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reread knowledge for better understanding of forshadowing


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im on my 4th reread now and it was a long time this go around. I had for example forgotten Verin was black ajah. or Galad was Rand's half brother. I want to start a post for fans who like to study the intricacies of the early books and how they tie into later books. In example, knowing that Jason Natael is Asmodean in TSR and knowing Rand knows, absolutely changes the interactions. I want this to have posterity so I will be requiring at least some form of sources and be checking them myself. This is not a fan theory post. I look forward to seeing the connections we all make on our rereads.

Edited by skoog
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8 hours ago, Graendals favourite said:

I think this would be better at the ordinary WoT discussion forum, if it gets wing it gets wing, but starting with those potential spoilers it doesn't here. This spot is for long term discussions, but your isn't proven that yet.


how can i remove it? or could you do it for me?

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