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Rated R.... ummm.... I mean Really R


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Guest Emperor

The MPAA, always the judge of what is good and right in the world of the movies, is unhappy with the 'R' rating, saying that there should be a 'hard R' for more violence, sex, and bad language, so that parents can decide better what their kids should be watching.


Doesn't the 'R' rating mean 'Restricted?' As in, you can't get in under the age of 17 without a parent?


Now, follow us here. If you can't get in to these movies without a parent, doesn't it only stand to reason that these parents that would be offended by the movies that would be a 'hard R,' and not allow their underage children to go to it?


Or are they freely admitting that no one checks to see if children are going to 'R' movies anymore, in which case the ratings system doesn't work to begin with. Either way, these 'outraged parents' are doing nothing more than trying yet again to impose their world view where it doesn't belong. [/i]

Guest Emperor



I think most theatres are checking IDs but it is so easy to buy a ticket for one movie and sneak into another. The only movie I can remember where they had people at the theatre door was Basic Instinct. Theatres do not have the staff to actually post a person at every R film's door, but an alternative needs to be thought of to ensure the kiddies stay out, unless they come with their parents.

Guest Cadsuane

I vote we all just stop having children for a while. Overpopulation and all that. *nods*


well that still doesn't solve the currect child movie goeing crisis.... electric shock collars are the way to go... :twisted:

Guest Cadsuane

Can't we just keep them locked up at home? I mean, no one likes kids other than their own, at least, not out in public. :twisted:


hmmmmm yeah and just use the shock collars there.... "Mom can I go play with Billy down the str...."* BZZZZZZT* "AHHHHH."

  • Moderator

Shock collars on children? Don't tempt me. I can think o quite a few kids that I'd like to put one on.

Guest Emperor

Still, will making a new rating help? Isn't anything above a R rating Not Rated film and not played in theatres unless you go to the cheesy place down the street?


There's that damned squeaky wheel again!


Nobody checks. Except for when I was in High school. But even then, my best friend's mom would buy us our tickets and then drop us off (actually, that was middle school). Which WAS parental approval, but she didn't STAY to see what we were watching. She just signed the backs of our ticket stubs and drove off.


It's just another instance of how the ultra conservative want everything their way. No matter what you do, if the movie isn't Porn, and thus relegated to Porn theatres, kids Can and Will get in to see the movies. And *gasp* sometimes even with parental approval.

Guest Emperor

Maybe if parents payed more attention to what their children were doing, instead of complaining all the time about how the world is corrupting their kids... but that is easy for me to say as I do not have kids.


Yeah me too.


My mom ruled me with an iron fist. If she had known that my best friend's mom was dropping us off at R Rated movies in Middle school, she would have had an absolute coniption fit. No more best friend. She was always coming up to my room and asking me what I was doing. Dude, I was 20 years old before I could get away with just going over to people's house without telling my mom where I was going, who was going to be there, what the phone # was and how long I was going to be there. And I had to call every time I changed locations. It sure sucked, but my mom knew where I was every single moment and I never had a chance to get into trouble. She raised me right.


Mendorah, that sounds like the way my dad was with me me. He was always asking where I was going, who was going to be there, what we were going to do, call if your going to be late, that kind of stuff.


I swear, one time I was like 30 minutes late from my curfew and as I was walking down my street I could see my dad standing on our balcony. He had quite the hissy fit when I got to the actual house lol.


Even though all of this was annoying I didn't get into much trouble either. When we did do stupid things however, I was always fast enough to escape :)

Guest Haxorsist

Wow, that sounds harsh. My parents are pretty lenient.

Guest Emperor

I think my parent's had a good mix. They wanted to know what I was doing and what movies I watched, but never said I could not watch a certain film. I grew up in a household where it was common to go to the most recent opening over the weekend (heh, we still do it). Even though my parent's were busy most of my childhood growing a business, they still kept me in check and were concerned with what I was doing in my free time.


My parents are super leniant as well. I mean, how many people get to smoke grass in their parents house? They just wanted to know where I was at all times while I was growing up. Worked too since I never got in trouble with the pOlice, unlike some people I knew haha.


I should also let it be known that I was the first born of the family and all us first borns know how much harder we have it then our younger siblings.

Guest Barmacral

What fantasy said about the 1st born thing.

Guest Haxorsist

Pfft! Older siblings have it easy. :P

Guest Yveva

hell no we don't! I still remember bargaining each year to have my bedtime moved back a half hour. I was in grade ten and my mom would yell if my light was on after 9:30 (though she had SAID I could stay up until ten).


There wasn't really anywhere to go in my tiny town, but my mom was regarded as a little bit crazy, so when we watched Jurassic Park, or Sister Act at our friends' houses their moms were in on the secret and didn't say a word.

Guest Cadsuane
Pfft! Older siblings have it easy. :P
No, we only make it LOOK easy because we know what sorts of beatings and berations we'd be in for if we did the stuff you get away scott free with. :evil:
Guest Haxorsist

... Younger siblings aren't allowed to click that link. :P


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