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The Seafolk Sisters Conspiracy?

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In Crossroads of Twillight, chapter 21 A Mark, we learn in Alviarin`s POV that the three Aes Sedai that`s from the Seafolk, all work in the Library, in the Thirteenth Depository, where the secret records are kept.


The question is whether the Seafolk send girls to the Tower just to keep Aes Sedai away from the ships, and they just happen to choose the Brown Ajah and become keepers of the secret records, or do they have other reasons to send girls to become Aes Sedai?

Why would the Seafolk be interrested in the secret records anyway? What else are they doing?


Or is it all just a coicidence? Any theories out there?


I don't have the book with me but I think it's in New Spring. There is a Sea Folk girl who is accepted with Moiraine and Suian. Moiraine thinks to herself how the Sea Folk send a girl here and their to keep Aes Sedai out of their hair.


I don't remember exactly what book, but a Windfinder says that the Sea Folk send a girl who can channel to the Tower every so often so that the Aes Sedai don't suspect the Windfinders can channel.


Two things, like everyone said the Seafolk send girls of moderate ability to the tower now and then to keep the AS away. 2. They don't like AS, seems like the seafolk don't like anyone, so if they're ever released they can go tell the seafolk that AS are the god-like figures everyone thinks they are


I know that the Seafolk sends girls to keep the Thower out of their hair, what I was wondering was whether they have other motivatons for sending girls to the Tower as well. I think it`s a big coincidence that all the Aes Sedai currently alive that`s from the Seafolk, are Brown Ajah, working in the Thirhteenth Depository. Maybe it`s just a coincidence, but I don`t buy it. Do anyone actually think it`s just a coincidence, or are they sent there by the Seafolk?


The Sea Folk sisters are obviously under orders to not spill Windfinder secrets and not stand out- to the point the Accepted in NS fakes being slower to learn than she is. They are all perfectly forgettable, average sisters noted for being closemouthed and flocking together- making them PERFECT choices to guard the 13th Depository by Aes Sedai who don't know they're under orders to be secretive.


It is possible that the Seafolk sisters have some kind of mission to find out as much of the secrets of the Aes Sedai as possible, to deflect any possible threat to the Sea Folk. Thats about the most meaning I can pull out of that scene though. BrainFireBob's comment about their similar abilities and attitudes leading to similar assignments is very apt, and much more likely than a conspiracy.


There is a problem with any form of conspiracy in that the atha'an miere have no knowledge of various things that the Sea Folk sister would know. If there was a plot, you would think they would have been a little more talented at getting information back to the home team.


Moreover this has been goin on for 3,000 years with no adverse effects. The Sea Folk themselves call the women sent 'sacrifice' and speak as if they are gone.


My belief is that it was the intrinsicly secretive manner of the Sea Folk Sisters that led them to the Thirteenth Depository. All Aes Sedai are reclusive, but these sisters have to be even more so.


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