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***Just when things looked like they couldn't get any worse...***


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Hopefully this one works better then my last few ideas.


Simple concept.


The character for our story is going to be Joe (for personal hilarity). We can change protagonists and start new stories with them later on.


Joe is having a rough day. Everytime something bad happens he thinks things are as bad as they can get, but the next person posts something showing how they get even worse. Get wacky and do slow buildup please, don't put "Joe dies" after someone talks about his bread crumbling apart when he tries putting jam on it.


I'll start things off.


Joe wakes up in the morning, and can't find his other boot for a while, making him late for work.


Then when he was walking out the door with his one shoe on, he tripped over his neighbor's cat and fell into the line of fire of the sprinkler


Cursing, he scrambles back out of the way. He dashes back into the house to put on some dry clothes.

5 mins later as he's running back out the front door, something out on the lawn catches his eye. He jogs over to it, barely daring to hope. Sure enough, it's his missing boot! He picks it up and slides his foot in........

...with a loud curse he rips his foot back out of the boot, his big toe throbbing painfully. Cautiously he picks up the boot, turns it upside down, shakes it and out pops an enormous funnel-web spider......




That what you had in mind Des?


Luckily, he was not too afraid of spiders. He put on his boot, and walked to his car. When he wanted to start the thing, it turned out he had no fuel anymore. So he had to walk to his work.


Having never had to walk before, he didn't know about THE DOG. This gigantic monster of a dog started chasing him when Joe went by his yard.


(btw, he's been bitten by a funnel-web spider!!!! He needs hospital, BADLY! :p)


So, he climbs up the fire escape of the nearest building and escapes the grizzly. He climbs back down on the other side of the building but his toe starts getting sorer and sorer. He decides he needs to get to the hospital. Wishing he'd thought to call an ambulance he walks for about an hour, his toe is now almost unbearable. Finally the hospital comes into view across the road. But as he crosses over an ambulance comes flying around the corner, he tries to jump back but doesn't quite get out of the way in time and the ambulance runs over his foot... his spider bitten foot


the ambulance, which had been trying to dodge him but missed, ran into a water tower, which then began to fall in Joe's direction.....


Joe jumped away, and wasn't hit by the full tower, only by a few wooden parts (that small parts, don't know the English word. The ones that hurt), and loads of water.




The water carries him away from the hospital and eventually drops him with a thunk onto the sidewalk. He gets up, wet once again, and starts limping to the hospital


Oh splinters. Duh. I was waaaay over thinking that :P


This hospital is very strict about insurance, so they toss him (literally) out onto the street. He then thinks he should tell his boss that he's going to be late. He pulls his cell phone out to find that it has shorted


He sees a random passersby and asks if he can use their phone, and they allow him to use it to call his boss. He finds out he's been downsized, and the sticky substance covering the stranger's phone turns out to be honey which attracts a few bees which sting him about the face


(this is fun guys, gj everyone lol. Incidentally Joe is my guitarist, and I love imagining all this stuff happening to him rofl. He irked me the other day, this is my payback)


The hospital he's staying in is suddenly threatened by an insane gangster with a painted face, forcing everyone to evacuate. In the confusion, he is left on a gurney for a moment while the security guard escorting him runs back inside, and his gurney slowly rolls towards a busy highway traffic intersection


It wasn't Joe's day. As his gurney rolled in slo-mo towards the centre of the intersection, cars all around him honked crazily and smashed into each other, giving him a bleedin' headache. Suddenly, King Kong II turned up and gathered up all the trashed cars. He hoisted them high into the air, raised his arms - and threw them down on Joe.


Luckily Joe realized the images he was seeing were hallucinations brought on by his adverse reactions to the medicine given to him in the hospital. He stood up and walked away from the wreckage, stumbling into a nearby pub which had a tab already opened for him.


They only had oatmeal porter and expired guinness.


The biker dude stands and towers over Joe. He cracks his knuckles. Joe randomly notices a tattoo of a parrot on this guy's arm


Joe tries to defuse the situation by complimenting the biker dude's parrot tattoo, and the biker brusquely lets Joe know that it's no parrot, it's his first wife, who happened to love wearing exotic feather filled headdresses.


The biker pulls a crowbar out of his denim vest and begins to do a number on Joe.


Joe gets knocked out the window of the bar. He lays on the ground for a moment, when suddenly he hears and feels a great rumble. He sits up slowly and sees...


Fortunately for Joe, he remembered his Jurassic Park knowledge and did not move. Just then Biker Dude came running out of the Bar. T-Rex saw Biker dude running at Joe and promptly ate him. Joe was thinking that his luck was finally turning for the better and waited for T-Rex to finish with Biker dude and go away.


Joe started back toward the road, looked back at the bar and heard a squish as his foot went down into something. The smell told him what it was before he even looked at his T-Rex doo covered boot.


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