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[TV] The Doctor's Back!!! (SPOILERS)


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No, the guy with the watch was another time lord, called the "Master" and the boy grew up to be a war hero, and an old man when the Doctor and Martha go visit him at some memorial.


The master was an old nemesis of the Doctor's but I had thought he was gone for good.

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Nia I thought that too...You almost want him to beat the Dr but I like David Tennent too :D


Tenshin...thanks for sorting that out...I'd forgotten...it isn't hard for me....the brain cells start to go when you have kids...lol...thats my excuse and I'm sticking to it :D

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I'm straight but I have no problem saying I <3 David Tennant. He was even good in Casanova.


I have the same problem Talya, so no need to worry, but in my favor, I am a geek in the worst way, and just watched the last 3 episodes a few days ago. :D


I'm curious to see how this will affect Torchwood series 2 if there will be one. Also did you notice the Master stole the Doctor's hand?

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Tenshin...he was brilliant in Casonova, I really did enjoy that too.


I missed the bit with the hand, but I do have to console a 7 year old as well so my watching is usually a little broken, plus she has this habit of standing in front of the TV when things get interesting...lol.


Was it when he was in the Tardis? I remember them mentioning him growing back one!


Also I can't wait till Torchwood comes back and as far as I know it will be back...but the Beeb haven't said when yet, though Sept would be my guess. I suppose it will depend on what happens next episode to Jack, At some point he will have to get back to Cardiff...lol

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The doctor had his hand cut off int the christmas invasion, when the Sycorax came to earth. Captain Jack had it and it even made a cameo or two in the Torchwood series. The Master made a point to take it with him, even as his older form/body was dying.

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Also I can't wait till Torchwood comes back and as far as I know it will be back...but the Beeb haven't said when yet' date=' though Sept would be my guess. I suppose it will depend on what happens next episode to Jack, At some point he will have to get back to Cardiff...lol[/quote']


Maybe I should check when I am in Cardiff next, considering I live about an hour away from the city??


There is another series of Torchwood. Click here to find out more. Plus they left it at such a cliffhanger in the last episode!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I heard about this Nia and I liked her in the christmas special.


My only thing is the way the assistants tend to 'fall for the doctor' in the recent ones...(not that I'm saying I wouldn't), but it would be good to have an assistant who didn't.

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I liked her in the Christmas special but I'm not so sure about the idea of her as a permanent assistant! I think the very second they get "But am I bovvered though?" in there I will punch the TV. I'm more miffed about the idea of Kylie Minogue in the Christmas Special. KYLIE MINOGUE! What were they thinking?!

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I hadn't hear that... :o...don't know if I like that idea.


I have to agree I hope they don't even touch that phras, it would lose credibility. Though it would be good, like I said before, to have an assistant who didn't drowl. ::). I would like to see two assistants, one male one female...it would balance it and wouldn't have this romantic feel...that there seem to think has to be in there all the time.

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  • 1 month later...

I just watched the first season of the new series (Christopher Eccleston), and loved it! It's totally camp, and that's perfect for it's tone. I can't decide how I feel about getting a new Doctor, but I'll have to wait and see when Season 2 arrives next week.  :D

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I totally disagree Maj! I think David Tennant is a great Doctor! Christopher Eccleston was good but David Tennant takes him to a new level of quirkiness and awesome and he doesn't have sticky-out ears  :P. Plus, from my point of view, David Tennant has been the Doctor through two seasons now and he's much more settled in the role and he's more "The Doctor" for me than Eccleston was.


On the other hand, I'm happy some non-brits are watching it  8)

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Tennant reminds me of the fourth doctor I think it was, with the goofy scarf.  I think of those episodes as a golden age for the series, and to be honest, Tennant's portrayal is something of a revival.  IMHO.


I do think that Eccleston's portrayal was needed to bring back the doctor at all.  His was a very hip, and dark attitude that was perfect for modernizing the show.

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