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The world seems to have grown dull. The sky no longer appears brilliant blue, and the sun holds no warmth. The glow of the stars is muted to my eyes, and I feel a chill with every wind. My heart longs for you Perivar, but please know that you have my full support and full faith. I pray to the Light every day that I will be able to join you soon. I have thought of your suggestion that I take another Warder, and I will keep it in advisement, but for now you are more than I can handle. Stay safe Light of my Heart and know that I am with you even here.


With all the Love that I Possess,


Kabria Delondre ni’ Tarigen



Normally she would not have been so forward in a letter that had half a world to travel, but it was being sent with a Warder of one of her fellow Green Sisters. With them at least she knew that it would either be delivered to Perivar or burned if he was…dead. The word even hurt for think. A ball of ice formed in the pit of her stomach and she stood up quickly from the writing table, half lurching towards the window to gulp in fresh air.


She would know the moment Perivar died, and the how; but Light send that day was years in the future. Still, she would not sleep well until her Warder was back at her side.


It had been Kabria herself that sent him to the Borderlands, though that knowledge did not make his absence any easier. He had balked at leaving her. It had taken a direct order to make him leave; but his homelands needed him. His father had led men to the Blight and now the town in which his parents governed was in trouble. It had taken every ounce of Aes Sedai strength and serenity not to run off to help them herself. She and Perivar had not married yet, but she considered his family her own.


Perhaps even a year earlier she would have left the Tower behind without a thought, but she’d been taught the importance of her Ajah and had gained pride in her duties to the White Tower. So, for now Perivar was where he needed to be, and Kabria was where she needed to be.


Staring down into one of the Tower’s many gardens Kabria sighed. Her duty had kept her in the White Tower far longer than she ever believed it would and now with Perivar gone the days had become years. Staying within the Shining Walls so long made her itch, but it had afforded her an opportunity to get to know the other members of her Ajah . She was still young yet by Aes Sedai standards, having just barely achieved the ageless face but she had spent nearly as much time out of the Tower as in. It was good for her to form these relationships, and it gave her more time to read than she ever had when they traveled.


Going back to her writing desk she carefully sanded the page and sealed it with Perivar’s signet ring. He had given it to her just in case he… Shaking her red streaked blond hair form her face she banished that line of thought before it could lead to another day of tears.


When the young woman came in with her dinner tray she sent the letter with her to be delivered to the Gaidin. Many Sisters could be possessive of their Warders, Kabria very much was of her own, and so she kept her correspondence with the Warder from Perivar’s home town distant and brief.


She’d just began her meal of Roast beef with mustard sauce and thick roasted peppers when there was a knock at her door. Wiping her mouth and her hands she opened the door with as much of a smile as she could manage lately. Smiling back at her was a newly raised Green Sister who she did not yet know well.


“Forgive me Kabria, but I was given this and asked to deliver it as soon as I was able.” Forcing her smile a little wider, Kabria tried to be as gracious as she could, but this woman was weaker than her in the power and new to the shawl so Kabria dismissed her perhaps more suddenly than was proper. She vowed in her head to make up for it another day.


Breaking the seal Kabria read hungrily, hoping that the news of her eyes and ears was good. Her heart returned to normal speed as she realized that this message had nothing to do with Perivar. She had recognized the seal she had given to all her personal eyes and ears and had fear that her Warder had been hurt. Still, what the contents of the letter claimed was more than enough to make her jaw drop.


Rereading it again more slowly Kabria smiled. This letter could contain the ticket to her freedom from the White Tower while still fulfilling her duties to her Ajah. A few days preparation would say for sure.


Three days of research and careful questions showed Kabria that her time being bound to the Tower was coming to an end. Though she had never been ordered to stay or even asked, some customs were stronger than law and many Sisters’ believed that Kabria had spent far too much away for one so new to the Shawl. Still she felt as if she had enough information to warrant her departure. Only this time she would not go haring off on her own, she had decided right away that she was in need of other Sisters to make her task easier and more effective.


Kabria had gathered information from the Green Ajah’s eyes and ears, as well as her own. She had squeezed what she could from her friends in other Ajah’s, and presented it all in the form of a report to the Sitters in her Ajah. It would take them to approve that she also be sent with a contingent of Tower Guards. They had only been meeting for about an hour when the women agreed. Rumors this strong were more than enough to warrant further investigation. Trolloc’s had been reported in Haddon Mirk, but also in the Hills of Kantara. It seemed as if the troubles in the Blight were spreading to the rest of the world, and they had to be kept in check.


Kabria had been granted 6 Tower Guards, and it had been suggested that she take at least 2 other sisters with her. Heading to the Green Ajah’s largest common room she was practically beaming with excitement. All that was left was to see which of her Sister’s would want to accompany her.



Kabria Delondre


Taia sat in her room and stared at her book on the Trolloc wars and sighed deeply, she was bored in the White Tower, she usually was so this could be no surprise to anyone. Ever since she had started hunting darkfriends with Mia, Taia found herself getting bored easier. She had heard that one of the sisters was doing lots of research and questioning people as well as giving a report to the Sitters, however Taia wasn't friendly with any of the Sitters so she had no idea what the report was about. If it was something interesting Taia would volunteer faster then anyone else could think of speaking. She needed to get out of the White Tower again it had been several months since she had gone off with a Tower Guard and a young recruit to find out information on the Darkfriends. She hadn't done anything stupid as she had promised Mia she wouldn't, and the trip had been fun for her but now she was stuck in the tower again. Her Ajah didn't like her leaving with Mia as much as she did. It was strange to many that she would have such close ties to someone in another Ajah. Taia didn't mind those comments they wouldn't understand what it was like to have someone you considered family around. She sighed again and closed her book, she probably knew more about the Trolloc Wars now then anyone else in the tower besides maybe some of the Browns. She wasn't sure how that would help her now but she did find them fascinating. She stood up and stretched and left her room to the Greens common room maybe someone there would be able to tell her more about things going on outside the tower.


Taia entered the common room and noticed one of the Sitters was there. Rasheta and Taia didn't get along well Taia was too frivolous for Rasheta who worked hard and seemed to throw herself into helping the novices and Accepted. Taia couldn't stand the Novices and Accepted and suspected it was Rasheta who had gotten the Ajah head to ask Taia to handle teaching some classes to them. Taia had nearly strangled several of the girls with her bare hands, and had sent many more away crying there eyes out. After a week one of the Browns had come and taken over. Both of them did have a grudging respect for each other though. Taia was very good in battle and she knew that Rasheta could heal like a Yellow so they held that for each other. Rasheta had said once she would like to have Taia gaurding her back in battle because she was so good. Taia had returned the complement saying she'd like to wake up to see Rasheta had healed her but that was as far as things went. Taia nodded to the sitter and went and sat elsewhere. Before too much longer another sister came into the room Kabria, Taia thought her name was. The woman who had been asking questions and doing research if Taia remembered correctly. That was interesting she wondered what the other woman was doing she waited and in a moment Rasheta quieted everyone down and Kabria said that there were Trolloc sightings and she needed two sisters to accompany her. Taia felt as if as one person everyone stared at her. A slow smile broke out on her face and she stood up. "I will be happy to accompany you to find these creatures and destroy them. Anyone else?" She asked sweetly


Taia Misana

Green Aes Sedai

Excited to go

Posted (edited)

Kathleen had come to the common area and was surprised to see that she wasn't alone today. She often stopped in just to try to not to look like she was intentionally avoiding. It was a good place to pick up information on what the others were doing when there was anyone lounging there. More often than not when Kathleen came by the area was empty. Like her self, the other greens seemed to like keeping busy. But this time there were a few others gathered so Kathleen put a smile on her tired cheeks and took a seat.


Kathleen had heard that Kabria was planning something big, but what that something was she could never seem to get out of anyone. She didn't like to pry into other's affairs unless she had to, so she hadn't tried too hard to find out. Still when the woman laid out her news and left the open inviation Kathleen almost jumped out of her seat to attend. It had been ages since she left the Tower. There had been a long time where she had hoped she'd never have to leave the shining walls again, but for months now she had been looking for an excuse to get out again. She had had classes to teach though, and she wasn't about to leave when she had an obligation to stay. But she had just finished her last class the day before and she finally had the free time.


If it weren't for Taia speaking up before her, Kathleen probably would have made herself look like an over eager child to jump at the offer, but as it was Taia did speak first. The woman had asked for two to go with her, but before she joined in she looked to Rasheta. The woman did have seniority, and as much as Kathleen had hoped she would pass, she gave her the chance to take the position her self. Surprisingly when Rasheta caught Kathleen's glance she only encouraging nodded her along. Kathleen gave a small but thankful smile, and quickly called out before anyone else could, "I will join you two as well, if you will have me along."


Kathleen Vandair

Green Aes Sedai

Ready to go on a Trolloc Hunt!

Edited by Kathleen
  • Moderator

It had once been talk among the Sisters, at least among the Sisters who cared for the Ajah aspirations of Accepted, that Kabria would chose the Brown Ajah. She’d always carried a book, and avoided others with such obliviousness that anyone would have been forgiven for thinking that she was destined for the Browns. What few people knew was the passion that burned deep within her. She’d turned to her books because she had not known how to make friends. She had been abandoned so many times in her life that she did not know how to trust. Only upon meeting Perivar did life change for her. He had taught her to trust, and had pushed her to be her best. Looking into the faces around the common room Kabria swelled with pride. Each Ajah felt that its purpose was the only true reason for the White Tower to exist, but Kabria knew in her bones the place of prominence the Green Ajah held.


As she explained what she discovered, Kabria anxiously began to wonder if she would get along with the women who stepped forward. She knew little more than their names, and even now making new friends was not a skill she possessed.


Producing one of her rarely used smiles, at least they were rarely used in Perivar’s absence, she asked her fellow Greens to accompany her to her quarters so that they could plan the specifics of their trip. The three talked for many hours that night, and when they finally parted ways Kabria felt much more confident in their mission.


Her own skills in battle were limited to little more book theory. She had fought Trollocs and Fades alike in her trips to the Blight, but those times she had Perivar at her side to whisper strategies in her ear. How would she manage without him?


The two days as their supplies were gathered passed with excruciating slowness. Kabria filled her hours with more talks with her sisters, and with making her own plans. She wanted to make sure that this hunt would lead her to Perivar once her duty was done.


Kabria Delondre


Kathleen was excited to meet with the two she would be sharing the journey with. She didn't know either of them much more than having seen them around the halls and the occasional interaction. It wasn't that she didn't want more interaction, there was just never a reason to approach them and she felt uncomfortable asking them to tea for no reason more than to get to know each other. But that was only a very small part of her excitement. Not only was she finally getting out of the mundane Tower life, but she wasn't being sent on some mundane mission, this one had promise. The more Kabria explained her findings the more Kathleen thought there could be something to them.


It wasn't the thought of facing trollocs that got her excited. Facing such a fight was not something to be excited for. But the excitement of going out with a purpose to hunt something down, to go where there is a threat and defuse it, that was something to be excited for. There was excitement to be had in the challenge of getting to the location before the beasts did. She was hoping the threats would be false so they could enjoy the excitement of rushing to get there in time but find nothing to actually needed their attention.


They dissucussed the rumors and made their travel plans for hours and when they had it all decided there was nothing left to do but tie up loose ends around the Tower and head out. Kathleen packed and spent the next two days making sure she was caught up in her correspondence and making sure she was not leaving anything undone. She packed the few necessities she'd need into bags she could travel easily with took enough money to purchase anything else she may need along the way. For a short moment Kathleen felt drawn back into her room before she left it. It was perfectly tidy with everything meticulously set ready to be used. It almost felt like she was staring into the eyes of a pet who wanted to go with her. She hated having to say no, and knowing that she may never open this door and see her things, her space, again. It was always hard to ride out. Hard to leave thinking with everything she passed she may not be returning back. But that is how it always was when she left. Her every goodbye was the final goodbye, just in case it truly was. But once they were out of the city that would all be gone. It wouldn't be the end anymore, it would be the beginning of a new journey and the excitement from days ago would soon return.


Kathleen made her way to the stables and readied her horse while she waited for her sisters and the tower guards they had requested to join her.


Kathleen Vandiar

Green Aes Sedai

Ready to ride!


Kabria asked them to follow her to her quarters so she could explain her findings. Taia listened and offered little in suggestion other then where her knowledge of logic or books would help. She knew quite a bit about Trollocs they were fascinating as were many of the shadowspawn. She was utterly ruthless in there extermination, but she could still be curious about there creation and drives. She found she wasn't the only one who read a lot of books, Kabria also seemed to spend a lot of time in the library. The Browns must have been hoping for her as well. Taia spent most of her time listening with half an ear but mostly watching the other two.


She wasn't the strongest of the three in terms of power, but that was normal she was used to being weaker then most of the others. She'd come to accept it early on, and hid her annoyance with that inadequacy by being even more frivolous and carefree. It annoyed the other members of her party usually and made her feel better for it. She wasn't sure about the age of the other two but she did know she was older, and had seen more battles, then Kathleen. Kathleen was one of Rasheta's close friends something to do with a kidnapping of Kathleen when she was an Accepted. Taia had been outside the tower when it had happened so she didn't know the full details. Taia wasn't sure she and Kathleen would get along if she was anything like Rasheta. That woman needed to learn to loosen up. Taia thought before turning her attention to the other sister, Kabria was a complete mystery too her though, Taia guessed she would have to see how Kabria did once they had left the tower. She was itching to leave, and this just seemed like a waste of time.


After two days, Taia had said goodbye to Mia and was sending her things down to the stables when she remembered something. She sent a novice with a box for Mia. If Taia fell well then Mia would have something to remember her or to leave in the Vault. She had added a little note telling Mia she was sorry about dying before her, and hopefully Mia's task would bear fruit in clearing out the darkfriends. As Taia walked to the stables she wondered which of the Tower Guard were going to accompany them on this trip. It had been awhile since she had attended the ceremony of Torvus and Rekinu they had both grown when she last saw them, but it had been awhile ago. How long she couldn't remember she'd been busy since then. She hoped Rekinu was coming she quite liked him but she doubted he would volunteer for such a mission. He would probably not want to be tested against Trollocs just yet. He was still young and would probably want the softer life of the tower awhile longer. She sighed it was a shame really, but she would be content she was getting out of the tower again anyway.


Taia wasn't the first at the stables Kathleen was already there, as were many of the guard and Taia was momentarily saddened to see Rekinu was not there. Taia nodded to Kathleen and found a stable boy was holding her horse already. She petted her stallions nose, and gave him a treat before she said softly "we're off again my friend I promise it will be a good hunt." She then mounted up and nudged him closer to Kathleen. She may as well try and make friends, she was going to say something when more of the Tower Guard arrived. Taia's eyes widened in surprise both Rekinu and Torvus were there and they seemed to be ready to leave. The other guard nodded to the newcomers and Taia smoothed her features and returned her attention to Kathleen. "its time we were off, I hope Kabria comes soon."


Taia Misna

Ready to go

  • 5 weeks later...

Loraine dusted the dirt from her boots and leaned towards her horse. The breeches she preferred while on the road clung to her in a sweaty, dirty mess. She rested her forehead on her saddle and sighed deeply. This trip had been fast and uncomfortable and it felt good being on her feet for a change. The poor horse needed a breather, anyway. Truth be told, she needed a breather, too, but she doubted either of them would get what they needed. She was far too old not to read the unspoken words in the missives she’d received.


Above her the pristine white walls of the tower beckoned, but if the missive she’d received was any indication, she didn’t have time to rest. Kabria had returned to the Tower while she’d been out and no one she’d talked to, in coded messages sent through eyes and ears mostly, not a single one of them had mentioned her returning with a Warder. Perivar would never leave her side and he was never one who could walk into the Yard without someone noticing. Light, it felt like years, but she swore those two felt as much like her children as the twins did.


She curled her hands around her horse’s reins and walked him through the gates, promising the poor animal they’d have a rest sooner or later. Kynwric was going to kill her, himself, since she’d been sent out while he’d been away on a training mission. She felt him still long away from here and he felt her, too. The little tingle of worry and irritation filtered through the concern she was feeling and she smiled softly as she nodded at a guard. She was in a lot of trouble… if she survived this.


Bustling into the stables, her eyes fell on Kathleen and Taia, their horses at the ready, and she drew up short. “Am I too late?” She asked, stopping in the doorway.


~Loraine Kilaine

  • 3 weeks later...
  • Moderator

Perivar was too far away for Kabria to feel much more than the fact that he was alive, but for now that had to be enough and she had to take what comfort where she could.


Standing in front of her dark oak stand mirror she smoothed her dress unnecessarily and tucked a few stray strands of hair into place. She’d been in front of the mirror for more than an hour trying to find the courage the leave her rooms. The supplies had been gathered, her saddle bags were packed and already down in the stables; likely they were already tied to Blade. Word had been sent that the Tower Guards had gathered, and all of the other Sister’s had arrived. All that was left was for Kabria to leave her rooms. Yet her feet seemed glued to the floor.


“I am being ridiculous! I am not defined by Perivar, my skills as an Aes Sedai are not tied to his knowledge and skill with a blade. I am my own woman and I can do this without him.”


Turning away from the mirror, Kabria focused on putting one foot in front of the other. One step at a time she gathered the small pack she’d seen to herself, it had her most prized possessions, it also contained a letter to Perivar that she hoped to be able to send with a messenger after they left Tar Valon. She checked the two knives she kept up her sleeves, and picked up her walking staff. She paused only a moment with her hand on the door knob; taking a deep breath Kabria opened the door and did not looked back.


Taking the quickest route through the Tower, she arrived in the stables only a few minutes later to see that the rest of her party had in fact arrived. Smiling at her fellow Sister’s Kabria approached Loraine. “Thank you for agreeing to accompany us.”


Kabria gently stroked Blade’s nose and tied her additional small pack to her saddle, giving herself a moment to gather her thoughts and her courage. Turning to face the Tower Guards and her fellow Aes Sedai Kabria projected an air of complete confidence.


“I do not now where these rumors will lead us, and I do not know what we will find; but if even a hairbreadth of these rumors are true then there is no doubt that we are needed.” Suddenly Kabria felt as if her words were too lofty, but she could not turn back now. “Even though I have been given charge of this contingent, I will listen to all suggestions. I value the knowledge and experience that each of you have. We will ride as hard as we can to reach Haddon Mirk; I will trust to our Tower Guards to find us a good campsite each evening and to alert us if they sense some danger that we do not see.”


Nodding to the members of her party, Kabria mounted Blade and led him slowly out of the stables and the Tower Gate. She had taken her first steps towards finding herself without Perivar at her side; she felt fear, but also a sense of freedom. Only the coming weeks would show what kind of woman she was.


Kabria Delondre

  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Taia was waiting for Kabria to appear so they could leave. She was scanning the area getting a little more annoyed as time passed. Just as she thought it was too late she saw Loraine and Kabria. "Finally," she thought. It was well past time for them to be off. They all mounted up and left the tower.


They spent several days simply traveling, it was boring as far as Taia was concerned. She was used to traveling with Mia where they talked and laughed, Taia teased Mia's warder some. This trip, Taia wasn't really friends with any of the sisters, and so she was quieter then usual. Taia also didn't want to simply go and spend all her time with the Tower Guards, although she did spend some time around there fires. She was warderless so she was fairly sure the other sisters thought she was warder hunting. Inwardly, she sighed to herself, she thought she had enough of a reputation to stop such talk, but from the small looks she was getting from the men she didn't have enough of one. She avoided speaking to Rekinu she was still a little angry with him. She spent some time with Torvus but mostly she was bored.


On the night of the sixth day of traveling she was sitting with the men again laughing at a joke one of the Guards had told her, it was dirty enough that she would have blushed if she hadn't already done something similar and found it fun. She told him she'd done it and he blushed. Which had her laughing harder, she glanced up and noticed Rekinu was watching her from across the fire, he was creating something in the wood he was working, but she couldn't see what. Maybe it had been too much to simply ignore him, she didn't feel like stopping to talk though so she stood up and stretched, "Goodnight." She said to the men around the fire and she walked off, to where the other Aes Sedai were. She made an attempt to speak to the others, but got bored quickly and walked off on her own. It would get more interesting when they found out of the rumors were true. Trollocs! she fairly tingled with excitement. Yes it would be fun to cut them up again. She glanced back at the guards, she was fairly sure none of them had fought against the trollocs before. She hoped they were up to the task, it would go badly for them if they weren't. She would probably keep an eye on Rekinu if she wasn't too distracted herself. She looked back out into the darkness wishing for some kind of excitement. She turned around when she heard a noise behind her. She embraced the power at the same time and was surprised to see Rekinu.


Taia stared for a second then let the power go and said coolly. "You shouldn't be out here. I can look after myself." She brushed past him. Taia was a little surprised to feel Rekinu grab her arm and not let go. She was effectively halted. She looked down at her arm and then up at Rekinu questioningly.


Taia Misna


Edited by Rasheta Ardashir

To say that Rekinu was excited would have been an understatement. The last time that he had really left the White Tower was for a mission that was just to gather information. He had returned from that trip with some baggage. He had been shocked at the death of his friend Cetar, yet he had also been able to talk with Taia. He liked her. She was spontaneous and nice, but she did have the ability to know when things were about to happen, and she was SMART! Perhaps it was the time being an Aes Sedai. Either way, this was the second trip that he was taking where there was a possibility to have action.


On top of that Torvus was going to be there, and that meant that it would be certinately not be boring! He was a character, but Rekinu had gotten to like the guy. He was blunt, yet he stuck to his word, and was a good man irregardless.


They had asked for volunteers right after the morning training yesterday, and both Rekinu and Torvus had offered to go. There had been a whirlwind of activity to get ready to go, and then the agonizing moments of waiting for actual moment. When it came, Rekinu and the other Tower Guards were ready, and they stood at attention. Rekinu did not know most Aes Sedai, So he was not suprised when he did not know most of them as they arrived. Then, the door opened, and Rekinu saw Taia make her way to her horse, and mount up. He thought that he saw a flash of recognition in her eyes, but that was it.


I wonder if she has had a good day? he thought to himself. A little time later, they headed out.


He kept his distance from Taia, but he watched her often. She seemed tense most of the time. One night, Taia was there around the fire with those that were relaxing. She was talking with one of the men, joking really. It was dirty, so Rekinu turned his mind to other things. He pulled out his figurine that he had started so long ago. The main part of it had been easy to create without seeing her for so long, but the face had eluded him. In fact, he had been forced to start over once already after the wood had split. He glanced at Taia's face as he worked, capturing the look of her eyes. It was impossible to capture the happiness in the as she laughed, but Rekinu knew something was bothering her. He could... feel that something was in the air. When she looked around the fire one time, he happened to be looking at her, studying her face. She held his gaze before getting up, and mentioning a cool goodbye, before she moved onward.


He had to talk to her. He waited a while, before excusing himself from the group, and following her into the darkness. He was nearing where the Aes Sedai sisters were grouped, when he saw Taia leaving them as well. She walked into the woods for a bit, and he followed. She paused, so he coughed slightly to let her know that he was there. That darned Aes Sedai mask kept him from knowing what she was thinking, but there was clearly something there.


After a moment, Taia said "You shouldn't be out here. I can look after myself." She brushed past him, and Rekinu knew that if he did not stop her now, things might continue, but he needed to know that she was ok. Taking a deap breath, he snuck his hand out, and grabbed her arm stopping her forward movement. She looked down, and then back up to him, with a look full of questions.


Pausing a moment, he rushed he words so fast, he ran out of breath before he was able to finish. "I know something is bothering you. I want to help. I consider you a friend, as much, if not more than any of the Tower Guards, more so than most others I have had in my life. I... Light, this is so hard! I didn't come to see you before, because you seemed so busy. I almost did one time, but when I saw you, you were rushing somewhere with the Aes Sedai Mia, and I did not want to slow you down."


The ride was just as standard as it always was. They would ride in a steady pace and there was rarely any break in formation. She felt like they were in a bloody royal procession. How she wished she could just take off racing into the wind. Not only would they get there faster, but they'd have some fun along the way. Alas, this was a procession from the White Tower, and that meant that there would be just as much dignified riding as they could muster while still trying to beat the Trollocs to the village who needed their help. Traveling in packs would slow anyone down, and they did cover a lot of ground each day so she supposed it could be worse.


They stopped this night and the tower guards, who had been sent along with the the small group of sisters, set up a resting place a small space away from the Aes Sedai. Giving the Sisters space to discuss what they will in private was the cover the gave, but Kathleen was sure they just didn't want to sit around under the scrutinizing eye of the Aes Sedai and feel as though they had to be on their best behaviour.


That seemed fair enough to her as well. She always felt like she had to be prim and proper and uphold the image of an Aes Sedai when she was in the company of others who knew what that meant. So long as she was alone she could let down her hair a little more. Not that she could drop her guard completely with her sisters, but she could drop it more for them than for the Tower Guards.


It seemed Taia did not feel the same as she crossed the unmarked line into the Tower Guards' part of the camp. She thought about following, if only to watch the way the one Tower Guard stared at the other Green. She wondered if he thought he was hiding it, he may have from most, but Aes Sedai were trained to pick up on everything and so were the guards.


Kathleen didn't think there was a person in the party who hadn't noticed that he spent more time with his eyes on Taia than anyone else, not that he made a habit of staring at her, he just watched over her more the others. As far as she knew no one had said a word about it, at least not to him.


Kathleen debated meeting with Loraine and Kabria but the two seemed to be having a very fine time at conversing with each other and she was just looking for a quite night. She had spend the other nights in the company of her Sisters, but this night she risked the thoughts they would have for her hiding alone, let them think what they wanted.


She was sitting on her makeshift bed, book in hand, when she thought she saw movement from the treeline. It wasn't much, and she wasn't even sure that she had truly seen anything at first. It wasn't until she saw it again that she knew it was real. Then she saw more movement. There was only subtle movement, but she definitely did not imagine it.


It seemed like a small wave going out from where she had first seen it. The movement was too deliberate to be an animal, and there was to much movement for it to only be one thing. There were people out there. People who had seen their camp, and planned an attack. She could see the movement in the trees as they made their way to surround them, or perhaps they were already surrounded and this was their way to distract them so everyone in the camp would be looking in that direction and they could attack from behind.


Kathleen's mind ran through the likely scenarios of what could happen. Who ever these people were, and whatever their intention, they had chosen the wrong group to confront! Kathleen made her way casually to Loraine and Kabria "Have you any idea how much company to expect?" Kathleen gestured to the treeline, sure the others would have noticed they weren't alone by now.


Before her sisters could reply there was a shrill whistle from the center of the tree line, followed by a round of growls from all directions around the camp, an attempt to put their prey on edge and off guard she was sure, and a small storm of feet from all directions came rushing out toward their camp.


Kathleen Vandiar

Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah

OOC: Have fun everyone!

Posted (edited)

"I know something is bothering you. I want to help. I consider you a friend, as much, if not more than any of the Tower Guards, more so than most others I have had in my life. I... Light, this is so hard! I didn't come to see you before, because you seemed so busy. I almost did one time, but when I saw you, you were rushing somewhere with the Aes Sedai Mia, and I did not want to slow you down."


Taia gave him a long look he dropped her arm but she didn't stop staring at him for a few more seconds. She had decided on the last trip that if learned to handle himself better on the battle field she would ask him to bond. He was still a boy, his rushed speech proved that. He wasn't ready for her to ask such a question or deal with knowing her better then anyone else in the tower but Mia. She wasn't going to burden him such words but she did say in the same voice. "Aes Sedai do not have friends Rekinu they have only enemies or allies. You will learn this the longer you spend in the tower." She could tell he was being sincere and she didn't want to be completely emotionless. She reached up and touched his face with a smile. "You wouldn't have been in the way. I worried about you."


She was going to say more but there was a shrill whistle from the center of the tree line, followed by a round of growls from all directions around the camp. She twisted around and embraced the power all at once she took a moment to evaluate what was going on. She could see several creatures near to her, she and Rekinu had been standing away from camp so they were not the first target. She used boil on the nearest two creatures they fell she knew later they would find the blood had boiled out of them. She didn't spare a thought for that. She noticed Rekinu hadn't charged off to help the others he stood next to her, he already had killed something, she needed to get back to the center of the camp she would be helpless out here if they were overrun. She used a fireball to incinerate another creature in front of her.


"Reki!" She called loudly, "we need to get back to the camp go there to the left." She would follow him doing what she could to watch there backs. They moved slowly but surely back toward the campfire, after what seemed a very long time they were back with the other Greens and Tower guards. The battle shortly was over then, four Aes Sedai make short work of the small group of trollocs intent on killing them. Taia hoped no one was hurt, she turned first to Rekinu "Are you hurt?" She asked wearily.

Edited by Rasheta Ardashir
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Throughout the first several days of their journey they traveled unhindered. It seemed, at least for the time being, the world was at peace. The Tower Guards that had been assigned to them we're more than capable, and the relative calm gave Kabria a chance to further get to know her sisters. She was familiar with Loraine of course, but she'd been far too reclusive to form any meaningful bonds.


As much as she yearned for a relationship with her Sisters, she felt anxious about even speaking to the men. Her realm of experience with men was wrapped up wholly Perivar, and she did not even begin to know how to approach them. She'd considered asking Loraine for advice, or even Taia, that woman seemed to have no issue conversing with the Guards. Of a night when Taia would leave  the Aes Sedai's fires to join the men, Kabria would watch. Hoping to catch some hint of how she seemed so at ease. Often as they rode during the day Kabria would lose herself in her own mind, trying to come up with ways to talk to men who were not her bonded. 


As they stopped after their fourth day of travel Kabria gathered her courage, and asked Loraine for help speaking to men. The older sister was gracious and did not even crack a smile at Kabria's  timid ness. 


" I have been thinking about taking another Warder. It is something Perivar has been pressuring me to do, but how can I when I cannot even talk to a man? Female warriors are few and far between, and even if I could find someone would they be willing to accept the relationship between Perivar and myself? I want another sword not another lover."


Kabria blushed the color of the red highlights in her hair, and it took all she had not to drop her eyes. Before Loraine could form her answer, both of their eyes whipped to the tree line. 


They were surrounded......If she had not been so distracted she would have noticed sooner.


"Light! We are surrounded!" embracing Saidar Kabria formed a few deadly weaves of fire and air and picked her spot. It only took moments for the Trollocs to appear; they flooded into their camp site with guttural, murderous howls. 


All around we're the sounds of fighting. The space around each Aes Sedai was clear, but the Tower Guards fought tangled with the goat, bird, and bore headed beasts. They were too intermixed for Kabria to be able to help with the power and her knives and staff were too far to reach. Cursing under her breath she began to attempt to clear a path in the carriage to help the guards.



Kabria Delondre

Edited by Eqwina

He was still pondering on her words about Aes Sedai not having friends when he heard growls and noises from the bushes to the right of their position. Whipping out his weapon, he was ready in less than a moments notice. His shield was back in the camp, but he was greatful for the rounded training that they had recieved, and his left hand easily found one his his knives that were at his waist. Before the first monster jumped out of the tress, he had already swung his sword, placing himself between it and Taia.


After that, once the initial shock of seeing the trollocs in the flesh wore off, it all seemed to go by in a rush. Thanks to the lessons given by the Greens, and the many stories given by people from his home city, Shol Arbela.


This time, killing was a little easier. Since the last time he had been required to kill, he had done many training sessions, and he was much better at staying in the void, holding himself aloof from the fighting. The trollocs were intimidating, but Taia was splendid! She was throwing fire, and doing many other things that kept the rest of the beasts near them at bay temporarily.


Just at the moment that Rekinu noticed that they were completely cut off of the camp, Taia called to him. "Reki! We need to get back to the camp go there to the left." Without hesitating, Rekinu charged that direction, clearing out anything in his path. He noted that Taia also was working hard, and was keeping the trollocs away from herself and him as much as possible. They seemed less inclined to attack her, which suited Rekinu just fine. If she was hurt on his watch, he would never forgive himself.


Moving in jerks, and fits (due to the attacks, and the ebb and flow of battle), they finally returned to the Aes Sedai side of the camp. Once there, they teamed up with the Aes Sedai. As one of them moved in the direction of the Tower Guard side of the camp, where the fighting was hot and heavy, Rekinu and Taia followed. Rekinu stayed in front, bathing his sword time and again, doing his best to catch the beasts that evaded the weaves woven by the powerful Aes Sedai that were advancing with him.

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

The aftermath of the battle was the same as it was in all battles, Kathleen went and healed those that could be healed, Taia helped get the trollocs in a heap and burn them. Luckily for them there had been no Myrddraal with this group. Even with four Aes Sedai and several Tower Guards they would have been hard pressed to kill one of those. They would probably have lost many of the Guard, or all of them for that matter, before it was killed. She said as much to the older member of the Guard, who was standing with her watching the bodies of the Trollocs burn.


He nodded his head, "We are none of us blademasters yet Aes Sedai, and I hear even a blademaster would have trouble with one of them." Taia knew this to be true, she had seen it enough times she said "We will be leaving soon, I hope, you had better get ready." He nodded and walked off. Taia continued staring at the smoking pile for a time, she had searched for any sign of what band these creatures belonged to and she hadn't found anything. She would need to see if either Kathleen or Kabria had found something. It could explain what these creatures were doing here the sisters were still many days from Haddon Mirk, it was unlikely that someone had sent word of the Battle Ajah going to Haddon Mirk so this couldn't have been a purposeful ambush, or was it? The Trollocs didn't have a Myrddraal though. Taia sighed she would get no where just staring at the burning remains thinking these thoughts. She turned around and noticed Rekinu was standing some distance away, hand on sword hilt, just watching her. She took a moment to think how very much like a warder he looked, then simply nodded her head at him, and turned toward the other sisters. She would thank him later for guarding her from the trolloc blades.


She had been about to ask after a token when one of the guard made the, respectful, suggestion they move on, and quickly the smoke would attract others to the area, if there were others. The Aes Sedai saw the wisdom in this suggestion and they were soon mounted up and set off again. Taia thinking hard about everything that had happened and wondering if maybe someone had sent word, Kabria had announced that they were going to the entire Green Ajah, it wouldn't be inconceivable that a member of the Black Ajah was within the Green. It wouldn't make sense to Taia, but it wasn't inconceivable. She would need to speak to the others about this at some time and soon maybe when they stopped for the night. It was not to be however, the sisters decided to hold all war councils when they finally reached Haddon Mirk because being in the open was to vulnerable. So Taia had to wait and think, and talk a little with Kabria or Kathleen, but they didn't sit and discuss as a Brown sister might have. Of course the Browns would still be back at the smoking pile making notes on how long it took for one trolloc to burn, what his skin looked like before it caught and after. Taia shuddered thinking about it, she didn't mind bringing death to her enemies but she didn't want to study it, that would be the quickest way to give her nightmares for the rest of her life. She contented herself with sitting with the other sisters, she didn't speak to Rekinu through out the rest of the journey she was too busy thinking about what was probably waiting for them in Haddon Mirk.


After sometime they arrived in Haddon Mirk, Taia was grateful for that it was time to speak to the others about what was to come. Taia waited till the four of them were all seated with some food and a drink. Two of the guard were privileged to be in on the meeting, Taia didn't look at Rekinu who was one and the other was the oldest member of the guard. He had been in many battles if his scars were any indication. Taia spoke up first. "I've been thinking about this since we were attacked on the way here. Did anyone find any token to proclaim what band the Trollocs were from? I looked and couldn't find one," she added "I think it may be possible that they were warned of our coming as well." That caused some stir, Taia continued "We of the Battle Ajah are ready for this but you," She turned to the two guards, "should be more on your guard then usual. Trust no one except us, and be ready for anything even here." She continued "Did any of you have other ideas about the attack or should we decide what to do about riding this place of Trollocs?"

Edited by Rasheta Ardashir
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