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For discussing Season 1, Episode 8 titled "The Eye of the World"



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Guest Testeria
14 minutes ago, MasterAblar said:


Whoever sounds it needs to later die in order to break the connection. Which certainly can't be Perrin.


Why? Egwene could revive him if needed.

24 minutes ago, ArrylT said:

So wow just discovered something about the Horn of Valere that gives it a Perrin connection


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It is also later revealed that the Horn can summon not only human heroes, but wolves as well.


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Ghost wolves

During the Last Battle in Thakan'dar the blowing of the Horn of Valere is able to summon along the Heroes, also the spirits of all the past dead wolves that were dwelling in Tel'aran'rhiod. They are silvery figures and are among the few things that are able to fight successfully against the Darkhound packs.




Also if you read the wiki - it suggests that Mat was broken of his connection to the Horn of Valere - ergo is it actually necessary that Mat needs to be connected?


  Reveal hidden contents

It is also revealed that Mat is no longer the Hornsounder; his death and revival during the events of the invasion of Andor were sufficient to sever his ties to the Horn, allowing a new Hornsounder to emerge. Mat was hanged after his second visit to Sindhol, but in AMoL Hawkwing tells him that "Not the tree, Gambler. Another moment, one that you cannot remember. It is fitting, as Lews Therin did save your life both times.". The effects of death and revival by Balefire affect the weave of the pattern, and thus Mat's second death may well have been ignored by the Pattern if so.


You're just finding this stuff out now?



I was reading, what I thought, was a really well done reddit review of S1 changes, more objective and less subjective than most.


Anyways it mentioned something that I think no one may have recalled. I certainly do not think of it when I re-read EOTW recently.   Had to go back and find the brief mention.   


Nynaeve was injured at the Eye of the World and healed by Moiraine.

So in that sense the only thing that changed was Egwene replaced Moiraine as the healer.


Nynaeve, typically imo, acts as if it wasnt much in the books - but without detail how do we know how close to death she was?   Moiraine, for not being Yellow Ajah, does have a strength in healing.  


"A battle ensues in which Moiraine, Nynaeve al'Meara, Lan Mandragoran, and Egwene al'Vere are all hurt."



Basically the ONLY person in Ep8 that does not get hurt physically, as in the books, is Lan - so an argument can be made that the show is making Lan stronger as this is an instance of where he is not shown as being defeated by an enemy.    Instead he chooses duty over love and enters the Blight alone.



Lan's sword sprang from its scabbard too fast for Rand's eye to follow. Yet the Warder hesitated, eyes flickering to Moiraine, to Nynaeve. The two women stood well apart; to put himself between either of them and the Forsaken would put him further from the other. Only for a heartbeat the hesitation lasted, but as the Warder's feet moved, Aginor raised his hand. It was a scornful gesture, a flipping of his gnarled fingers as if to shoo away a fly. The Warder flew backwards through the air as though a huge fist had caught him. With a dull thud Lan struck the stone arch, hanging there for an instant before dropping in a flaccid heap,


Aginor clearly thinks nothing of the best Warder.   

Posted (edited)

Ladies, gents, and everyone else, there is obviously going to be much disagreement here, but in addition to two camps, one of which seems (in varying degree) to think this first series is OK, and the other that it is an abomination, there is a tiresome predilection amongst some people to dismiss others' views out of hand.  


I should not have to worry about posting my views without someone sneering at me, and believing they are justified in doing so just because they really really like the books and think they ought to be very faithfully followed, even in the (IMO) extremely ill-edited conclusion to the first book in the series.


I am a Tolkien purist, and I hated the Return of the King; the accumulation on the one hand of two many slight character changes and some dubious rewriting.  But I also knew that the parts of the books that I loved best weren't necessarily the same for others who knew them as well as I did or even better.  And I found that many people loved the final film.  I did not go around telling people that the books were better and if they liked the films they were idiots.  I did say that the books were better and they might want to read them to see it done better.


I also like Asimov's Foundation series.  The current TV adaptation probably rates a 1/10 in terms of faithfulness to the books.  Foundation is a classic of science fiction, but I am not in the least bit bothered that the series is different.  It also looks good, and I think I will enjoy it as something completely different to the books.


WoT purists may well be right that an adaptation that hewed more closely to the books would be better.  (I would broadly agree, btw.)   But that doesn't give them the right to say that the series may not be enjoyed for what it is.


This current intensely argumentative atmosphere where some us dare not say we like the TV series (though we can of course see imperfections) without being called idiots is not pleasant.

Edited by EmreY
1 hour ago, Testeria said:

I really do not understand what they did to Lan in the show.

In the book he seems to be master of his skill, relentlessly fighting to protect everybody around him, in the type of Kyūzō from Kurosawa masterpiece.


In the show they go to great length to show him as inept bodyguard - during first season he failed at least 6 times:

 - in ep. 1 when Morraine got hit by enormous blade to her chest (a wound that would easily kill normal human)


The dagger hit her right above the collar bone IIRC. Not chest. It seems that the dagger didn't sever the large artery that is located in that area. How could have Lan protected her from that when he was fighting trollocs at the wrong side?


1 hour ago, Testeria said:

 - when he fails to protect Morraine when she was shielding Logain,

How could he have deflected the dozens of shrapnels flying everywhere?

1 hour ago, Testeria said:

 - when he fails to spot the whole (Logain) army comming,

He was not scouting/guarding the camp

1 hour ago, Testeria said:

 - when he fails to defend his friend from himself,

He was drugged. Stepin put the sleepy herbs to Lan's cup without him noticing. 

1 hour ago, Testeria said:


 - when he allows Morraine to leave to the eye because he was busy with the girl.





Moiraine most likely masked their bond when Lan and Nynaeve did their thing and kept it masked because Rand came to her and they left during the night when Lan was probably sleeping. Why would have Lan suspected anything?


57 minutes ago, MasterAblar said:


Whoever sounds it needs to later die in order to break the connection. Which certainly can't be Perrin.

Perrin could die and someone could balefire his killer and voila! Basically similar to Mat's situation.

Guest Testeria
1 hour ago, EmreY said:

This current intensely argumentative atmosphere where some us dare not say we like the TV series (though we can of course see imperfections) without being called idiots is not pleasant.


I do believe the TV series is utter nonsense and I still enjoy it. Maybe because I just started the books after seeing it. Still after reading half of the first book I see how people could feel betrayed by it.

The key to it may be what someone in this thread said about book Lan - that a swordmaster in high fantasy series "is a boring trope". If the showrunners sincerely believe that it is - no wonder they disliked the source material so much and decided to change it.


And I don't think it is just men - Morraine seems like an idiot too and not only in the ep. 8 (for example in the book I was surprised to read that Morraine wear normal clothes when traveling incognito and not her blue ajah dress). More or less anybody who should be a trained professional in the TV show is an incompetent idiot. Maybe they just want to "give them some space to grow", the problem is this kind of world is completely unbelievable to grown ups.

Guest Testeria
1 hour ago, DaddyFinn said:

The dagger hit her right above the collar bone IIRC. Not chest. It seems that the dagger didn't sever the large artery that is located in that area. How could have Lan protected her from that when he was fighting trollocs at the wrong side?


In the books he would not be on the wrong side. It is his very job as bodyguard to be on the right side.


1 hour ago, DaddyFinn said:

How could he have deflected the dozens of shrapnels flying everywhere?


By putting himself between her and the shrapnels of course. That is what bodyguards do.


1 hour ago, DaddyFinn said:

He was not scouting/guarding the camp


Yes, that is my very point. In the books Jordan stated that he traveled twice as much as others in the group because he was constantly scouting forward, back and the sides. And here apparently nobody is guarding or scouting at all. Just a happy camp in the woods.


1 hour ago, DaddyFinn said:

He was drugged. Stepin put the sleepy herbs to Lan's cup without him noticing. 


Surely this would never happen in the outside world so he do not need to recognize potions and herbs that could harm him or Morraine?


1 hour ago, DaddyFinn said:

Moiraine most likely masked their bond when Lan and Nynaeve did their thing and kept it masked because Rand came to her and they left during the night when Lan was probably sleeping. Why would have Lan suspected anything?


Sure. They came for the last battle, close to the evil and what our bodyguard do? He lay down with a girl, because at that point - seriously, why not? It is not like it is some kind of his duty or something. I believe the difference here is that Jordan was a soldier and Rafe is just a fun loving artist from a big american city and one just do not understand the other.


I mean - they are all things that was NOT in the books. They were introduced for a reason and what they communicate is pretty clear, is it: Lan is at most mediocre bodyguard. He tries a little but he is just to distracted to do his duty well.

At least with Stepin they showed that he cares, they show him try. There is not much effort shown with bodyguarding Morraine.


2 hours ago, ArrylT said:

I was reading, what I thought, was a really well done reddit review of S1 changes, more objective and less subjective than most.


Anyways it mentioned something that I think no one may have recalled. I certainly do not think of it when I re-read EOTW recently.   Had to go back and find the brief mention.   


Nynaeve was injured at the Eye of the World and healed by Moiraine.

So in that sense the only thing that changed was Egwene replaced Moiraine as the healer.


Nynaeve, typically imo, acts as if it wasnt much in the books - but without detail how do we know how close to death she was?   Moiraine, for not being Yellow Ajah, does have a strength in healing.  


"A battle ensues in which Moiraine, Nynaeve al'Meara, Lan Mandragoran, and Egwene al'Vere are all hurt."



Basically the ONLY person in Ep8 that does not get hurt physically, as in the books, is Lan - so an argument can be made that the show is making Lan stronger as this is an instance of where he is not shown as being defeated by an enemy.    Instead he chooses duty over love and enters the Blight alone.


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Lan's sword sprang from its scabbard too fast for Rand's eye to follow. Yet the Warder hesitated, eyes flickering to Moiraine, to Nynaeve. The two women stood well apart; to put himself between either of them and the Forsaken would put him further from the other. Only for a heartbeat the hesitation lasted, but as the Warder's feet moved, Aginor raised his hand. It was a scornful gesture, a flipping of his gnarled fingers as if to shoo away a fly. The Warder flew backwards through the air as though a huge fist had caught him. With a dull thud Lan struck the stone arch, hanging there for an instant before dropping in a flaccid heap,


Aginor clearly thinks nothing of the best Warder.   

The problem with this change is that Moiraine is a fully trained Aes Sedai who has the ability to heal.  Egwene has no training, no knowledge, no skill, etc.


If that isn’t an issue with the viewers, fine, but it creates a precedent for the show going forward that any given weave, including quite powerful and complex weaves, can just happen if the caster is emotional enough.

Guest Testeria
1 hour ago, DaddyFinn said:

The dagger hit her right above the collar bone IIRC. Not chest. It seems that the dagger didn't sever the large artery that is located in that area.


This scene from ep. 1 actually is perfect sign of what is wrong with the show for me.

When I first saw it I was sure she is dead. Like - literary dead. Killed. Then she just took it out - so I presumed that she just healed it with her magic. Then I learned that she cannot heal herself so I speculated with my wife that maybe in that world prolonged magic users are just tougher than normal people like in Cook's Black Company series. Now? I don't know. I suspect they just thought it would look cool and forget about it 5 seconds after filming that scene. I just try not to think too much during watching WoT and to not employ logic to anything happening on the screen... and it is still fun to watch.

1 hour ago, Testeria said:


In the books he would not be on the wrong side. It is his very job as bodyguard to be on the right side.


You're arguing Lan should magically defy the laws of physics and reality.  If he's not on the wrong side then the trollocs on said "wrong" side stab Moraine.  You cannot be in two places at once.  You're literally complaining that something completely reasonable in a fight against multiple opponents happened and further that Lan couldn't break reality to still avoid it.


1 hour ago, Testeria said:

By putting himself between her and the shrapnels of course. That is what bodyguards do.


He tried to, rushing forward to try and get to the front.  Again, you're complaint seems to be Lan is not Superhuman.  Bankai Ichigo from Bleach would block all the shrapnel.  A normal human, no matter how good, would not.  

1 hour ago, Testeria said:

Yes, that is my very point. In the books Jordan stated that he traveled twice as much as others in the group because he was constantly scouting forward, back and the sides. And here apparently nobody is guarding or scouting at all. Just a happy camp in the woods.


He's not part of the army, he's not in charge of scouting, the scouts in question are other Warders whom he trusts.  Now your complaint is he's not parranoid and dismissive of people with similar training and backgrounds to him.  Lovely.


1 hour ago, Testeria said:

Surely this would never happen in the outside world so he do not need to recognize potions and herbs that could harm him or Morraine?


Who says he doesn't?  But your argument now is that it's unreasonable that someone he trusts implicitly who is trained to a very similar level as him could potentially slip something in a drink.  Your complaint is not realistic.


1 hour ago, Testeria said:

Sure. They came for the last battle, close to the evil and what our bodyguard do? He lay down with a girl, because at that point - seriously, why not? It is not like it is some kind of his duty or something. I believe the difference here is that Jordan was a soldier and Rafe is just a fun loving artist from a big american city and one just do not understand the other.

It's not like Moraine is completely safe in the fortress.  It's not like Moraine has and frequently uses a power that makes him unaware of her presence and so he factually could not know about it until morning when he went to check on her.  

5 minutes ago, Testeria said:
1 hour ago, DaddyFinn said:

The dagger hit her right above the collar bone IIRC. Not chest. It seems that the dagger didn't sever the large artery that is located in that area.


This scene from ep. 1 actually is perfect sign of what is wrong with the show for me.

When I first saw it I was sure she is dead. Like - literary dead. Killed. Then she just took it out - so I presumed that she just healed it with her magic. Then I learned that she cannot heal herself so I speculated with my wife that maybe in that world prolonged magic users are just tougher than normal people like in Cook's Black Company series. Now? I don't know. I suspect they just thought it would look cool and forget about it 5 seconds after filming that scene. I just try not to think too much during watching WoT and to not employ logic to anything happening on the screen... and it is still fun to watch.

While I can see the concerns of how this scene (and subsequent wound) was handled, I would say people will probably point to the type of training and the requirements to be raised to Aes Sedai. They must be able to remain calm and channel under the most extreme conditions, including pain, shock, or some type of trauma. Moiraine is one of the stronger, and perhaps tougher, Aes Sedai in the tower. 

As to Lan being inept, I was agreeing with this to a degree. However, I rewatched episode 1 with my wife. Lan is simply laying waste to trollocs as they approach Moiraine. He was having no difficulty with them at all, even when facing multiple trollocs at a time. I think this is maybe overlooked because it was mostly in the background of the spectacle that was Moiraine channeling. 

Guest Testeria
3 minutes ago, KakitaOCU said:

You're arguing Lan should magically defy the laws of physics and reality. 


No. I'm arguing that if Rafe is CHANGING something from the books it is because he want to tell us something very important about our heroes. And the message about Lan is VERY different from the one in the books.


3 minutes ago, KakitaOCU said:

He tried to, rushing forward to try and get to the front.  Again, you're complaint seems to be Lan is not Superhuman. 


If that was some kind of documentary I would all be with You. But this is not. Rafe CONSTRUCTED the whole scene to show us how Lan fails. Again and again. He could easily show him as top swordsman and dedicated to his duty - but instead he showed him as soft, playful mediocre guy from like me or You who just happen to travel with this blue lady. If You want an example how to show someone is a great dedicated swordmaster and still fails - just watch Kurosawa. Here we have completely different message.


3 minutes ago, KakitaOCU said:

It's not like Moraine is completely safe in the fortress. 


Of course she is not completely safe in the fortress. Why should she be? She is not safe even in White Tower, why here?


3 minutes ago, KakitaOCU said:

It's not like Moraine has and frequently uses a power that makes him unaware of her presence and so he factually could not know about it until morning when he went to check on her.  


I was told on this forum that she masked their bond for him to bang the girl in privacy. So he left his duty for the girl and only then she masked her presence and he didn't care because girl was obviously more important.


So again - what message Rafe is sending to us when constructing this whole scene? Do he want to show us Lan as super dedicated Warder, sworn to his duty like in the books? Or is he showing us something else?


I know that You are very active defending the show and that You can always find some interpretation that can be at least a little compatible with the books and I admire You for that. But in my understanding it is not important for someone who is not a book lover. I take the show for what is shown to me, not if there is some strange interpretation that would make it compatible with the original.


In TV show every scene has a meaning, it sends us a message - and this message is very different to what is in the book. I agree with You that it is possible to always find some interpretation that would make it compatible with original material but this is not my point. I judge it on its own merit and what I've seen is very different from what I read right now. I'm not even saying it is worse because it obviously depends on what You like. It is just different.


No bad feelings here, I will not continue this argument because I understand that many people are very personal about the series and I'm not. Meant no harm.

Guest Testeria
36 minutes ago, Wassup said:

As to Lan being inept, I was agreeing with this to a degree. However, I rewatched episode 1 with my wife. Lan is simply laying waste to trollocs as they approach Moiraine. He was having no difficulty with them at all, even when facing multiple trollocs at a time. I think this is maybe overlooked because it was mostly in the background of the spectacle that was Moiraine channeling. 


But why show how he fails at all? It is the same as with Rand's father. In the book he predicts the attack, easily kills 3 trollocs, contains at least dozen others when attacked from two sides and manages to runaway and find Rand and tell him what to do and if not for the poison he would be ready to keep killing. In TV he is just an old man with a strange sword, a girl with a knife or old lady with a pan kills trollocs better then he does. So why this change? What different message Rafe wanted to send us with those scene? Why he needed TV version of Tom to be so bad with fighting?


2 hours ago, Testeria said:

And I don't think it is just men - Morraine seems like an idiot too and not only in the ep. 8 (for example in the book I was surprised to read that Morraine wear normal clothes when traveling incognito and not her blue ajah dress). More or less anybody who should be a trained professional in the TV show is an incompetent idiot. Maybe they just want to "give them some space to grow", the problem is this kind of world is completely unbelievable to grown ups.

If you just started the books, how far have you gotten? So many of the Aes Sedai end up being ridiculous, incompetent idiots. How stupid they are is honestly one of the most frustrating things about the books to me.

Guest Testeria
5 minutes ago, AdamA said:

If you just started the books, how far have you gotten? So many of the Aes Sedai end up being ridiculous, incompetent idiots. How stupid they are is honestly one of the most frustrating things about the books to me.

Half of the first book ? they are not that bad yet. Esp. Morraine feels like my old no nonsense math teacher from the primary school ?


3 minutes ago, AdamA said:

If you just started the books, how far have you gotten? So many of the Aes Sedai end up being ridiculous, incompetent idiots. How stupid they are is honestly one of the most frustrating things about the books to me.

Yes indeed. The majority are shown to be both stupid and prideful. Secure in their belief that they know what's up, but in reality they don't have half a clue and some are very easy to manipulate too .... Just tell them what they want to here. Watching that slow....fall....from...grace will be really cool. 



1 hour ago, KakitaOCU said:


You're arguing Lan should magically defy the laws of physics and reality.  If he's not on the wrong side then the trollocs on said "wrong" side stab Moraine.  You cannot be in two places at once.  You're literally complaining that something completely reasonable in a fight against multiple opponents happened and further that Lan couldn't break reality to still avoid it.



He tried to, rushing forward to try and get to the front.  Again, you're complaint seems to be Lan is not Superhuman.  Bankai Ichigo from Bleach would block all the shrapnel.  A normal human, no matter how good, would not.  


He's not part of the army, he's not in charge of scouting, the scouts in question are other Warders whom he trusts.  Now your complaint is he's not parranoid and dismissive of people with similar training and backgrounds to him.  Lovely.



Who says he doesn't?  But your argument now is that it's unreasonable that someone he trusts implicitly who is trained to a very similar level as him could potentially slip something in a drink.  Your complaint is not realistic.


It's not like Moraine is completely safe in the fortress.  It's not like Moraine has and frequently uses a power that makes him unaware of her presence and so he factually could not know about it until morning when he went to check on her.  

On the last point, I thought Lan or Moiraine made a comment to the effect that it was extremely rare for Moiraine to mask the bond? Isn't that why Lan came to her room just before she visited Siuan (because he'd noticed the bond being masked and wanted to check Moiraine was ok as it was so unusual)?  If I'm recalling correctly, you could expect Lan to be surprised by the bond being masked and to to do as he did when it happened in Tar Valon - go and check on Moiraine.

7 minutes ago, RhienneAgain said:

On the last point, I thought Lan or Moiraine made a comment to the effect that it was extremely rare for Moiraine to mask the bond? Isn't that why Lan came to her room just before she visited Siuan (because he'd noticed the bond being masked and wanted to check Moiraine was ok as it was so unusual)?  If I'm recalling correctly, you could expect Lan to be surprised by the bond being masked and to to do as he did when it happened in Tar Valon - go and check on Moiraine.


Since Lan can't mask the bond himself, I suspect that he expects Moiraine to do so out of courtesy when she realises something private is going on.  As for the interval, Moiraine was away from the Tower for (I can't remember exactly) how many years?


In addition, the scene with Rand walking to and at Moiraine's door is darker than the scene in Nynaeve's bedroom.  From that I infer that Moiraine and Rand slipped out when everyone else was asleep, and Lan only became worried when the bond remained masked in the morning.


I do think that he would have checked on Moiraine first, that he would then have informed the Mesopotamian band after, and not have wasted any time setting out after her.  


10 minutes ago, RhienneAgain said:

On the last point, I thought Lan or Moiraine made a comment to the effect that it was extremely rare for Moiraine to mask the bond? Isn't that why Lan came to her room just before she visited Siuan (because he'd noticed the bond being masked and wanted to check Moiraine was ok as it was so unusual)?  If I'm recalling correctly, you could expect Lan to be surprised by the bond being masked and to to do as he did when it happened in Tar Valon - go and check on Moiraine.

Dude Moiraine got rid of Lan on purpose. She's subtle but definitely nudged him in the direction he chose and used his distraction. 


Cuz I'm sorry but Zoë Robins would distract me even in an apocalypse..... It would be impossible for any human to say no to those eyes. Damn. 


I swear I have never been this attracted to someone in my 44 years and it is weird. Why??? Why do I have to be old when she isn't? And from another country and even hemisphere.... So unfair. I just REALLY want to have coffee and go book shopping with her. ??

Guest Testeria
23 minutes ago, Weird_Old_Lady said:

Dude Moiraine got rid of Lan on purpose. She's subtle but definitely nudged him in the direction he chose and used his distraction. 


Cuz I'm sorry but Zoë Robins would distract me even in an apocalypse..... It would be impossible for any human to say no to those eyes. Damn.


I'm no warder but when I was guarding over my child there was no chance that any woman, not even my wife - would distract me from my duty. I mean - when my son got sick in some place in Brasil we didn't even think about sex because there was something more important going on and it is hard to relax when Your mind is just not fully in it.


And they are heading for the final battle that could decide the fate of humanity and he is like ok, lets bang the girl because who cares?


I mean - just watch the Hidden Fortress - there is this soldier who tries to protect a girl and he fails again and again but from every scene it is obvious that her safety is all that matters to him - Is it even comparable to what Rafe shows us in WoT?


We know how to show dedication and duty in the movie, it is not some rocket science. And Daniel Henney is good enough actor that he could portrait this if that was the intention of the showrunner. But instead he wanted to show us that for this man having sex with the girl is more important then his duty, his cause and the fate of the world. Maybe "winning" and then dumping the girl made Lan more interesting character but it surely made him worse warder.




1 hour ago, Weird_Old_Lady said:

Dude Moiraine got rid of Lan on purpose. She's subtle but definitely nudged him in the direction he chose and used his distraction. 


Cuz I'm sorry but Zoë Robins would distract me even in an apocalypse..... It would be impossible for any human to say no to those eyes. Damn. 


I swear I have never been this attracted to someone in my 44 years and it is weird. Why??? Why do I have to be old when she isn't? And from another country and even hemisphere.... So unfair. I just REALLY want to have coffee and go book shopping with her. ??

I have to question this.


You are saying Moiraine got rid of Lan. But this was before Rand came to her and told her that he was the Dragon Reborn, that makes no sense at all.

4 hours ago, KakitaOCU said:


You're arguing Lan should magically defy the laws of physics and reality.  If he's not on the wrong side then the trollocs on said "wrong" side stab Moraine.  You cannot be in two places at once.  You're literally complaining that something completely reasonable in a fight against multiple opponents happened and further that Lan couldn't break reality to still avoid it.

I view this as a fantasy show and if anyone can accept Shiaine's blood snow acrobatics during labor as plausible, surely being in two places at once is not out of the realm of what could be taken for possible.


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