal task my brain to burst!

So here I sit and sigh and think and fret.

My paper quite as blank and clean as snow,

My mind as tortured as the blackest heart.

I cannot for my life decide what's so

deserving of my pen yet I must start!

And so with heavy heart and dragging pen

I wend my way through twisting threads of rhyme.

I speak of love and broken dreams and then

I find I've only wasted all my time.

I have no gift to give to those who love

As this poor missive must now stand to prove.




Novice of the WT. Mentee of Jhaenara. Grande Horn Honking Consuetude of the CoL. Ogier Gopher for the Librarian. Cleo's Apprentice. "People should never fear the government. The government should fear the people."


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Joined: 17 Feb 2007

Location: over in the Tinker Wagons

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2007 1:50 pm    Post subject:     




oh, wow! maybe we ought to separate this into categories, Will



Mentee to Dwynwen Sedai ~ Mentee-sis to Charis

Wolfkin Guide to Kara J, Chae, and Argetlam


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William Sedai




Joined: 17 Mar 2006


Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2007 2:54 pm    Post subject:   




We'll see how many we get 


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Joined: 17 Feb 2007

Location: over in the Tinker Wagons

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 6:52 pm    Post subject:     




true, that we should. Talk like Yoda, I must. *nods*


also, depending on how many people we get, we may just have to stick with a first place place for both song and poem and an honorable mention instead of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and honorable mention *noddity nod nods*


edit: okay, so I don't have time to edit in the smilies... I'll do that later if I absolutely must


I found my limerick for Hax. icon_twisted.gif



There is a great Seanchan named Hax.

Cads loves him so much it distracts.

He is so cool,

She can’t help but drool,

And lie right on down on her back.


lol, William is the Mahdi, Hax. that's his rank. Congrats, Cads! :D Your poem will be hosted in the next edition of The Song that I can hopefully get out by next week ^^


Oh my goodness!! I never win anything!! Really!  :D


I'd like to thank the Academy... Or, really, the Mahdi, and other Tinkers! And Hax, I suppose, since he's the reason I wrote it in the first place. ^_^


I found my limerick for Hax. icon_twisted.gif



There is a great Seanchan named Hax.

Cads loves him so much it distracts.

He is so cool,

She can’t help but drool,

And lie right on down on her back.


* thinking out loud *

good thing I can't see those legs!


I found my limerick for Hax. icon_twisted.gif



There is a great Seanchan named Hax.

Cads loves him so much it distracts.

He is so cool,

She can’t help but drool,

And lie right on down on her back.


* thinking out loud *

good thing I can't see those legs!


I can see avatars and sigs again.

UUUUuuuHHHHHhhhh...Caddy....uuummmm...how do I put this delicately....



:o ::) :o ::) :o

That's quite a change...did it hurt? :-\




Hi, Gramps! :D Can we have another story soon, pretty please!?! ;) How are you doing?


I'll do my best!  In fact, I'll head over there now so I don't get distracted...not that I EVER forget anything.  ::)

  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 6 months later...

Since we are the Tuatha'an, we are going to have to do what we do best for this year and recycle the '07 Ball threads and use them for the '08 Ball threads.


So ignore any of the previous posts and place your submissions here to be judged at the end of the week by Talya and Poledra.


Tea for Two Thousand



There were three ships that docked from sea

In Seventeen Hundred and Seventy Three.


But whence they tried unloading wares

Were denied a passage down the stairs.


In the Dartmouths' interest, it's Captain Roach

To Gov'nor Hutchinson, he did approach.


"We are blockaded from selling the tea,

Give us permission to set sail a sea".


He was denied, reasons concealed,

Sons of Liberty, he then appealed.


They all walked down into the harbor

Who else would stop them, no one would bother.


Boarded the Beaver and then Eleanour

Into the ocean, the tea they'd pour.


The B.E.I.C. then lost the funds

For Forty-five, Thouand tons


Of goods that washed upon the shores

Whatever was left, was smashed with oars.


Ten thousand £'s, they could've earned

But still had not, their lesson learned.


A fourth tea ship, had been run aground

Don't mess with folks, from old BeanTown!


I don't join contests because I hate to lose at anything that I do, but, I just had to spam this thread.  ::)  So, please enjoy it but DO NOT consider it as an entry...Thanks.  :)





"Geese." by GrandpaG the non-poetic jester.




I lay on my back

In a field of tall grass

Drinking some Kool-Aid

And scratching my...uuuuhhh....kitty's nose.


When over my head

There arose such a clatter

I sprung to my feet

To see what was the matter.

(kinda borrowed that a little)


In a shape like a "V"

One after the other

Flew thousands of geese

Which one is the mother?


I watched for a while

Then lay back on my bed

'Til a big, fat goose dropping

Landed "SPLAT" on my head.


Changed my mind about geese...

Seems they aren't so much fun

Walked back to my cabin

And brought back my gun.


Next time they flew over

Came a noise loud as thunder

As fire flew from the muzzle

Of my blunder-bust "Blunder".

(something had to rhyme with thunder  ::) )


Down from heaven it fell

'Til at last it hit ground.

To that spot I did run

With a leap and a bound.


I grabbed it's puny neck

And held tight to it's head...

Spun it's body around

'Til I was sure it was dead.


Took it home to be cooked

In the utmost of haste.

"Fresh Goose" should be gobbled

Never going to waste.


A big, round full belly

And my mug in my hand,

Back to finish my nap.

I was feeling quite grand.


When over my head

There arose such a din...

I just had to frown...

Here we go...AGAIN!!!




The End.


Apologies to Doctor Seuss and Lewis Carole.  :)




;D ;D Those were very good!


I thought I'd try a WoT limerick:


There once was a Chosen from Andor;

He always insisted on candor.

Surprise! When he died,

The Dark One, he lied,

And then sent her home as Aran'gor!





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