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Heroes Discussion Redux


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Guest Cadsuane

I was quite satisfied with the ep. There were some things that didn't make as much sense as they could have, like where the Charles scene came from and Peter's inability to control Ted's power, but at least they had built that inability into the show previously, instead of springing it on us here. Oh the whole, it was good enough that I'm easily willing to suspend belief on that point, lol.


I'm looking forward to the next season, with the new boogie man and a possible reappearance of Sylar. (Why didn't anyone stop him from crawling into the grate?? Weren't they all sitting right there to see it??).


Who do you think will cross over into the new eps?? I'm thinking Hiro, considering he showed up after they introduced the new "Generations". I'd be glad to see Peter, but I feel like they tried to close that storyline off.

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Didn't it take a long time for Ted to be able to control his own power as well?


Also I think Charles' power has something to do with dreams that's why Peter was able to go back and talk with him. In the beginning of the series peter saw himself flying. It was probably because he had already absorbed Charles' power and was already using it.

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Whitestar; I think you are right on. Somehow Charles can dreamwalk or possible timetravel through dreams, not just like Hiro. He did this when he napped by Charles' bed, and I think again when he was getting sick in the jail cell. I assume it comes from Charles because he first used it near Charles back when he did things via reflex.


Who else thinks the Petrelli Matron can influence peoples desires (a little like Eve, or more like minor compulsion). It seems like very few people really disagree with her face to face, at least for very long. I think she was behind the bomb plan and infected Linderman with the idea.

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Peter said to Nathan he couldn't control more than one power at a time which is why there was no other way for him it to end. This was when Peter was about to go boom.


And yeah Ted did have a hard time learning his power, he blew up his house when Parkmen was working with the FBI chick. Sylar would have had a hard time as well, he had a hard time learning the hearing one there for a while, and I'd think keeping yourself from exploding would be harder lol, so it was a matter of who went off first.


I think that taking on Nikki's power may have hurt Peter's limited control. As one of Nikki's blocks was not controlling it and having to use Jessica to get at it.



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Guest Haxorsist

Really? It didn't seem shorter than the usual episodes to me.


*Twiddles thumbs*


Hm, when does the next season start? :D

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Guest Cadsuane
Noah means HOPE. :D

Fabulous. 8)



Who else thinks the Petrelli Matron can influence peoples desires (a little like Eve' date=' or more like minor compulsion). It seems like very few people really disagree with her face to face, at least for very long.[/quote']

This is interesting, but I feel like everyone else's power has been really sort of spectacular, so if she does have a power, and it is this, then she has been using it very carefully and subtly. I'm guessing that if she really had a power, it would have been shown, unless she's going to be in a future season, and it needs to be a surprise. :P

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Yup! Found this on a forum just now as I was looking around to find out what Mohinder's name means:


Mohinder ---> sanskrit, meaning: the Great God Indra, God of the sky, mostly given to boys


Shanti ---> sanskrit, meaning: the tranquil one, mostly given to girls


Suresh ---> sanskrit, meaning: the ruler of the gods, mostly given to boys


Nathan ---> jewish, meaning: gift from god


Chandra ---> sanskrit, meaning: eminent, moon or illustrious (the eclipse in the beginning of the episode?)


Linderman ---> meaning from the linden tree, the linden tree was thought to have healing properties


Molly ---> this one is tricky, Irish, meaning star of the seas, hebrew meaning the perfect one (the only one who can stop Sylar?)


Nikki ---> this one also has different meaning in other languages, japanese meaning 'two trees' (can somebody say two personalities?), latin for victorious people


Jessica ---> hebrew for 'god's grace' or God sees, god beholds or foresight


Sanders ---> Greek for defender of men


Gabriel (Sylar's name): god's able bodied one, God is my strength


Angela (Petrelli), Greek, meaning messenger of god


The most suprising one:


Peter: Greek: meaning: rock or stone. Didn't the uluru myth talk about a rock creature? My guess is that Peter is this rock creature in a symbolic way.


Petrelli: Greek: also derived form the greek word for rock. So Peter petrelli is double rock? Could it be any more clearer (uruburos)?

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I think that's a hint that Peter's really the strong one, not Nathan. He's double strong!


And I agree that Charles Deveaux's power must be something dealing with dreams.

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Guest Cadsuane

Hehehe, if we're going to play, how about:


Nathan ---> jewish, meaning: gift from god


Jesus = gift from god = Nathan


Jesus = sacrificed to save humanity = Nathan

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Ok, something just struck me. Every single one of Isaac's paintings has come true, now...except for three of them:


1) The mushroom cloud destroying NYC (remember, it didn't actually depict a big bubbly explosion in the sky...it was very clearly a mushroom cloud), and


2) Micah in a ruined building with fire all around him,


3) A ruined Manhattan after the explosion.


So, after watching this episode, are we to believe that Isaac was actually wrong when he painted these? That the events of the past couple episodes altered the visions of the future Isaac had? If this was the case, wouldn't we have seen other instances where someone's actions changed events and made the images portrayed in his paintings not come true?


OR...is the destruction of NYC still inevitable???

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I agree it could still happen. Ted got unstable when he was injured or nervous, Peter got unstable when he was nervous, how calm and healthy is Sylar under Manhattan after dragging himself down a manhole after being impaled?


On the other hand, didn't Isaac also paint a picture of a cheerleader without a brain? (insert dumb blonde joke here)

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Hehehe' date=' if we're going to play, how about:


Nathan ---> jewish, meaning: gift from god


Jesus = gift from god = Nathan


Jesus = sacrificed to save humanity = Nathan

Peter had more of a Jesus basis, remember what Charles was saying about him and unconditional love. Also just look at how empathic he is, not power wise, but psyche wise.


Cads, I think Ma Petrelli is the Eve precursor. Eve's power was a specialized and uber focused use of what Mrs. Petrelli does. Eve=compusion Petrelli=tampers with your thoughts to make you want to do it. At least thats my guess.

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Guest Cadsuane

I really really think that if she had a power, it would have manifested in a more spectacular way. It doesn't really benefit the show in any way to keep it so subtle we all have to argue about it. I think she's just one of those women with a commanding presence and the ability to manipulate people into doing what she wants them to do. She'd make an excellent stereotypical Aes Sedai... :lol:

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Then why is she part of the "mutant" movement with Linderman and Charles? We only just found out about Lindermans, and we don't know what Charles' we are only speculating.

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