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Posts posted by NetSlider

  1. 2 hours ago, Rahns said:


    There is only one question I want answered though,

    Why is it whenever a good book series is made into a TV show or a movie, someone in Hollywood believes they can improve upon it? Why did I watch Rafe Judkins Wheel of Time and not Robert Jordan's?


    I was literary thinking the same thing. RJ created something special and super successful, and here comes some “I can do it better” , without actually have done better on his/her own, and “improves” it. Maybe we will see animated series someday that is actually WOT adaptation…

  2. On 11/26/2021 at 2:43 PM, DojoToad said:

    After watching each of the the first 4 episodes twice.  I'm done.  I gave it a fair shot.


    I liked some changes.  Hated others.  Then also the changes made for no apparent reason.


    What put me over the edge though was the 'battle' scene.  These actors have had minimal weapons training and it showed.  One from Logain's side was holding an axe that looked like it was just taken out of the plastic from Amazon - not a scrape on it - pristine.  The Warders looked just as graceless as the other side.


    I hope those of you that like it continue to get what you want, but for me it does not appear that the show will meet my expectations.  That's fine - I still have the books.


    I'll check in to see how it is going.  Thanks for all the conversations and perspectives.  I've learned a lot through our discussions.


    I’m not yet, but I’m not recommending it to anyone. 

    Some changes they made are like, “ok, I guess.” But the others…just no. The overall story of WOT is basically innocence, loss of innocence, corruption, more corruption, inner turmoil and hope for redemption, actions, and finally redemption. Veins of Gold basically spells it all out. 

    Two Rivers should be a place of almost utopia - unrealistic but because of old blood it’s almost like a preservation of an ideal. Most major characters have arcs for a reason - the changes for Mat is the most glaring example of just “why” change it?! He supposed to grow into a hero over time. And while on the subject of Two Rivers people, this image of brooding, semi-depressed young people reminds me of Twilight cast, and I can’t shake it. The striking contrast to read about them in the beginning and later is something that made WOT so special. The only thing Rand is missing is sparkles in the sun ?‍♂️

    Overall, RJ crafted a unique and specific story, why screw with it to such a high degree? 

    Finally, specific few comments on the casting/acting. I don't have issues with casting at all. Some acting, and battle scenes, especially in the Ep 4 in the woods were just sooooo weak. Also, lots of time the characters simply do nothing. I understand they are trying to expand the world and give explanations. So here’s an idea. Episode 1 the opening scene should have been the prologue, to the letter. It would literary explain everything, both sides of power, true power, the breaking, and corruption, the forsaken, and AS, literary everything a new comer needs to know. And this is the biggest problem, many changes feel like they are done simply for the sake of changes. 

    Also, DR as a possible female? Have they confused the books with the Avatar? I’m sorry, but it literally destroys the whole conflict between reds vs blue and basically the whole Moirane motivations. It’s literary the internal struggle that the WHOLE WORLD struggles with, as in we need DR for LB but he might destroy us before. Prophecies are a major part of WOT and they all in one way or another relate to the fact that the DR is male. 

    So yeah, I’m still watching but it’s harder and harder to call this WOT adaptation. 


     I should have waited longer before I came on here, because I just can't countenance any criticisms against the book right now. I keep getting angry whenever someone says something should have happened differently, because it feels like a challenge to the reality of the world that I was so invested in. I was so into it while reading that I never questioned how something "should" have happened, because what does that matter when what DID happen is right there in front of me?

    It really isn't about things happening differently. Sure people have a few arguments along those lines in the most egregious cases but the issues run far deeper than that. There were major structural flaws, the plotwork was extremely blunt, unpolished prose was the norm not the exception and characterization was mostly poor. I don't think anyone would have guessed that TGS would be the high point of these last three books. What most  haven't taken into account is all the various issues people have pointed out will only get worse under careful scrutiny during re-reads. We can all be thankful that Brandon stepped up to give us an ending but this was not a well done novel by any stretch. It's honestly depressing to think how far behind the curve AMol is in relation to the top tier of current fantasy.



    You know, I feel really sorry for you. Instead of experiencing joy and satisfaction you are not as happy as others who look pass the issues. The story was great, and problems that you seem to concentrate on did not take me out of the story - AT ALL. I'm sure this is true for most people out there.  

  4. absolutely loved it! all of it! people that i thought will live - died, and the once i thought were goners for sure actually lived. to be honest, can't pick anything that ruined it for me. FREAKING AWESOME!!!! (sorry, just finished, and I mean like 10 minutes ago). 


    Anyways, OMG moments: 

    Oliver and horn (wtf but than, "aaaaahhhhhaaaa" nice one)

    Farstrider (AWESOME)

    Egg's death 

    Mat's immunity (almost stopped listening b/c thought my boy was gone but than....man oh man)

    Last Rand scene (like Neo but SO MUCH BETTER. if only matrix had half as good of an ending) 


    All in all, for me this is the only time where main character lives at the end and it actually makes the story better. and in general, FREAKING AWESOME!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU ROBERT JORDAN AND BRANDON SANDERSON FOR GIVING THIS TO US!!!!!!

  5. As always, Mr Ares beats everyone to it :p


    Seems u have some issues with lanfears timeline but i for one do not dismiss the whole bc part of it is fales.

    Theory is interesting but def some issues. As far as why the trees were created in the first place, i thought it was bc they prevented people from behaving like animals and decreased chances of violence. Im sure that there was an of hand comment in rands vision something alone the line of "without choras it would b a wilderness" or something like that.

  6. Just finished Shadows In Flight by Card. Very, very, very good. I'm a big fan of Ender and even bigger fan of Bean so it was a great surprised as I really didn't realize the book was coming out. Can't wait for the next on - Shadows Alive. For everyone out there, a must read.

  7. Let's see.


    Currently I'm on Hitler's Pope. Last week was The Greatest Battle: Battle for Moscow. Next Lion of Liberty (about Patrick Henry) and than Polk (the president that is). I guess you get the point I'm on the history genre right now rolleyes.gif


    On fantasy side though, recently read Kingkiller Chronicles and liked it very, very much. Also, Assassin's Apprentice trilogy which was pretty good too.


    oh, I lied a little too...i don't read (not time) so GO AUDIOBOOKS! rolleyes.gif

  8. I always had a soft spot for Faile. Maybe because I was introduced to WOT with TSR. Anyway, I think she's perfect for Perrin and I think that she's as strong as a woman should be. Sure, there are things that people dislike but I really didn't get most of them - it's not like she will have her bed carried to the city walls or sleep with a guy and than pretend like nothing happed and drive him crazy and leave him she he really needs someone to be there for him, or think that she's the DR and something close to the Creator at this point (I'm looking at you, innkeeper's daughterwink.gif).


    Another thing about Faile, say what you want but she will let Perrin fly when he needs to do it. She will also get her hands dirty and even bloody when needed. And most importantly, she will slap her own mother and claw anyone's face off, including AS if called for I think, for her husband, and that's what I call loyalty. She's Perrin's wall he can lean on. The only person that does that for her love is Min and all the others only talk and no walk (I mean when it comes to Rand, as far as Mat goes...well, he's comepletely f&*ked; to put it mildly smile.gif). But this is about Faile.


    So, Faile is not my most favorite female character but I like her a lot more than many, many others.

  9. Thanks for the reply

    What you say makes perfect sense, but I still find it all less than satisfying somehow. I'm not convinced by the scene, to the point where I had to post the question. It just seems out of character, unless he's had some revelation we don't yet know about.

    Oh well...guess I'll have to wait for TOM to see if it clears the issue.

    In The Strike at Shayol Ghul we learn that there were two opposing factions on how to fight the Dark One. One wanted to use seven focal points (the Seals) to reseal the Dark One. The other wanted to use the Choeden Kals to create a barrier strong enough to keep him out. Lews Therin was leading the side to use the Seals.


    In Veins of Gold, Rand thinks

    The ter'angreal was connected to a much greater force, a massive sa'angreal to the south, built to stop the Dark One. Too powerful, some had said. Too powerful ever to use. Too frightening.


    It's probable that those were Lews Therin's thoughts, which might explain why Rand was so eager to destroy it. So it wasn't really a rash decision. Lews Therin may have always been against them.



    LTT was not "maybe" against them, but we know for a fact he was against them. That was the reason why the strike at SG happened, he was pretty much forced into it. Women didn't follow him because the divide was along the gender line. Now, I've always was curious if the fact that the keys were 'lost" (for real or not) forced his hand.



  10. Or as Mat puts it, "I don't know if he is the luckiest man on earth or the more insane", or

    "One woman means fun in the dance. Two women means trouble in the house. Three women means run for the hills"


    Yeah, Rand jump into a Bear Pit with that pair (or trio i guess :)).


    Now, interesting question would be, how many women Mat was with (and I don't mean dancing). We know he says a "fair share" but that coming from a man who wins A LOT so "fair share" for him might be completely something else for others.

  11. Are Bair and Perrin the only non-channelers (excluding Slayer) who can enter T'A'R?

    The late Seana was also a non-channeler DreamWalker - there could be others, since people can randomly do it once in a while.


    I always thought that Elyas could enter T'A'R, but now that I think about it, has he ever been mentioned in conjunction with T'A'R? I just assumed the Elyas could enter the Wolf Dreams as well.

    To the best of my knowledge, no. As no, we never seen him in TAR or hear about him and TAR.

  12. Were any of the other Forsaken with Graendal when she was balefired?

    For sure not Mesaana nor Semirhage.


    Most likely not, the only forsaken how knew the location of her lair was Moridin. Had he been there Rand would probably have been affected badly through their connection.


    Besides, we aren't 100 % certain that Graendel was BF'ed. Rand says she's much smarter than him, so we could assume that she saw through his plan and countered it somehow. Though I do find it improbable.



    I really hope she was BF because I'm kind of getting sick of the whole "6th sense" crap of "Oh, you are alive! Wait, no, you are dead! Wait, I'm alive again!" Forsaken are Forsaken, they are not cats with 9 lives. (i knot that BF can not be resurrected, but still, the whole idea is the same - this person is dead, no, now they are alive. BS NEEDS TO START KILLING PEOPLE OFF!!!:)) tGS was a good beginning with the prophet and Verin and all, but still, I will be wwwaaaayyy to depressed if in one last book 50-60% of characters die. :) Their deaths must be meaningful, but if you have 100 others people die at the same period of time it kind of makes it...less meaningful, i guess....

    When Lews Therin's voice disappeared, did his memories go also or did his memories stay?


    Most likely we won't know until the next book.

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