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Anyone want to RP?


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@Arie can you clarify the age thing for me? Your bio for Kisathera states she's 59, which I presumed was her age main timeline since it isn't a novice bio but you referred to Kiyi as being younger in your post. It's not a big deal, I just want to be sure any references I include in the RP actually make sense lol. 

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I am really sorry if I got this wrong. Last I looked at her bio, it has her novice age, and you specified that she was a really young aes Sedai, and based on OP she is weaker than Kisa. (not that I care personally, but it gave me something to work on.) I didn't see an updated age for Kiyi so I may have assumed incorrectly. 


And you know what they say about 'assume'.

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On 9/14/2019 at 6:13 AM, Taymist said:

Also jumped in. For reference, Kiyi's 85 in the current timeline. I think she's the weakest in the OP though. Don't know if that's going to be relevant but just so it's out there. She's a bit...unorthodox...sometimes.


Ha ha, it's fine. I did mention earlier in the thread ^^. I meant she's young in as much as not old enough to be a Sitter. :smile: Like I said, not a big deal. I just like concrete reference points when I'm RP'ing so things don't suddenly jump out and confuse me. Something that's easily done. :laugh:


Also *pokes* don't forget to create Kisa's Character Development thread in the Ajah Quarters board! :wink:

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That's understandable. I can modify the post, or just carry forward with the updated information.


Character Dev threads.. I should do that... but effort.. (and yet i made a wordpress page because unlimited hosting...)

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