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Trick-or-Treat II Mafia - Game Over - Mafia Wins!!!!


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I feel like I'm talking to the friggin' wall here. Yes I get that Leelou protected herself. All docs protect he selves until there is a PR worth protecting. That's SOP. It is also why Ishy's claim is opportunistic. It's a sure thing that she would have been protecting herself. I know what you are going to say: how did he know which night she could protect? I would say lucky guess except for one thing: Leelou is still alive and there have been no Nights without a kill. Night 2 Leelou had already claimed and the scum team still had their roleblocker. SOP with a scum roleblocker is to block and shoot till you hit the doc. They had a doc claim, yet they ignored it to shoot someone else? Not likely. And if they had taken a shot and the other (if there is one) part time doc protected her, we would have had a Night with no kill.


My scum reads right now are Snow and Leelou, but I am more fovirable of a Snow lynch first to verify the theory.


Leelou already said this but... What? Before Ishy confronted Krak, there wasn't event he slightest hint from ANYONE that Leelou was the Doc. That is what make IshySnows claim believeable. Unless they are both mafia together (and the lack of CC for a Doc would indicate that is not the case) Ishy had no way of knowing Krak was lying, unless he himself had tried to shoot Leelou, and she lived. How can Ishy shoot at her, and Leelou live, if Krak roleblocked her? *shakes head*


I'm wondering how he's gotten the notion that Leelou claimed N2... Maybe some role the mafia has that lead them to guess Leelou's role that night? I don't understand how on earth he can have landed on that conclusion otherwise.



This is now at the point it seems like Aemon is sprouting dying mafia WIFOM. 


Also, Aemon, you never answered my question about your thoughts on Lenlo's play so far.

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Sorry guys, I had a couple of long, difficult days with personal issues.  I'm home from work and dinner is eaten.  I need to take some Excedrin to knock out the headache that's been trying to form all afternoon.  Currently working on sorting my list, as requested, with additional thoughts to address TG's questions.  Will be posting that shortly.

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The list:




Leelou - I've had a town vibe from her since D1, and with her uncountered doc claim, she's almost certainly town.


Ishy/Snow - Ishy was very lurky until late in the Krak train.  I'm not sure why Snow thinks it's "highly illogical" to consider he could be an SK given only one kill per night - a limited shot SK is just as possible as a limited shot vig, and would have the same result regardless of his alignment.  However, Ishy's interaction with Leelou around his claim gave me a pretty good town vibe, I would have expected him to stay more under the radar as SK.  I highly doubt he's mafia.


Mish - Has made several good points, seems to be playing a consistent game. Most likely town.


NotBob - early play was odd and I didn't like the way he immediately went from sheeping Leelou to tunneling her after Despo's flip, but his play as of D2 started coming across much more town.


Hally/TG - Not a lot of content from Hally but she seemed to be putting in a slight effort at first to give thoughts and reads, then she went quiet, and appeared to try to avoid taking a stance on people or voting.  TG's contribution is more solid, seems to be actively scumhunting.  Leaning town.


Cloud - Took some early heat but it fell off the radar.  Has been participating actively.  No strong read one way or another, possible town.


Salami - Early ping with the "HEY GUYS I'M CHANGING MY PLAYSTYLE" - although I'm really liking the New Improved Salami Style to be honest with shorter posts. Re-reading I noticed a decent amount of questioning other people instead of giving his own input, and a lot of his reads seem to be more meta based than gameplay.  Slight scum lean.  


Kat - beginning of the game I got a town feel.  I understand life becoming too busy to keep up the participation, it happens. Her posts around the AJ lynch pinged seriously though, saying she was up for an AJ vote but wanted to delay, then declining to add additional thoughts because everything she wanted to say had been said, then ranting a bit because AJ was hammered before deadline and we wasted "the best scum hunting hours" and had less time before losing another townie to night phase. Moderate scum lean.


Lenlo - Low participation. Lack of serious votes.  He seemed to be reaching to justify voting Ishy, and doesn't seem to have any justification for his list of reads. Strong scum read.


Aemon - Tunneling on NotBob early game, then followed by tunneling on Ishy immediately after his reveal.  He hasn't mentioned NotBob since, by the way, which I find significantly odd. He's said very little about anybody other than those two actually, except for voting Despo temporarily before Leelou stabbed him, and a short stint at suspecting Cloud, who he's also apparently forgotten about.  His about face on the Ishy/Snow vote could be a "derp" moment, but the thing is that he was pressing this hard well before Leelou revealed.  It strikes me that he was trying to justify his tunneling on Ishy so hard that he lost track of when it became public knowledge that Leelou was the doc.  Perhaps if he is scum he would have been more careful to keep the timeline straight, but I dislike using that as justification for calling someone town.  Mafia make mistakes as well, and the most townie looking thing they can do is admit them when it becomes obvious.  Strongest scum read, although I'm good with a vote on Len as well.


Vote Aemon

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A) First and foremost, in the unlikely event that anyone else has used a vig shot, speak now or be treated as scum.

That would be handy to know.


B) Leelou, who did you protect N3?

May I ask why you want to know that night in particular? I have no problem answering, it just seems like a random night though. Also, I would like an answer to your A question first before a scum makes any claim they can hide behind with my NAs revealed.

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A) First and foremost, in the unlikely event that anyone else has used a vig shot, speak now or be treated as scum.

That would be handy to know.


B) Leelou, who did you protect N3?

May I ask why you want to know that night in particular? I have no problem answering, it just seems like a random night though. Also, I would like an answer to your A question first before a scum makes any claim they can hide behind with my NAs revealed.

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A) First and foremost, in the unlikely event that anyone else has used a vig shot, speak now or be treated as scum.


B) Leelou, who did you protect N3?

So would you like every one of us to state whether we ever used a vig shot?


I never had a vig shot and never used one.

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Vote Count:


Lenlo (3) – Salami, Leelou, Cloud

TGlems (1) – Snow

Aemon (2) – Tglems, Mish

Snow (1) - Aemon


With 11 alive, it takes 6 to lynch

Deadline – Thursday 4PM MST/7 PM EST


Not voting – Kat, Not Bob, Lenlo, Tress



Hey guys, deadline is today. Can we pull it together? 

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Vote Count:


Lenlo (3) – Salami, Leelou, Cloud

TGlems (1) – Snow

Aemon (3) – Tglems, Mish, Tress



With 11 alive, it takes 6 to lynch

Deadline – Thursday 4PM MST/7 PM EST


Not voting – Kat, Not Bob, Lenlo, Aemon




Unofficial VC.  10 hours left and we have a gaggle of straggle.  Apparently they have inactivity in captivity.  Finish this for me...I'm a poet and I....


Scum like to play one of two ways, IMO. The Ithi way where they lead lynches and play hard.  Or the lurky can't-pin-me-down-because-I'm-unaccountable-way in which they make sure to never make any statements or votes they can actually be taken to task for.  Kat has asked to be replaced, but NB, Lenlo and Aemon look like they are desperate to take unaccountable stances to me.  At least Aemon made a vote, even if he unvoted. 


Bob's not my name and Lenlo, reads and a vote.  Take a stance.

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A) First and foremost, in the unlikely event that anyone else has used a vig shot, speak now or be treated as scum.

That would be handy to know.


B) Leelou, who did you protect N3?

May I ask why you want to know that night in particular? I have no problem answering, it just seems like a random night though. Also, I would like an answer to your A question first before a scum makes any claim they can hide behind with my NAs revealed.



As to the vig shots, I don't care if you have one that's not used. I care if you used one N3. I have specific information about that night that could vet someone that apparently Ishy never put together or never deemed fit to talk about.

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Vote Aemon



Lenlo - Low participation. Lack of serious votes.  He seemed to be reaching to justify voting Ishy, and doesn't seem to have any justification for his list of reads. Strong scum read.

? Im not voting Ishy. Im actually advocating that he is town so im confused on this.



Lenlo, are you town?



Yes, I am town.

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