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LMAO, good one Turin. At least I wasn't pushing crack in the meantime like you had to (plumber joke).


Now you know that military types are the WORST hazers/jokers in the world. There is no way anyone is showing anything. It would be quite difficult to remove the result. Painful too. Have you ever heard ofthe "crossing the Line" ceremony?

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Yeah the Harrier is currntly the only operational VTOL jet. We had them onboard a few times. thry are pretty cool when they take off. They landed normally so they could do their carrier qualifications.


As for crossing the line. The Line is the equator and there is a pretty big "party". Basically the people that have crossed before "shellbacks" haze those that have not "polywags". The polywags have to crawl thru just about every disgusting thing you can of. most having to do with smelly stuff and grease and rotten food. Then there are some other things. PRetty gross. They do similar things for crossing the Date Line and into the Arctic Circle.

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wow, i listened to that one today (i can't believe i lived this long without an ipod, seriously silly stubbornness - i can't detach myself from it now). i loooooove doctor demento. i was so sad when his show went off the air in NY. i actually saw him in some dive in the village way back when. i think barnes and barnes were there. would have been around 85, 86.

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