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Attn: Calling all Fools


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Alright, now that I've been promoted to a Deathlord, I have points to give. Even you worthless Shadowspawn and you Hags in the Black Ajah can earn some.


So, that being said, I'm a winter person, and this terrible summer heat has me sick. I can't snowboard in June.


So, those of you who are bored and want a laugh, find me some snowsport gifs of people wrecking and pulling a "yard sale". Really good ones will earn points.


The more brutal the better! The harder the wreck the bigger the points! I'm sure you dim witted BA and SS can figure that out!


If you don't know what a yard sale is, google it!


Well I am going to post for the lols this has inspired.









I now also keep hearing this song in my head.




(they used to play the part that says wipe-out when someone would crash during speed skate races at the skating rink I went to as a kid/teen)



Ok ok for realz check this one out. Two birds one stone.  :laugh:




I will find photos, but funny story.


The 2nd time I ever went snowboarding (I was on the snowboarding team in high school) it was night ski and icy... Well, anyway, I was still scared of going too fast, so I was kind of doing a Christmas tree thing down the hill to control my speed. I cut my board sideways where someone had previously fallen, caught my edge, and BAM! Face planted in the snow. I was pretty sure my nose was broken, because it hurt like hell and immediately started gushing blood. So what did we do halfway up the mountain? Packed that sucker with snow and kept going. The snow kept bruising and swelling to a minimum, and helped to stop the bleeding, and it turned out to not be broken. But I didn't go back to that run for a few weeks, and everyone cheered for me when I finally defeated it. Lol, I hope that made you laugh.


Alright Killa!!! Nice. The second and third ones are worth ten, and the double whammy is worthy of ten more. Stupid skiers had it coming, moguling up the mountain.


On a related note, I have had the misfortune of being dumb and falling off the lift. Luckily I was only about fifteen feet up lol.



Adella, I feel your pain. I've had some pretty gnarly wrecks. I yard saled off a forty footer in the terrain park. I almost made it to the down slope. Landed at the very back of the flat before the down slope, which killed my knees. I then bounced a good ten feet in the air, losing my glasses, my gloves, my hat, my cigarettes and I broke the last three beers in my backpack. They were cans too.


I laid there for a good twenty minutes, trying to decide if my ribs were broken and wether or not it would be faster to hit the lift back to the top so I could fetch my crap.


Pretty sure I once ran over a little kid one day. He probably deserved it.


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