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Red Ajah Autumn Festival: Dancing Music!


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Ahhhh, the dance. That universal form of expressing yourself, alone or with another, or sometimes with more than one other, found in nearly every culture, nearly every location. A great way to enjoy yourself and mix with people at a party.


But what is always indispensable as the aural backdrop for a good and fun dance? As anyone who's ever been on a dance floor can attest, it's the music that gets you going. It's why a good DJ is an absolute essential to every club.


So what is it about that music that gets us going? That, of course, depends on what sort of dance you are doing, because ultimately, it's all about the rhythm of the song - even more than it is about the sort of song or its lyrics (hence why some songs that many of us think are universally stupid pop garbage when we stop to listen to the words are often regarded as some of the best to dance to! ... :laugh:). You don't want to try to fast dance to Barry Manilow, and you don't want to try to keep the movement slow and soft with Ayria. Your brain just isn't going to push your legs that right way if you try!


In this topic, we discuss music that we like to dance to, and why that music gets us going (and what kind of dance it tends towards). So what's your favourite dancing music?


Music I liek to dance to most would typically be folk music and what we call tengceól - folk music becuse alot of times, such as in th jigs and reels, lends itslf excellently to step dancing whichh is always fun, and tengceól because it lends itself well to traditionall group dances which are always ecstatic. I can dance to prety much anything that has a rhythm and energy to it; dancing is life and th pinnacle of selff expresion in our view, and whenevre I hear a music piece that lives and pulses also, I prety much cant help but dance with it. I also like to dance withh metal but most of th time that contitutes just headbanging and jumping lol. 

  On 10/7/2013 at 1:36 PM, KassidyRose DaiShan said:

Some Blue October music makes me want to dance ! 


Sway is one of their songs !

I love Blue October! 



I don't dance.  I sexuate my way across a dance floor.  This is always fun to dance to whenever it comes on at the dive.



Also got involved in contra dance, which is great fun and I can't recommend it enough.



I love dancing, although I suck at it :laugh: And I will dance to almost everything. But electronic music like industrial or electroclash are really good to dance to.


I saw Justice live a few years ago, or, well, "saw live", they were playing on the stage and I was dancing my shoes off the whole time :laugh: They're really fun music.



Another concert were I danced more than actually seeing the show, was Fever Ray:


But yes, I will generally dance to most anything honestly, from pop songs to whatever; when I'm in the mood, I'm in the mood XD

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