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Sometimes even when you've fought your best....

Guest Wilson


It is with great sadness that I tell you that the Dragon is gone. RJ left us today at 2:45 PM. He fought a valiant fight against this most horrid disease. In the end, he left peacefully and in no pain. In the years he had fought this, he taught me much about living and about facing death. He never waivered in his faith, nor questioned our God's timing. I could not possibly be more proud of anyone. I am eternally grateful for the time that I had with him on this earth and look forward to our reunion, though as I told him this afternoon, not yet. I love you bubba.


Our beloved Harriet was at his side through the entire fight and to the end. The last words from his mouth were to tell her that he loved her.


Thank each and everyone of you for your prayers and support through this ordeal. He knew you were there. Harriet reminded him today that she was very proud of the many lives he had touched through his work. We've all felt the love that you've been sending my brother/cousin. Please keep it coming as our Harriet could use the support.


Jason will be posting funeral arrangements.


My sincerest thanks.


Peace and Light be with each of you,




4th of 3


To Catalyst: Never, never loose faith. RJ did not. Harriet hasn't. I haven't. Going through what we have, our faith is only strengthened. Besides, if God didn't exist, we would have never had Jim. We did. God does. Remember my Brother/Cousin, my friend, think of him fondly and glorify God's name.


Editor's Note:


The entire staff of Dragonmount.com would like to extend its most deepest sympathies to Robert Jordan's family. He touched all of our lives in some way and we wish him the rest and peace he deserves. We will be posting information in the near future about where you can send condolences. Please check the News Section for these updates.




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Guest Kagato


Well, there's a shock. I almost thought you'd keep on writing these books forever. In 70 years I'd be on my deathbed and you'd still be churning out books, and I'd be cursing your name for never finishing.


Well, I guess the end came a bit more abruptly than I'd expected.


You weren't the greatest literary talent out there. Grammar errors and poorly worded sentences made me wince more than once. But, despite that, you wove a great and interesting world, filled with a myriad of fascinating (and some not so fascinating) characters. Even if it was not high art, it seemed real.


I haven't read the last couple of books. I figured I'd wait until you finished up the series and then plow through them. Though there's no end to be found, I guess that time has come now.


Thank you. Thank you for giving me a fascinating world to get lost in for so many years of my youth. You weren't the best author, but you were a damn fine storyteller.

Guest Riley


My grief cannot compare to that of Harriet or Wilson, of that I have no doubt. That being said, I was astounded at how much the news of Robert Jordan’s passing hurt me. I'm a grown man, a big bad football player, and I have no fear or embarrassment in saying that tears were flowing within seconds of seeing that horrid, horrid black screen when I logged into DM this morning.


I have followed his condition from the start, and his strength in the face of such adversity amazes me still. He compared a life-threatening illness to a boxing match, he compared amyloidosis to one of the greatest boxers of all time, and never, ever, did he waver once in his insistence that he would beat it.


He did beat it, in my opinion at least. Sword held high in the air, Jim knew that the finishing blow was on the way. He knew that he would take the staff to his chest, but that in the split second of opportunity, he would be able to deal a killing blow.


His book will be finished; he made sure of that with a gleeman’s tale and a tape recorder. Amyloidosis will be finished; his loving family made sure that donations would pour in to the Mayo Clinic in his honor. His love for his wife will live on; he made sure of that with the last words he ever spoke on this planet. And his love for us, his fans, will continue for as long as we remember him, and even longer; he made sure of that with his amazing skill, and with his determination to place us, if not first, then certainly very close behind his family.


A Memory of Light, indeed.


The title is ominous; it indicates that the Light is gone, but that there is still a memory of it. James Oliver Rigney Jr. is gone, but there is still a very strong memory of the Dragon in the hearts and heads of millions, and in the pages of his legacy.


Thank you Robert Jordan for the world you created. Thank you for allowing me to escape what I once thought of as a mundane life. Thank you for showing me, with your actions through this disease and your written word here, that this life in not as mundane as I once thought it to be. Life is what you make of it, prophecy or no. The prophecies will be fulfilled, but in the manner of our choosing. I thank the Lord for having given you to us, and I pray that he holds you high. Good bye, my dear friend whom I never had the pleasure of meeting face to face, yet, at least.


Wilson, Harriet, all of the family and close friends Jim loved so deeply, I pray that your pain will be overcome by the joy brought to you by your love of him.

Guest Katie


Thank you Robert Jordan, for everything, you changed my life and though I never personally knew you, hearing Harriet and his Brother/cousin speak of you let me know you a little. All I can say is thank you, and I'm sad that you are gone and my heart goes out to those who will miss him

Guest David


A sad day. May the Lord take him into his arms to embrace eternal, everlasting peace and joy. My prayers are with Jordan and his family and friends.

Guest Josh


That sucks. Dying before he could accomplish all he had wished too. TWoT world has been apart of my life for two years. After I read the 7 books of the Ender/Bean sagas by Orson Scott Card that were out, I flew into reading. Book after book, series after series. My brother had read the first three books of WoT, and told me I should read them if I had nothing better to do. So, I did. I read the first 10 chapters of Eye of the World, and stopped, feeling kind of disheartened. It was slow. But my brother urged me on. "It gets a lot better," he would say, or "Come on, Josh, it speeds up. I promise."


So after a two week break, I read. And soon, I was entranced to the point of spending the next 15 hours laying on my stomach on my bed reading books one to three, only getting up four times. After that, I spent 240$ to get books 0-10 in hard back, and as a single set. Then came book 11, which is by far my favorite so far of the series.


Anywho, I am saddened by RJ's death because he is/was my favorite author, and that book 12 will not be finished.

Guest Sarah


I am greatly sadden to hear the news. Thank you RJ for the most fantastic adventures. Peace be with you and my condolences to Harriet, Wilson and all family and friends.

Guest Glenn A


Eh? Enough with the Christian mumbo jumbo, I assumed RJ was above folk tales and religious dogma.


Maybe someone will dig up a copy of WOT in a few thousand years and call it Bible II: The Biblnating.



Guest Stine Cecilia Nerland Lövström


A great storyteller has passed, and I offer my condolances to his friends and family. I will pray for the speedy delivery of his soul into Heaven, and comfort for those left behind. Then I will patiently await to hear the end of the tale told to all of us, when the time is right.


Kind regards from a reader in Norway.

Guest Serhat


My deepest condolences to his family. Rest in peace RJ. Allahın rahmeti üstünden eksik olmasın.


Serhat, Adana Turkey

Guest Evan Caulley


My deepest sympathies to Robert Jordan's loved ones. God bless all of you.

Guest Natan


I'm very sorry Harriet. You have my sympathy.

Guest Eric


My deepest condolences to RJ’s entire family.


"May you shelter in the palm of the Creator’s hand, and may the last embrace of the mother welcome you home"


You will be missed

Guest Maarten de Frankrijker


With great sadness I recieved the news of RJ's departure today. I have been a fan of his fiction for quite a while now.

I was delighted to see him combatting this awfull disease, and sadenned that it took him to his ' final battle' so soon.


Rest in peace and my condoleances to his family.

From the Netherlands,

Maarten de Frankrijker

Guest Ren


Oddly enough, it wasn't the books that first drew me to the writings of Robert Jordan. In my teenage years, I was never much of a reader. But there was this game, a MUD, that I stumbled across. At first, it was like any other MUD - kill mobs, get exp, level. But, at the insistence of more than a few friends, I joined the guild and started to roleplay. Now, let me tell you. It's no easy task playing the part of Novice, let alone an Aes Sedai, when you have no clue what an Aes Sedai is.


That's when I picked up my copy of the Eye of the World and began to read. Suddenly, I was hooked on these books and this world, and my desire to roleplay within the game grew with my knowledge of the Wheel of Time world. I now serve as a builder and guild leader on that MUD, and after 9 years of playing and reading, I still try to bring as much of Robert Jordan into every word that comes out of my fingers.


Thank you for your works. Thank you for the things they've inspired. And thank you for all the inspiration that you've given me. It is a great sadness that you are gone from us, Mr. Rigney, but your world and your memory shall live on.

Guest Mooosy


I am saddened beyond all reason. I did not know RJ, all I know are his books. I have been reading his blog for the best part of a year now, and I check it every day. It's just that yesterday I checked it first thing in the morning. So when my boyfriend showed up at the pub and asked me if I'd heard what happened, I refused to believe it. I had to check with 2 of my friends. I was actually crying my eyes out in public. Then I did the same again when I got home last night. By the light of day everything is different, but he's still not here. RJ, I'll miss you. Let the last embrace of the mother welcome you home, and the creator shelter you in the palm of his hand.

Guest Michael Weis


In tiefer Anteilnahme möchte ich Ihnen hiermit mein Beileid zu Ihrem schweren Verlust aussprechen.


Er war ein großer Mann und hat mehr Menschen bewegt als die meisten je zu träumen wagen.


Auch Deutschland trauert und wird Robert Jordan nie vergessen, denn auch wenn das Fleisch stirbt, so bleibt doch sein Geist und Wesen immer in seinen Büchern lebendig.


Möge er in Frieden ruhen.


Michael Weis


Guest David


Thank you, Sir...Bless you in your journey through the Light, bless your family for their loss. May all who have been touched by you carry the Flame you have ignited.


The world now has to say goodbye to a man of great talent and extraordinary imagination. The feeling is bittersweet.


Thank you, Sir, for the chance to shake your hand and say those very words, "Thank you, Sir...", but a whisper now, forever suspended in time.

You have been an inspiration to us all. Maybe you know now how much you have changed lives.


Rest now, my friend, be at peace, for you have brought wonder to a world that is losing itself. You brought the Light to many, and for that, the Lord has a place for you in Heaven.

Thank you, Sir...

Guest Ken


Death is as Light as a Feather;

but Duty is as Heavy as a Mountain.


To me those are the wisest phrase I have ever read in the WoT series. Often, as I was deployed overseas in Iraq, those words would come to me, reminding me of my duty as a sergeant to my fellow soldiers. The Wheel of Time series has been a vital part of my life ever since I read The Eye of the World in December of 1990. Like a ta'veren, the book pulled on me, and drew me into Robert Jordan's world. Unfortunately, I have never had the good fortune to get to meet James Oliver Rigney, and yet, I feel like I almost know the man through his writing, and his blogs, and through his books, the Wheel of Time.


In every Wheel of Time Book, in the "About the author section," One phrase always stood out to me: "He plans to continue writing until they nail shut his coffin."


When I hear from Wotmania.com and Dragonmount.com that he took the effort to dictate outlines and notes for the last book, I'm struck again at how true those words were, and what kind of man He was. To me, James Oliver Rigney is The Dragon, and he will remain Robert Jordan, The Creator.

As he enters into Heaven, let the trumpets ring forth as the Dragon walks the halls of Heaven, and may everyone there be ready to sit down, and listen to the greatest of all the sages and storytellers to ever walk this earth. To Harriet, and Wilson, and to all of the family of James Oliver Rigney, I extend my condolences and prayers to you all, thanking you for the loving impact that all of you have had upon my life. May God Bless you all, and may the grace, blessings, love, and comfort of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.



Death is as Light as a Feather;

but Duty is as Heavy as a Mountain.

Guest Chris


Well done, be thou at peace.

Guest Yves


My sincere condolences on your loss. Thank you, RJ, for touching our lives. We will never forget you.


Yves, Luxembourg

Guest Carl B.


A great spirit departed from our three-fold world and took his wondrous imagination with him. Both will be sorely missed. Thank you for the gifts you have left behind, RJ.

Guest Giorgia


My condolences to his friends and family.Thanks for all....

Guest Kelly


Ever since I heard of the battle you all were fighting I have been inspired by you. Never once in all the blogs did I sense a moment of desperation. I read as you fought and felt so much closer to you by witnessing your battle from my computer screen. I am not saddened that you didn't finish that last book, but saddened that your presence here ended so early. Your vision lives on and the way you died is as inspirational as the way you lived.


I'm sure that you are hearing "Well done, good and faithful servant." I just hope my mansion is close to yours, just so I can ask, as I asked so many times while I read, "What were you thinking? That was awesome." It was definitely a talent given by God, because you could always surprise me in your books.


If I'd never seen how you fought to the very end, I would never have known how truly great a person you were. Nor would I have known how truly great the people around you were. I just thank you for the time you shared with us.

Guest Ray


My deepest and most sincere condolences to RJ's family. I pray peace be upon you in this most difficult of times.


Thank you James Rigney and God bless you.

Guest Mary


My deepest condolences to RJ's family and network of friends. I was introduced to the series just before Knife of Dreams was released, and I had the honor of meeting Mr. Jordan at a book signing in South Carolina. He was a wonderfully talented author and will be greatly missed.

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