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Red Ajah's International Women's Week: Girl Child(Discussion)


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Welcome to the world of the girl child- promising yet gloomy, hopeful, yet in despair. The hand that rocks the cradle, the procreator, the mother of tomorrow; a woman that shapes the destiny of civilization. Such is the tragic irony of fate, that a beautiful creature such as the girl child is today one of the gravest concerns facing the humanity, with a volley of summits, conferences and events held for the cause, with topmost leaders at the helm.


The mother of tomorrow killed today. Just killed because she was not born a boy through no fault of hers. Just killed because her parents don't want to pay dowry. Killed in the womb before she took her first breath. Killed before she can even understand this world. Not protected by her mother who fears she may suffer the same as her. Her education is neglected. She is married off at a tender age. She is forced into obedience, her pleas ignored. She may be called an equal but she is never treated as one.


A woman's troubles begin even before she is born into this world. Through her whole life she has to fight against injustices. Her innocent childhood is innocent no more. This thread is for discussion of crimes against woman at her tender age, crimes against the girl child.


I love your passion in this topic. I too am extremely passionate about crimes against females, especially the young ones. I love your siggy campaign as well, good job Panchi!!!


ah..isnt life but one big irony?


(beautiful words pank :) )


and its true, most people wish for a boy, i mean in my house its just me and my brother and so my always says she wishes she had a girl (mostly its go shopping with someone who doesnt nag her to leave =P )


in arabic there's a saying "Girls are a households beauty" (roughly translated by me)


Well, I only wanted boys because I have two sisters and they all have daughters. In my husbands family it was the other way around. Many boys and then finally a girl.


Of course, I would have adored whomever I was blessed with. My father never felt a loss due to having three daughters. However, his survival didn't depend on having a son.


Has anyone read the book "Snow Flower and the Secret Fan?" The movie was very different from the book but I enjoyed both. Set in 19th-century China, seven-year-old girls Snow Flower and Lily are matched as lao tong - or "old sames" - bound together for eternity. Both the book and the movie have heartbreaking scenes about foot binding and the emotional pain of women, who are thought to be worthless to their families. It is also uplifting how women rise above their treatment.


I was just reading on some of the awful things done to girls in other countries, like foot bindings and dowry death and acid throwing and bride burning.....ridiculous things to be happening, I will look into the book or movie, Thx Ryrin

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