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Tainted Minds - A Black Tower Mafia Game: Game over - Town wins


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Hey guys, no time to read the thread right now I'll catch up later.

Right now I'll just drop my N0 result.

Got an Innocent on Ben.

Aaaaand there's the part where I should stop joking around. [unvote]

I swear, this derpy part of day 1 gets shorter every game.




Wow this is all the way back on page 9. Yeesh.


Sooh did you ever explain what you voted Ironeyes for? 

I assume it has to do with the quoted post but did you ever explicitly state your reason?


Yes. I did.

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Ah yes. SK seems spewed because of Ben going after him for the "breaking the game"-thing.

Thoughts anyone?


While I work on the rest of the catching up.


(on p40 now)




Still confident niniel/bfg/nolder are villagers


Think there's good potential Ben spewed SK town as well



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Dice, do you have any thoughts besides SK?



As I said to Chris I agree with what you said, and I'm not dismissing those thoughts because you (and now Chris are on him)


From what I remember he's been present a fair bit, but he segues into discussions on guns or football and doesn't actually try to game solve much. I thought his early wolf jokes were awkward, but tonal stuff is ? mostly for me


Probably going to ISO now, don't think I have time to read what I want in full


Can I get your thoughts on Dice?


(And I also agree with what you've shared about your read on LZM)



I'm not on him.


ninel is my town view but id have her town anyway.

im ok with nolder actually.  i liked his response to me.

sk needs to be lynched. even if he flips town i will stand by that. i disagree with bfg on him a bit but ive played only 1 game with him but he was scum and i dont think he was UTR. Theres a current game we are in too.

cory isnt doing his gather town thing.

and you havent bugged me yet. you feel very null tho


I don't like this post. 


It seems too rash, and I don't feel it's elaborate enough. I get that this is probably Dice rushing to work, but this is a very un-Dice-like post.

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One hour left. Does anyone else think it's strange that we haven't heard from either Ben or SK for a while? I don't think either of them has posted for at least two hours. Also, where on earth has Sooh gone off to? 

Actually I can explain that one. I got home from work at almost 5 after a super stressful day. Pizza made me food which I scarfed down before 7, and then I was in bed from right after dinner until 6am this morning.

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My wolf game was the White Tower Harry Potter game.


Not sure if that helps or not.


My town game was the WoT Kids game.


If you see any differences in my playing, I am curious to hear it. To be honest, I think wolf is easier because at least you know who is on your side. As town you are suspicious of everyone.


While I prefer the idea of town, there is a draw to being scum in that you can develop a game plan. Though with some of the mechanics of the current game, I'm not sure if that all works as cleanly?


By the way, if Ben was Mafia traitor, does that mean he was actually to help town? Just a bit confused over the roles.

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His win condition was the same as the wolves - outnumber the villagers.


However, he peeks as a villager and cannot communicate with the wolves (they don't even know who he is), so he's "behind enemy lines". But he's still aligned with the wolves and trying to help them win.

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I liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiive. hehehehehehehe.

You're welcome




This post makes me uncomfortable.


It also makes me giggle.

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My wolf game was the White Tower Harry Potter game.


Not sure if that helps or not.


My town game was the WoT Kids game.


If you see any differences in my playing, I am curious to hear it. To be honest, I think wolf is easier because at least you know who is on your side. As town you are suspicious of everyone.


While I prefer the idea of town, there is a draw to being scum in that you can develop a game plan. Though with some of the mechanics of the current game, I'm not sure if that all works as cleanly?


By the way, if Ben was Mafia traitor, does that mean he was actually to help town? Just a bit confused over the roles.

I love new players.


(Thats less condescending than it sounds. I promise)


Ben was a traitor in that he was a townie helping mafia, not the other way around. He didn't need to die for town to win. He could nt talk to mafia. They didn't know him. But he wins if they do. Does that make sense?

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I don't understand that thought. I've never had concerns on dice for being rash.


That's...kind of his thing

Maybe not rash, but it's more the feeling of the post isn't quite right for me.

If you mean the feeling as in...the idea... i disagree. I think dice abdolutely would try to kill someone for claiming scum and demanding to be lynched, and most of his reads are what I'd expect.


If you mean tone or something, fair enough. I don't agreee but thats mafia

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Tentative reads:

















I'm scratching my head a lot over the Clov/DJ/Ironeyes/LZM-range, I'm not entirely sure if they are light town or null reads at this point, but this is as close as I get right now I think.

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I don't understand that thought. I've never had concerns on dice for being rash.


That's...kind of his thing

Maybe not rash, but it's more the feeling of the post isn't quite right for me.

If you mean the feeling as in...the idea... i disagree. I think dice abdolutely would try to kill someone for claiming scum and demanding to be lynched, and most of his reads are what I'd expect.


If you mean tone or something, fair enough. I don't agreee but thats mafia


Fair enough :)


I will happily admit I don't know how to read Dice, and I'm wrong about him more often than not.

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Doing a comp ISO of DJ's games and I'm borderline willing to defend despite having no read yet based solely on the artistry of her posts




Mafia is like an onion with so many layers. And like the onion, there are times I want to cry.





preach it sister

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