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BlueRenCon 2017: Registration & Information Booth


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BlueRenCon 2017

Hi there, Con Attendee. Welcome to this year's convention, where we're glad the Ren'Shai has joined the Blue Ajah to create some fantastic panels for you to enjoy! We hope you find this to be a lovely place. :smile:

First, don't forget to take your badge and keep the program below handy (which will be updated throughout the week as necessary).

If you find yourself needing a break from the panels or discussions, you can always go over to our Suite for a snack or a nap.



What is a Con?

Con Stands for Convention. ComiCons originated in the 1970's as a Comic Book Convention, a place for comic book fans to gather, meet the writers and artists, and discover and purchase new finds. Fast forward 47 years and ComiCons are the ultimate in Geeky gatherings. The costumes can't be beat outside of Hollywood, the gifts and trinkets to purchase are of the finest quality, and the friends you meet and keep from the event can last a lifetime.


What is the BlueRenCon?

The Blue Ajah has been hosting an annual ComicCon for years, from The Battle of the Five Fandoms to one of the very first BlueCon's in 2012. Sometimes we even get to team up with another Ajah/Disc. This year, the great minds from the Blue Ajah have combined with the Ren'Shai Discipline to come up with this years Con event! The theme is a real life ComiCon. We have circuits, and booths, and even our very own special panel. Please stop by and visit them all! 

Killashandra will be hosting a fun caption game this year
Cross is hosting our Fandom Panel
thehumantrashcan will be DJing our dance this year, so get to shimmying
E James Todd is running a book or screen game. Can you remember all the differences in those adaptations?
Adella will be hosting the Trivia Circuit

IMPORTANT ANNOUCEMENT: Please remember that Tar Valon has graciously allowed us to use their new convention center here and they have strict rules about not allowing forkroot tea on the premises. It is considered contraband here and you will be thrown into the dungeon if caught with it. Thank you for your cooperation.
Also, unattended bananas will be confiscated.

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