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Sometimes even when you've fought your best....

Guest Wilson


It is with great sadness that I tell you that the Dragon is gone. RJ left us today at 2:45 PM. He fought a valiant fight against this most horrid disease. In the end, he left peacefully and in no pain. In the years he had fought this, he taught me much about living and about facing death. He never waivered in his faith, nor questioned our God's timing. I could not possibly be more proud of anyone. I am eternally grateful for the time that I had with him on this earth and look forward to our reunion, though as I told him this afternoon, not yet. I love you bubba.


Our beloved Harriet was at his side through the entire fight and to the end. The last words from his mouth were to tell her that he loved her.


Thank each and everyone of you for your prayers and support through this ordeal. He knew you were there. Harriet reminded him today that she was very proud of the many lives he had touched through his work. We've all felt the love that you've been sending my brother/cousin. Please keep it coming as our Harriet could use the support.


Jason will be posting funeral arrangements.


My sincerest thanks.


Peace and Light be with each of you,




4th of 3


To Catalyst: Never, never loose faith. RJ did not. Harriet hasn't. I haven't. Going through what we have, our faith is only strengthened. Besides, if God didn't exist, we would have never had Jim. We did. God does. Remember my Brother/Cousin, my friend, think of him fondly and glorify God's name.


Editor's Note:


The entire staff of Dragonmount.com would like to extend its most deepest sympathies to Robert Jordan's family. He touched all of our lives in some way and we wish him the rest and peace he deserves. We will be posting information in the near future about where you can send condolences. Please check the News Section for these updates.




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As I wipe a tear from my cheek I cant understand how a man that I have never met has come to mean so much to me, but RJ has reached us all on so much that we see him as a friend that is a great story teller. well like most of us I hope to see the end of this wonderfull creation that he made us part of, my thoughts and prayers are right now fully for his wife and other family. If you read this harriet remember he is not in pain anymore it is alright for us to be sad but he no longer is.


with love from us all

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Guest Ann. R. Star


Do not stand at my grave and weep;

I am not there, I do not sleep.


It's true. RJ lives on though his family, his fans and most importantly, through his books.


Find water and shade on your final journey home, RJ. You will be missed.

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First time I've ever shed a tear for someone I've never met. When you read so much of what someone writes it is almost as if you know them personally.


"He has been writing since 1977 and intends to continue until they nail shut his coffin."



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Rest in peace, Robert Jordan, master gleeman. Nobody made stories come alive like you did. My heart sank at news of your passing.


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my heart skipped a beat when i heard the sad news of Robert Jordan's passing. My thoughts and prayers go out to his wife and family and friends. I have enjoyed reading all of his books and he will be always remembered through his words. He fought hard through a terrible disease to give his readers his very best and he will be remembered for that always.


May you find rest now Mr. Jordan and know that your readers will never forget what you have given us.. an insight into your world and your life.. you helped some of us to remember to walk in the light..


Rest well and know you will be missed.

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Guest deciduous


Thank you for over 15 years of your beautifully intricate world. Thank you for the inspiration, the laughter and sometimes even the will to continue on. You will be missed and remembered.


Carrai an Caldazar! An Caldazar!

Tai'Shar Manetheren!


May you shelter in the palm of the Creator’s hand and may the Mother’s last embrace welcome you home.

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as a fan of WoT I was looking for the next book, when I found a news article saying that RJ had passed on. my heart grew heavy, it was a blow to me and all fans of the great author of Wot. when he died thousands die with him. may the lord grant him a spot close to god. my condolences to RJ's loved ones. rest in peace Mr. Jordan you were the greatest Sci-fi writer in the world. you will truly be missed.

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Guest Debbie C


The only word that I can use to describe how I feel right now is devastated. This has hit me hard because the WoT has been a central part of my life for so many years. I read the Eye of the World right after The Great Hunt came out in paper back and I was hooked before the second Chapter. He is now and always will be my favorite story teller of all time. My condolences to his family, he was a great man and an inspiration.


RJ, may the last embrace of the Mother welcome you home.

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My deepest sympathies to Harriet, Wilson and the rest of RJ's family.


“May you shelter in the palm of the Creator’s hand, and may the last embrace of the mother welcome you home.â€


September 16, 2007 the day the Wheel stopped turning.

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Deepest sympathies to his friends and his family. He has left a legacy which has touched the hearts of many people

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Sympathy to Harriet, Wilson, and everyone else devested by this great loss. My god be pleased with the tales we will hear in the other life. JR has been one of those people I have looked up to as a writer and strived to become. Now we can do the only thing JR would probably want, support his family, and spread the word and love of WoT. He created a legacy that far supposed Tolken.

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Guest Stephen Beak


I think everyone who read his books feels as though they knew the man himself. I'll leave that up to his family to decide even though I feel as though I knew him. Once again the world is bereft of a true genius, that alone is enough to make me feel.

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He touched many of us with his books, and I personally can tell that the Wheel of Time saga has been my faithful reading friend for over 12 years, ever since high-school.


His memory will live on. I hope this will be some small comfort for his friends and family.

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My sincere condolences to Mr Jordan's family and friends.


I regret his passing, and even more every time I pass my bookshelf, which contains his all his WoT and some Conan books... he has made many an hour pleasant for me, as I lost myself in the world he created.


A great loss.

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My deepest condolences for RJ's family, friends and all his fans. His books will never be forgotten and he will live on in our hearts.

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Guest Jeffery Ng


My favorite fantasy novel author died last Sunday. I got to know the news through a friend working in Bangkok (but still much attuned to US news, thanks Stan).


This news came as a big shock for me. Not really able to recall when was it I picked up the first book of the 'Wheel of Time' series, aptly labelled the 'Eye of the World', I got introduced into the magical world of Robert Jordan where it was a big difference from the 'Advanced Dungeon and Dragons' or 'Forgotten Realms' which I pretty much read in my younger days.


His was a world filled with strong emotions. A world without the typical mythological races but a newly created race structure. His was a new form of describing magic - while based on the basic elements of water, air, fire, etc. but consists of complex sectoral system. I never cease to be amazed by the beautiful weaves created by the magic users (both sisters and brothers who weaved powerful magic) and how simply but easily he made me understand the weaves. His was a story compelled by the need for good to overcome evil but at the same time, filled with so many twist and turns that mirrors reality in many ways. His was a story that had heroes dying, evil revived and thus inciting the emotions that a reader are free to express - from anger (at the loss of a hero), to joy (from the evil diminished), to worry (for new plots created), to disappointment (from failures in some campaigns and wrong moves made). In this mambo jumbo of emotions, I grew as a person and grew to love the series and the author himself.


With each book, I yearned to follow his directions. With each book, I saw more of the world he created. With each book, I secretly hope for the final success of Rand Al'Thor. Yet, I also wished for the story to continue (which means Rand has not completely won yet) and thus I am made oxymoronic in my desires.


You will be missed RJ - as I fondly call him. I know that with your passing, the series will never be completed in the perfect manner. But that in itself is a reality of life that you shown me through your books - reality that life is never perfect.


Goodbye RJ - thanks for the great inspiration you brought into many people's lives. My deepest condolences to the family. RJ is a good man - he left a great legacy.

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There is no way express all feelings that are going on. I can only say that my heart goes out to all. He will live on in all of our hearts and minds.

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There is no Beginning or Ending in this life, only change... Safe travels RJ, and deepest sympathy to your friends and family, who've lost some of the brightness in their world..


cherry blossoms fall,

fading into memory,

a moment's beauty

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My sincerest condolences to the Rigney family. I will always remember him and his books....

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Guest Boule de poils


I'm so shocked to learn this, Mr Jordan seemed to have been doing so fine for the last few weeks.


My sincere condolences to his family and friends.

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RJ introduced us all to a world we never knew existed, he gave life to characters rarely ever found, but most of all... he gave us his passion. He will live on through his family, and all his devoted fans and readers. In many ways, he will outlive us all.


Thank you RJ for rekindling my passion for reading, and opening my eyes to a world I could never have imagined.


May you rest in the light.

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My deepest sympathies to his family and friends. I only knew the man through his stories, but those stories gave me so much in the 16 years they have lived with me that I am grateful that he touched my life and those of my friends through his words. I have carried the stories in my head for more than half of my life, and even though the man himself has passed on, his stories will remain with me and with countless of others through our lives.


And in a way those stories themselves will go on, through the stories that we tell and the actions that we take. I auppose this is also what it means when his stories begin "The Wheel of Time turns..."


He was with us for his turning of the Wheel, and for that we can all be thankful.

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Guest Paul Bates


My condolences go out to Mr Rigney's family. He will be greatly missed by a great many people. He has touched millions of people around the world in many ways.


I wish you all well in your grief.

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Guest Phillip Thomas


All my life I have had a love of books, and the Wheel of Time series has had a special place in my heart since I first started reading it back in the fifth grade. I always hoped to someday meet the man who could envision such a vast reality. It saddens me that so many of us will never get to meet him. However, something I know best from personal experience is that he is free, free of the hurt and sorrow of this world, free to dream of a thousand new worlds. May you rest in Peace Robert Jordan. May all who were lucky enough to know him take comfort in the fact that someday, somehow we shall all meet again.

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