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Character Summaries/New website

Covai Seriba

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Long story short folks. We've got a new website in the works (one that, thanks to some really easy to use templates) will actually be up and running. It's also going to be easy as hell to update, so the thing's not going to go the way of the last few attempts.


But with a new website, comes new information. It's something I've mentioned to staff, and we've all agreed upon. Character desciptions.


Sure, we can all say what our own character look like, but how many other character can you accurately, and in detail explain? (Jocelyn and Rion, we just don't want to know :P)


Its something that we're all falling/falled into the habit of avoiding in Rps. Leaving details vauge about other characters at the risk of TPCing them too much. That fact is, in real life, or at least In-Character life, we would all be able to describe what other people look like, and its something that we should be able to do.


Now I'm not asking for exact scientific measurements, but I will admit the more detail the better. Height, body size, physique, hair and eye colour, certain habits your character may have, keepsakes or favourite clothing items they always happen to wear, general attractiveness/ugliness, dominance with one hand or the other, anything you can think of is great.


Each character is going to have their own page on this website. The format of the site not only allows for lots of information on a single page, it all but encourages it. I'll be putting up the character descriptions you send in, Character Rank, Op scores, Character Bios, Links to RP involvements and even up to date character histories on there. Basically, anything you want to say about your character will be up there.


Which also brings me to my other point, if you would like to write an up to date history of your character, I would love to get those up there as well. Its not quite a re-write of your bio, but it is a chance to reflect, IC and OOC over the time your character, and through them yourselves have spent here at the Black Tower at Dragonmount. Old blood can relfect and member and friends long gone, and new blood can reflect on the ones they've made, and what they and their characters hope and aim to achieve through their time here.


Reading back over what I've written I can see how soppy this may seem at points, but its basically a chance to give yourself and others a previously unheard of level of insight into your character here at the Black Tower. In a day or two I'll have my own page, as well as those of a staff member or two to show you what I'm talking about. But please, PM or Email me with the all information and things you'ld like to have on the website about your character.

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Guest Arie Ronshor

*applaudes* Great move. :)


If you need webpage help, i'm always itching.. ;)



*oh wait.. i have a Blue Ajah site to finish..... *ggls*... *



Again.. if you need help. :) or a non-ad/spam host .....

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Thanks for the offer Arie, I'll be sure to let you know. Davian, gimme some time and I'll search for it for you.


The site should be up sometime tomorrow after noon. It wont be 100%, but it will still give people a clear idea of the sites format, and show them the kinda of information I want to put up there for each character.

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