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Red Ajah Autumn Festival: Let's Write a Song!


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Welcome to the Red Ajah Autumn Festival's Song Writing Thread!


I thought this would be something that we could all have fun with, so of course, I pounced on it. :biggrin:


What we're going to do is take turns posting lyrics and at the end of the week, I will go through and compile them 

all and then post our completed song.  



The Rules:


1. Original lyrics only!!!  Please refrain from "borrowing" from known songs. 


2. I don't mind chatter and friendly banter, but PLEASE keep it to a minimum. A bunch of chatter will 

make it really hard to compile all of our lyrics at the end of the week.  If there is any banter, I ask that 

you please bold type and color your lyrics to make them easier to find. 


3. Have fun and feel free to be silly too. 


4. Try not to stray from the topics:  Autumn and Music



Yay! So here we go! Post away!




(The tune is: A Few of My Favorite Things)





The crisp autumn air and the smell of a fire, 

leaves swirling about me and warm apple cider.

Summer is over and Winter is near, 

and it is time for Oktoberfest beer!





(Okay, so that one is a stretch, but I'm trying to get things going. )

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